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justfile 950B

  1. export MAKEFLAGS := "-j8"
  2. export RUSTFLAGS := "-C link-arg=-fuse-ld=lld -C target-cpu=native"
  3. cargo +args='':
  4. cargo {{args}}
  5. check +args='':
  6. @just cargo check {{args}}
  7. debug-build binary_name='binary-serialization' +args='':
  8. @just cargo build --bin {{binary_name}} {{args}}
  9. release-build binary_name='polar' +args='':
  10. @just cargo build --bin {{binary_name}} --release {{args}}
  11. example name +args='':
  12. @just cargo build --example {{name}} {{args}}
  13. test +args='':
  14. @just cargo test {{args}}
  15. doc +args='':
  16. @just cargo doc --open {{args}}
  17. doc-priv +args='':
  18. @just cargo doc --open --document-private-items {{args}}
  19. show-build-env:
  20. @ env | rg RUST
  21. @ env | rg '^MAKEFLAGS' | sort
  22. bench +args='':
  23. @just cargo bench {{args}}
  24. update +args='':
  25. @just cargo update {{args}}
  26. rebuild:
  27. just cargo clean
  28. just update
  29. just test
  30. flush-disk-cache:
  31. sudo sh -c 'echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches'