- //! Utilities to efficiently send data to influx
- //!
- use std::io::Read;
- use std::sync::Arc;
- use std::sync::mpsc::{Sender, Receiver, channel, SendError};
- use std::thread;
- #[cfg(feature = "warnings")]
- use std::fs;
- use std::time::{Instant, Duration};
- use std::hash::BuildHasherDefault;
- use hyper::status::StatusCode;
- use hyper::client::response::Response;
- use hyper::Url;
- use hyper::client::Client;
- use influent::measurement::{Measurement, Value};
- #[cfg(feature = "zmq")]
- use zmq;
- #[allow(unused_imports)]
- use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
- use ordermap::OrderMap;
- use fnv::FnvHasher;
- use decimal::d128;
- use uuid::Uuid;
- use smallvec::SmallVec;
- use slog::Logger;
- use super::{nanos, file_logger, LOG_LEVEL};
- #[cfg(feature = "warnings")]
- use warnings::Warning;
- pub use super::{dur_nanos, dt_nanos};
- pub type Map<K, V> = OrderMap<K, V, BuildHasherDefault<FnvHasher>>;
- pub const INFLUX_WRITER_MAX_BUFFER: usize = 4096;
- pub fn new_map<K, V>(capacity: usize) -> Map<K, V> {
- Map::with_capacity_and_hasher(capacity, Default::default())
- }
- /// Created this so I know what types can be passed through the
- /// `measure!` macro, which used to convert with `as i64` and
- /// `as f64` until I accidentally passed a function name, and it
- /// still compiled, but with garbage numbers.
- pub trait AsI64 {
- fn as_i64(x: Self) -> i64;
- }
- impl AsI64 for i64 { fn as_i64(x: Self) -> i64 { x } }
- impl AsI64 for i32 { fn as_i64(x: Self) -> i64 { x as i64 } }
- impl AsI64 for u32 { fn as_i64(x: Self) -> i64 { x as i64 } }
- impl AsI64 for u64 { fn as_i64(x: Self) -> i64 { x as i64 } }
- impl AsI64 for usize { fn as_i64(x: Self) -> i64 { x as i64 } }
- impl AsI64 for f64 { fn as_i64(x: Self) -> i64 { x as i64 } }
- impl AsI64 for f32 { fn as_i64(x: Self) -> i64 { x as i64 } }
- impl AsI64 for u16 { fn as_i64(x: Self) -> i64 { x as i64 } }
- /// Created this so I know what types can be passed through the
- /// `measure!` macro, which used to convert with `as i64` and
- /// `as f64` until I accidentally passed a function name, and it
- /// still compiled, but with garbage numbers.
- pub trait AsF64 {
- fn as_f64(x: Self) -> f64;
- }
- impl AsF64 for f64 { fn as_f64(x: Self) -> f64 { x } }
- impl AsF64 for i64 { fn as_f64(x: Self) -> f64 { x as f64 } }
- impl AsF64 for i32 { fn as_f64(x: Self) -> f64 { x as f64 } }
- impl AsF64 for u32 { fn as_f64(x: Self) -> f64 { x as f64 } }
- impl AsF64 for u64 { fn as_f64(x: Self) -> f64 { x as f64 } }
- impl AsF64 for usize { fn as_f64(x: Self) -> f64 { x as f64 } }
- impl AsF64 for f32 { fn as_f64(x: Self) -> f64 { x as f64 } }
- /// Provides flexible and ergonomic use of `Sender<OwnedMeasurement>`.
- ///
- /// The macro both creates an `OwnedMeasurement` from the supplied tags and
- /// values, as well as sends it with the `Sender`.
- ///
- /// Benchmarks show around 600ns for a small measurement and 1u for a medium-sized
- /// measurement (see `tests` mod).
