Browse Source

significant cleanup

Jonathan Strong 4 years ago
5 changed files with 9 additions and 389 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +3
  3. +0
  4. +5
  5. +0

+ 1
- 0
.gitignore View File

@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ Cargo.lock

+ 3
- 10
Cargo.toml View File

@@ -4,25 +4,16 @@ version = "0.5.2"
authors = ["Jonathan Strong <>"]
edition = "2018"

name = "zmq-logger"
path = "examples/"
required-features = ["warnings", "zmq"]

name = "hist-interval"
path = "examples/"

zmq = { version = "0.8", optional = true }
influent = "0.4"
chrono = { version = "0.4", features = ["serde"] }
hyper = "0.10"
termion = "1.4.0"
slog = "2.0.6"
slog-term = "2"
ordermap = "0.3"
fnv = "1"
uuid = { version = "0.6", features = ["serde", "v4", "nightly", "const_fn"] }
hdrhistogram = "6"
slog-async = "2"
@@ -35,8 +26,10 @@ pretty_toa = "1.0.0"
sloggers = "0.3"
#sloggers = { path = "../sloggers" }

decimal = { path = "../decimal", version = "2" }
#decimal = { path = "../decimal", version = "2" }
#decimal = { git = "", branch = "v2.3.x" }
decimal = { git = "", branch = "v2.3.x" }
decimal-macros = { git = "", branch = "v2.3.x" }

#windows = { path = "../windows", version = "0.2" }
money = { path = "../money", version = "0.3" }

+ 0
- 36
examples/ View File

@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
#[macro_use] extern crate slog;
extern crate logging;
extern crate slog_term;

use slog::*;
use logging::warnings::ZmqDrain;

use std::io::Write;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;

fn main() {
//let term_decorator = slog_term::TermDecorator::new().build();
//let term_drain = slog_term::CompactFormat::new(term_decorator).build().fuse();
let plain = slog_term::PlainSyncDecorator::new(std::io::stdout());
let plain_fuse = slog_term::FullFormat::new(plain).build().fuse();
let w = logging::warnings::WarningsManager::new("test");
let w_drain = logging::warnings::WarningsDrain::new(w.tx.clone(), Level::Debug, plain_fuse);
//let zmq_drain = ZmqDrain::new(plain_fuse);
//let zmq_decorator = slog_term::PlainSyncDecorator::new(zmq_drain);
//let zmq_fuse = slog_term::FullFormat::new(zmq_decorator).build().fuse();
let logger = Logger::root(w_drain, o!());
//let logger =
// Logger::root(Duplicate::new(plain_fuse, zmq_fuse).fuse(), o!());

let mut i = 0;

loop {
info!(logger, "hello world";
"i" => i);
i += 1;


+ 5
- 157
src/ View File

@@ -3,24 +3,16 @@

use std::io::Read;
use std::sync::Arc;
//use std::sync::mpsc::{Sender, Receiver, channel, SendError};
use crossbeam_channel::{Sender, Receiver, bounded, SendError};
use std::{thread, mem};
use std::time::*;
use std::hash::BuildHasherDefault;
use std::collections::VecDeque;

use hyper::status::StatusCode;
use hyper::client::response::Response;
use hyper::Url;
use hyper::client::Client;
use influent::measurement::{Measurement, Value};
#[cfg(feature = "zmq")]
use zmq;
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use ordermap::OrderMap;
use fnv::FnvHasher;
use decimal::d128;
use uuid::Uuid;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
@@ -31,16 +23,10 @@ use super::{nanos, file_logger, LOG_LEVEL};
#[cfg(feature = "warnings")]
use warnings::Warning;

pub use super::{dur_nanos, dt_nanos};

pub type Map<K, V> = OrderMap<K, V, BuildHasherDefault<FnvHasher>>;
pub use super::{dur_nanos, dt_nanos, measure};

pub const INFLUX_WRITER_MAX_BUFFER: usize = 4096;

pub fn new_map<K, V>(capacity: usize) -> Map<K, V> {
Map::with_capacity_and_hasher(capacity, Default::default())

/// Created this so I know what types can be passed through the
/// `measure!` macro, which used to convert with `as i64` and
/// `as f64` until I accidentally passed a function name, and it
@@ -154,7 +140,7 @@ macro_rules! measure {
(@kv v, $meas:ident, $k:expr) => { measure!(@ea tag, $meas, "version", $k) };
(@kv $t:tt, $meas:ident, $k:tt) => { measure!(@ea $t, $meas, stringify!($k), measure!(@as_expr $k)) };
(@ea tag, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_tag($k, $v); };
(@ea t, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_tag($k, $v); };
(@ea t, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_tag($k, &$v); };
(@ea int, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_field($k, $crate::influx::OwnedValue::Integer(AsI64::as_i64($v))) };
(@ea i, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_field($k, $crate::influx::OwnedValue::Integer(AsI64::as_i64($v))) };
(@ea float, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_field($k, $crate::influx::OwnedValue::Float(AsF64::as_f64($v))) };
@@ -816,14 +802,6 @@ fn it_checks_as_string_does_not_double_escape() {
assert_eq!(escaped, format!("\"{}\"", raw).as_ref());

fn as_integer(i: &i64) -> String {
format!("{}i", i)

fn as_float(f: &f64) -> String {

fn as_boolean(b: &bool) -> &str {
if *b { "t" } else { "f" }
@@ -832,62 +810,6 @@ pub fn now() -> i64 {
nanos(Utc::now()) as i64

/// Serialize the measurement into influx line protocol
/// and append to the buffer.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// extern crate influent;
/// extern crate logging;
/// use influent::measurement::{Measurement, Value};
/// use std::string::String;
/// use logging::influx::serialize;
/// fn main() {
/// let mut buf = String::new();
/// let mut m = Measurement::new("test");
/// m.add_field("x", Value::Integer(1));
/// serialize(&m, &mut buf);
/// }
/// ```
pub fn serialize(measurement: &Measurement, line: &mut String) {

for (tag, value) in measurement.tags.iter() {

let mut was_spaced = false;

for (field, value) in measurement.fields.iter() {
line.push_str({if !was_spaced { was_spaced = true; " " } else { "," }});

match value {
&Value::String(ref s) => line.push_str(&as_string(s)),
&Value::Integer(ref i) => line.push_str(&as_integer(i)),
&Value::Float(ref f) => line.push_str(&as_float(f)),
&Value::Boolean(ref b) => line.push_str(as_boolean(b))

match measurement.timestamp {
Some(t) => {
line.push_str(" ");
_ => {}

/// Serializes an `&OwnedMeasurement` as influx line protocol into `line`.
/// The serialized measurement is appended to the end of the string without
@@ -1391,86 +1313,12 @@ mod tests {
loop { if rx.recv().is_err() { break } }
b.iter(|| {
measure!(tx, test,
tag[color; "red"],
tag[mood => "playful"],
tag [ ticker => "xmr_btc" ],
float[ price => 1.2345 ],
float[ amount => 56.323],
int[n; 1],
measure!(tx, test, t(color, "red"), t(mood, "playful"),
t(ticker, "xmr_btc"), f(price, 1.2345), f(amount, 56.322),
i(n, 1), tm(now()));

#[cfg(feature = "zmq")]
#[cfg(feature = "warnings")]
fn it_spawns_a_writer_thread_and_sends_dummy_measurement_to_influxdb() {
let ctx = zmq::Context::new();
let socket = push(&ctx).unwrap();
let (tx, rx) = bounded(1024);
let w = writer(tx.clone());
let mut buf = String::with_capacity(4096);
let mut meas = Measurement::new("rust_test");
meas.add_tag("a", "t");
meas.add_field("c", Value::Float(1.23456));
let now = now();
serialize(&meas, &mut buf);
socket.send_str(&buf, 0).unwrap();

fn it_serializes_a_measurement_in_place() {
let mut buf = String::with_capacity(4096);
let mut meas = Measurement::new("rust_test");
meas.add_tag("a", "b");
meas.add_field("c", Value::Float(1.0));
let now = now();
serialize(&meas, &mut buf);
let ans = format!("rust_test,a=b c=1 {}", now);
assert_eq!(buf, ans);

fn it_serializes_a_hard_to_serialize_message() {
let raw = r#"error encountered trying to send krkn order: Other("Failed to send http request: Other("Resource temporarily unavailable (os error 11)")")"#;
let mut buf = String::new();
let mut server_resp = String::new();
let mut m = Measurement::new("rust_test");
m.add_field("s", Value::String(&raw));
let now = now();
serialize(&m, &mut buf);
println!("{}", buf);
let buf_copy = buf.clone();
println!("{}", buf);

let url = Url::parse_with_params("http://localhost:8086/write", &[("db", "test"), ("precision", "ns")]).expect("influx writer url should parse");
let client = Client::new();
.send() {

Ok(Response { status, .. }) if status == StatusCode::NoContent => {}

Ok(mut resp) => {
resp.read_to_string(&mut server_resp).unwrap();
panic!("{}", server_resp);

Err(why) => {

fn serialize_owned_longer(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut buf = String::with_capacity(1024);

+ 0
- 186
src/ View File

@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ use std::fmt::{self, Display, Error as FmtError, Formatter};
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::fs;