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// ```
- /// #![feature(try_from)]
- /// #[macro_use] extern crate logging;
- /// extern crate decimal;
- ///
- /// use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
- /// use decimal::d128;
- /// use logging::influx::*;
- ///
- /// fn main() {
- /// let (tx, rx) = channel();
- ///
- /// // "shorthand" syntax
- ///
- /// measure!(tx, test, tag[color;"red"], int[n;1]);
- ///
- /// let meas: OwnedMeasurement = rx.recv().unwrap();
- ///
- /// assert_eq!(meas.key, "test");
- /// assert_eq!(meas.get_tag("color"), Some("red"));
- /// assert_eq!(meas.get_field("n"), Some(&OwnedValue::Integer(1)));
- ///
- /// // alternate syntax ...
- ///
- /// measure!(tx, test,
- /// tag [ one => "a" ],
- /// tag [ two => "b" ],
- /// int [ three => 2 ],
- /// float [ four => 1.2345 ],
- /// string [ five => String::from("d") ],
- /// bool [ six => true ],
- /// int [ seven => { 1 + 2 } ],
- /// time [ 1 ]
- /// );
- ///
- /// let meas: OwnedMeasurement = rx.recv().unwrap();
- ///
- /// assert_eq!(meas.key, "test");
- /// assert_eq!(meas.get_tag("one"), Some("a"));
- /// assert_eq!(meas.get_tag("two"), Some("b"));
- /// assert_eq!(meas.get_field("three"), Some(&OwnedValue::Integer(2)));
- /// assert_eq!(meas.get_field("seven"), Some(&OwnedValue::Integer(3)));
- /// assert_eq!(meas.timestamp, Some(1));
- ///
- /// // use the @make_meas flag to skip sending a measurement, instead merely
- /// // creating it.
- ///
- /// let meas: OwnedMeasurement = measure!(@make_meas meas_only, tag[color; "red"], int[n; 1]);
- ///
- /// // each variant also has shorthand aliases
- ///
- /// let meas: OwnedMeasurement =
- /// measure!(@make_meas abcd, t[color; "red"], i[n; 1], d[price; d128::zero()]);
- /// }
- /// ```
- ///
- #[macro_export]
- macro_rules! measure {
- (@kv $t:tt, $meas:ident, $k:tt => $v:expr) => { measure!(@ea $t, $meas, stringify!($k), $v) };
- (@kv $t:tt, $meas:ident, $k:tt; $v:expr) => { measure!(@ea $t, $meas, stringify!($k), $v) };
- (@kv $t:tt, $meas:ident, $k:tt, $v:expr) => { measure!(@ea $t, $meas, stringify!($k), $v) };
- (@kv time, $meas:ident, $tm:expr) => { $meas = $meas.set_timestamp(AsI64::as_i64($tm)) };
- (@kv tm, $meas:ident, $tm:expr) => { $meas = $meas.set_timestamp(AsI64::as_i64($tm)) };
- (@kv utc, $meas:ident, $tm:expr) => { $meas = $meas.set_timestamp(AsI64::as_i64($crate::nanos($tm))) };
- (@kv v, $meas:ident, $k:expr) => { measure!(@ea tag, $meas, "version", $k) };
- (@kv $t:tt, $meas:ident, $k:tt) => { measure!(@ea $t, $meas, stringify!($k), measure!(@as_expr $k)) };
- (@ea tag, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_tag($k, $v); };
- (@ea t, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_tag($k, $v); };
- (@ea int, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_field($k, $crate::influx::OwnedValue::Integer(AsI64::as_i64($v))) };
- (@ea i, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_field($k, $crate::influx::OwnedValue::Integer(AsI64::as_i64($v))) };
- (@ea float, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_field($k, $crate::influx::OwnedValue::Float(AsF64::as_f64($v))) };
- (@ea f, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_field($k, $crate::influx::OwnedValue::Float(AsF64::as_f64($v))) };
- (@ea string, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_field($k, $crate::influx::OwnedValue::String($v)) };
- (@ea s, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_field($k, $crate::influx::OwnedValue::String($v)) };
- (@ea d128, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_field($k, $crate::influx::OwnedValue::D128($v)) };
- (@ea d, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_field($k, $crate::influx::OwnedValue::D128($v)) };
- (@ea uuid, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_field($k, $crate::influx::OwnedValue::Uuid($v)) };
- (@ea u, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_field($k, $crate::influx::OwnedValue::Uuid($v)) };
- (@ea bool, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_field($k, $crate::influx::OwnedValue::Boolean(bool::from($v))) };
- (@ea b, $meas:ident, $k:expr, $v:expr) => { $meas = $meas.add_field($k, $crate::influx::OwnedValue::Boolean(bool::from($v))) };
- (@as_expr $e:expr) => {$e};
- (@count_tags) => {0usize};
- (@count_tags tag $($tail:tt)*) => {1usize + measure!(@count_tags $($tail)*)};
- (@count_tags $t:tt $($tail:tt)*) => {0usize + measure!(@count_tags $($tail)*)};
- (@count_fields) => {0usize};
- (@count_fields tag $($tail:tt)*) => {0usize + measure!(@count_fields $($tail)*)};
- (@count_fields time $($tail:tt)*) => {0usize + measure!(@count_fields $($tail)*)};
- (@count_fields $t:tt $($tail:tt)*) => {1usize + measure!(@count_fields $($tail)*)};
- (@make_meas $name:tt, $( $t:tt ( $($tail:tt)* ) ),+ $(,)*) => {
- measure!(@make_meas $name, $( $t [ $($tail)* ] ),*)
- };
- (@make_meas $name:tt, $( $t:tt [ $($tail:tt)* ] ),+ $(,)*) => {{
- let n_tags = measure!(@count_tags $($t)*);
- let n_fields = measure!(@count_fields $($t)*);
- let mut meas =
- $crate::influx::OwnedMeasurement::with_capacity(stringify!($name), n_tags, n_fields);
- $(
- measure!(@kv $t, meas, $($tail)*);
- )*
- meas
- }};
- ($m:expr, $name:tt, $( $t:tt ( $($tail:tt)* ) ),+ $(,)*) => {
- measure!($m, $name, $($t [ $($tail)* ] ),+)
- };
- ($m:tt, $name:tt, $( $t:tt [ $($tail:tt)* ] ),+ $(,)*) => {{
- #[allow(unused_imports)]
- use $crate::influx::{AsI64, AsF64};
- let measurement = measure!(@make_meas $name, $( $t [ $($tail)* ] ),*);
- let _ = $m.send(measurement);
- }};
- }
- /// Holds a thread (and provides an interface to it) that serializes `OwnedMeasurement`s
- /// it receives (over a SPSC channel) and inserts to influxdb via http when `BUFFER_SIZE`
- /// measurements have accumulated.
- ///
- #[derive(Debug)]
- pub struct InfluxWriter {
- host: String,
- db: String,
- tx: Sender<Option<OwnedMeasurement>>,
- thread: Option<Arc<thread::JoinHandle<()>>>,
- }
- impl Default for InfluxWriter {
- fn default() -> Self {
- //if cfg!(any(test, feature = "test")) {
- // InfluxWriter::new("localhost", "test", "/home/jstrong/src/logging/var/log/influx-test.log", 0)
- //} else {
- InfluxWriter::new("localhost", "test", "/home/jstrong/src/logging/var/log/influx-test.log", 4000)
- //}
- }
- }
- impl Clone for InfluxWriter {
- fn clone(&self) -> Self {
- debug_assert!(self.thread.is_some());
- let thread = self.thread.as_ref().map(|x| Arc::clone(x));
- InfluxWriter {
- host: self.host.to_string(),
- db: self.db.to_string(),
- tx: self.tx.clone(),
- thread,
- }
- }
- }
- impl InfluxWriter {
- /// Sends the `OwnedMeasurement` to the serialization thread.