#[cfg(feature = "zmq")]
use zmq;
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use termion::color::{self, Fg, Bg};
use influent::measurement::{Measurement, Value as InfluentValue};
@@ -414,71 +412,6 @@ pub struct WarningsManager {
thread: Option<JoinHandle<()>>

impl WarningsManager {
/// `measurement_name` is the name of the influxdb measurement
/// we will save log entries to.
#[cfg(feature = "zmq")]
pub fn new(measurement_name: &'static str) -> Self {
let warnings = Arc::new(RwLock::new(VecDeque::new()));
let warnings_copy = warnings.clone();
let (tx, rx) = channel();
let mut buf = String::with_capacity(4096);
let ctx = zmq::Context::new();
let socket = influx::push(&ctx).unwrap();
let thread = thread::spawn(move || {
let path = format!("var/log/warnings-manager-{}.log", measurement_name);
let logger = file_logger(&path, Severity::Info);
info!(logger, "entering loop");
loop {
if let Ok(msg) = rx.recv() {
match msg {
Warning::Terminate => {
debug!(logger, "terminating");

Warning::Log { level, msg, kv, .. } => {
debug!(logger, "new Warning::Debug arrived";
"msg" => &msg);
let mut meas = kv.to_measurement(measurement_name);
meas.add_field("msg", InfluentValue::String(msg.as_ref()));
meas.add_tag("category", level.as_short_str());
influx::serialize(&meas, &mut buf);
let _ = socket.send_str(&buf, 0);
// and don't push to warnings
// bc it's debug

other => {
debug!(logger, "new {} arrived", other.category_str();
"msg" => other.category_str());
let rec = Record::new(other);
let m = rec.to_measurement(measurement_name);
influx::serialize(&m, &mut buf);
let _ = socket.send_str(&buf, 0);
if let Ok(mut lock) = warnings.write() {

WarningsManager {
warnings: warnings_copy,
thread: Some(thread),

impl Drop for WarningsManager {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let _ = self.tx.send(Warning::Terminate);
@@ -488,127 +421,8 @@ impl Drop for WarningsManager {

#[cfg(feature = "zmq")]
pub struct ZmqDrain<D>
where D: Drain,
drain: D,
ctx: zmq::Context,
socket: zmq::Socket,
buf: Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>

#[cfg(feature = "zmq")]
impl<D> ZmqDrain<D>
where D: Drain,
pub fn new(drain: D) -> Self {
let _ = fs::create_dir("/tmp/mm");
let ctx = zmq::Context::new();
let socket = ctx.socket(zmq::PUB).unwrap();
socket.bind("ipc:///tmp/mm/log").expect("zmq publisher bind failed");
let buf = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::with_capacity(4096)));

ZmqDrain {

const TIMESTAMP_FORMAT: &'static str = "%b %d %H:%M:%S%.3f";

#[cfg(feature = "zmq")]
impl<D> Drain for ZmqDrain<D>
where D: Drain
type Ok = D::Ok;
type Err = D::Err;

fn log(&self, record: &slog::Record, values: &OwnedKVList) -> Result<Self::Ok, Self::Err> {
let mut buf = self.buf.lock().unwrap();
let _ = write!(buf, "{time} {level}",
time = Utc::now().format(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT),
level = record.level().as_short_str());
let mut thread_ser = ThreadSer(&mut buf);
let _ = record.kv().serialize(record, &mut thread_ser);
let _ = values.serialize(record, &mut thread_ser);

let _ = write!(buf, " {file:<20} {line:<5} {msg}",
file = record.file(),
line = record.line(),
msg = record.msg());
let mut kv_ser = KvSer(&mut buf);
// discarding any errors here...
let _ = record.kv().serialize(record, &mut kv_ser);
let _ = values.serialize(record, &mut kv_ser);

let _ = self.socket.send(&buf, 0);
self.drain.log(record, values)

/// Can be used as a `Write` with `slog_term` and
/// other libraries.
#[cfg(feature = "zmq")]
pub struct ZmqIo {
ctx: zmq::Context,
socket: zmq::Socket,
buf: Vec<u8>

#[cfg(feature = "zmq")]
impl ZmqIo {
pub fn new(addr: &str) -> Self {
let _ = fs::create_dir("/tmp/mm");
let ctx = zmq::Context::new();
let socket = ctx.socket(zmq::PUB).unwrap();
let addr = format!("ipc:///tmp/mm/{}", addr);
socket.bind(&addr).expect("zmq publisher bind failed");
let buf = Vec::with_capacity(4096);
ZmqIo { ctx, socket, buf }

#[cfg(feature = "zmq")]
impl Write for ZmqIo {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {

fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
match self.buf.pop() {
Some(b'\n') => {
let _ = self.socket.send(&self.buf, 0);

Some(other) => {
let _ = self.socket.send(&self.buf, 0);

None => {
return Ok(());

/// Serializes *only* KV pair with `key == "thread"`
struct ThreadSer<'a>(&'a mut Vec<u8>);