- ///
- #[cfg_attr(feature = "inlines", inline)]
- pub fn send(&self, m: OwnedMeasurement) -> Result<(), SendError<Option<OwnedMeasurement>>> {
- self.tx.send(Some(m))
- }
- #[cfg_attr(feature = "inlines", inline)]
- pub fn nanos(&self, d: DateTime<Utc>) -> i64 { nanos(d) as i64 }
- #[cfg_attr(feature = "inlines", inline)]
- pub fn dur_nanos(&self, d: Duration) -> i64 { dur_nanos(d) as i64 }
- #[cfg_attr(feature = "inlines", inline)]
- pub fn dur_nanos_u64(&self, d: Duration) -> u64 { dur_nanos(d).max(0) as u64 }
- #[cfg_attr(feature = "inlines", inline)]
- pub fn secs(&self, d: Duration) -> f64 {
- ((d.as_secs() as f64 + (d.subsec_nanos() as f64 / 1_000_000_000_f64))
- * 1000.0)
- .round()
- / 1000.0
- }
- pub fn tx(&self) -> Sender<Option<OwnedMeasurement>> {
- self.tx.clone()
- }
- pub fn new(host: &str, db: &str, log_path: &str, buffer_size: u16) -> Self {
- let logger = file_logger(log_path, LOG_LEVEL); // this needs to be outside the thread
- Self::with_logger(host, db, buffer_size, logger)
- }
- #[allow(unused_assignments)]
- pub fn with_logger(host: &str, db: &str, _buffer_size: u16, logger: Logger) -> Self {
- let (tx, rx): (Sender<Option<OwnedMeasurement>>, Receiver<Option<OwnedMeasurement>>) = channel();
- let buffer_size = INFLUX_WRITER_MAX_BUFFER;
- #[cfg(feature = "no-influx-buffer")]
- let buffer_size = 0usize;
- debug!(logger, "initializing url"; "host" => host, "db" => db, "buffer_size" => buffer_size);
- let url =
- Url::parse_with_params(&format!("http://{}:8086/write", host),
- &[("db", db), ("precision", "ns")])
- .expect("influx writer url should parse");
- let thread = thread::Builder::new().name(format!("mm:inflx:{}", db)).spawn(move || {
- let client = Client::new();
- debug!(logger, "initializing buffers");
- let mut buf = String::with_capacity(32 * 32 * 32);
- let mut count = 0;
- let mut last = Instant::now();
- let mut loop_time = Instant::now();
- let send = |buf: &str| {
- let resp = client.post(url.clone())
- .body(buf)
- .send();
- match resp {
- Ok(Response { status, .. }) if status == StatusCode::NoContent => {
- debug!(logger, "server responded ok: 204 NoContent");
- }
- Ok(mut resp) => {
- let mut server_resp = String::with_capacity(32 * 1024); // need to allocate here bc will be
- // sent to logging thread
- let _ = resp.read_to_string(&mut server_resp); //.unwrap_or(0);
- error!(logger, "influx server error";
- "status" => resp.status.to_string(),
- "body" => server_resp);
- }
- Err(why) => {
- error!(logger, "http request failed: {:?}", why);
- }
- }
- };
- let next = |prev: usize, m: &OwnedMeasurement, buf: &mut String, loop_time: &Instant, last: &mut Instant| -> usize {
- match prev {
- 0 if buffer_size > 0 => {
- serialize_owned(m, buf);
- 1
- }
- n if n < buffer_size && *loop_time - *last < Duration::from_secs(2) => {
- buf.push_str("\n");
- serialize_owned(m, buf);
- n + 1
- }
- n => {
- buf.push_str("\n");
- serialize_owned(m, buf);
- debug!(logger, "sending buffer to influx"; "len" => n);
- send(buf);
- *last = *loop_time;
- buf.clear();
- 0
- }
- }
- };
- loop {
- loop_time = Instant::now();
- match rx.recv() {
- Ok(Some(mut meas)) => {
- if meas.timestamp.is_none() { meas.timestamp = Some(now()) }
- if meas.fields.is_empty() {
- meas.fields.push(("n", OwnedValue::Integer(1)));
- }
- //#[cfg(feature = "trace")] { if count % 10 == 0 { trace!(logger, "rcvd new measurement"; "count" => count, "key" => meas.key); } }
- count = next(count, &meas, &mut buf, &loop_time, &mut last);
- }
- Ok(None) => {
- if buf.len() > 0 {
- debug!(logger, "sending buffer to influx"; "len" => count);
- send(&buf)
- }
- break
- }
- _ => {
- thread::sleep(Duration::new(0, 1))
- }
- }
- }
- }).unwrap();
- InfluxWriter {
- host: host.to_string(),
- db: db.to_string(),
- tx,
- thread: Some(Arc::new(thread))
- }
- }
- }
- impl Drop for InfluxWriter {
- fn drop(&mut self) {
- if let Some(arc) = self.thread.take() {
- if let Ok(thread) = Arc::try_unwrap(arc) {
- let _ = self.tx.send(None);
- let _ = thread.join();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "zmq")]
- const WRITER_ADDR: &'static str = "ipc:///tmp/mm/influx";
- #[cfg(feature = "zmq")]
- pub fn pull(ctx: &zmq::Context) -> Result<zmq::Socket, zmq::Error> {
- let socket = ctx.socket(zmq::PULL)?;
- socket.bind(WRITER_ADDR)?;
- socket.set_rcvhwm(0)?;
- Ok(socket)
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "zmq")]
- pub fn push(ctx: &zmq::Context) -> Result<zmq::Socket, zmq::Error> {
- let socket = ctx.socket(zmq::PUSH)?;
- socket.connect(WRITER_ADDR)?;
- socket.set_sndhwm(0)?;
- Ok(socket)
- }
- /// This removes offending things rather than escaping them.
- ///
- fn escape_tag(s: &str) -> String {
- s.replace(" ", "")
- .replace(",", "")
- .replace("\"", "")
- }
- fn escape(s: &str) -> String {
- s.replace(" ", "\\ ")
- .replace(",", "\\,")
- }
- fn as_string(s: &str) -> String {
- // the second replace removes double escapes
- //
- format!("\"{}\"", s.replace("\"", "\\\"")
- .replace(r#"\\""#, r#"\""#))
- }
- #[test]
- fn it_checks_as_string_does_not_double_escape() {
- let raw = "this is \\\"an escaped string\\\" so it's problematic";
- let escaped = as_string(&raw);
- assert_eq!(escaped, format!("\"{}\"", raw).as_ref());
- }
- fn as_integer(i: &i64) -> String {
- format!("{}i", i)
- }
- fn as_float(f: &f64) -> String {
- f.to_string()
- }
- fn as_boolean(b: &bool) -> &str {
- if *b { "t" } else { "f" }
- }
- pub fn now() -> i64 {
- nanos(Utc::now()) as i64
- }
- /// Serialize the measurement into influx line protocol
- /// and append to the buffer.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// ```
- /// extern crate influent;
- /// extern crate logging;
- ///
- /// use influent::measurement::{Measurement, Value};
- /// use std::string::String;
- /// use logging::influx::serialize;
- ///
- /// fn main() {
- /// let mut buf = String::new();
- /// let mut m = Measurement::new("test");
- /// m.add_field("x", Value::Integer(1));
- /// serialize(&m, &mut buf);
- /// }
- ///
- /// ```
- ///
- pub fn serialize(measurement: &Measurement, line: &mut String) {
- line.push_str(&escape(measurement.key));
- for (tag, value) in measurement.tags.iter() {
- line.push_str(",");
- line.push_str(&escape(tag));
- line.push_str("=");
- line.push_str(&escape(value));
- }
- let mut was_spaced = false;
- for (field, value) in measurement.fields.iter() {
- line.push_str({if !was_spaced { was_spaced = true; " " } else { "," }});
- line.push_str(&escape(field));
- line.push_str("=");
- match value {
- &Value::String(ref s) => line.push_str(&as_string(s)),
- &Value::Integer(ref i) => line.push_str(&as_integer(i)),
- &Value::Float(ref f) => line.push_str(&as_float(f)),
- &Value::Boolean(ref b) => line.push_str(as_boolean(b))
- };
- }
- match measurement.timestamp {
- Some(t) => {
- line.push_str(" ");
- line.push_str(&t.to_string());
- }
- _ => {}
- }
- }
- /// Serializes an `&OwnedMeasurement` as influx line protocol into `line`.
- ///
- /// The serialized measurement is appended to the end of the string without
- /// any regard for what exited in it previously.
- ///
- pub fn serialize_owned(measurement: &OwnedMeasurement, line: &mut String) {
- line.push_str(&escape_tag(measurement.key));
- let add_tag = |line: &mut String, key: &str, value: &str| {
- line.push_str(",");
- line.push_str(&escape_tag(key));
- line.push_str("=");
- line.push_str(&escape(value));
- };
- for &(key, value) in measurement.tags.iter() {
- add_tag(line, key, value);
- }
- let add_field = |line: &mut String, key: &str, value: &OwnedValue, is_first: bool| {
- if is_first { line.push_str(" "); } else { line.push_str(","); }
- line.push_str(&escape_tag(key));
- line.push_str("=");
- match *value {
- OwnedValue::String(ref s) => line.push_str(&as_string(s)),
- OwnedValue::Integer(ref i) => line.push_str(&format!("{}i", i)),
- OwnedValue::Boolean(ref b) => line.push_str(as_boolean(b)),
- OwnedValue::D128(ref d) => {
- if d.is_finite() {
- line.push_str(&format!("{}", d));
- } else {
- line.push_str("0.0");
- }
- }
- OwnedValue::Float(ref f) => {
- if f.is_finite() {
- line.push_str(&format!("{}", f));
- } else {
- line.push_str("0.0");
- }
- }
- OwnedValue::Uuid(ref u) => line.push_str(&format!("\"{}\"", u)),
- };
- };
- let mut fields = measurement.fields.iter();
- // first time separate from tags with space
- //
- fields.next().map(|kv| {
- add_field(line, &kv.0, &kv.1, true);
- });
- // then seperate the rest w/ comma
- //
- for kv in fields {
- add_field(line, kv.0, &kv.1, false);
- }
- if let Some(t) = measurement.timestamp {
- line.push_str(" ");
- line.push_str(&t.to_string());
- }
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "warnings")]
- #[deprecated(since="0.4", note="Replace with InfluxWriter")]
- #[cfg(feature = "zmq")]
- pub fn writer(warnings: Sender<Warning>) -> thread::JoinHandle<()> {
- assert!(false);
- thread::Builder::new().name("mm:inflx-wtr".into()).spawn(move || {
- const DB_HOST: &'static str = "";
- let _ = fs::create_dir("/tmp/mm");
- let ctx = zmq::Context::new();
- let socket = pull(&ctx).expect("influx::writer failed to create pull socket");
- let url = Url::parse_with_params(DB_HOST, &[("db", DB_NAME), ("precision", "ns")]).expect("influx writer url should parse");
- let client = Client::new();
- let mut buf = String::with_capacity(4096);
- let mut server_resp = String::with_capacity(4096);
- let mut count = 0;
- loop {
- if let Ok(bytes) = socket.recv_bytes(0) {
- if let Ok(msg) = String::from_utf8(bytes) {
- count = match count {
- 0 => {
- buf.push_str(&msg);
- 1
- }
- n @ 1...40 => {
- buf.push_str("\n");
- buf.push_str(&msg);
- n + 1
- }
- _ => {
- buf.push_str("\n");
- buf.push_str(&msg);
- match client.post(url.clone())
- .body(&buf)
- .send() {
- Ok(Response { status, .. }) if status == StatusCode::NoContent => {}
- Ok(mut resp) => {
- let _ = resp.read_to_string(&mut server_resp); //.unwrap_or(0);
- let _ = warnings.send(
- Warning::Error(
- format!("Influx server: {}", server_resp)));
- server_resp.clear();
- }
- Err(why) => {
- let _ = warnings.send(
- Warning::Error(
- format!("Influx write error: {}", why)));
- }
- }
- buf.clear();
- 0
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }).unwrap()
- }
- #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
- pub enum OwnedValue {
- String(String),
- Float(f64),
- Integer(i64),
- Boolean(bool),
- D128(d128),
- Uuid(Uuid),
- }
- /// Holds data meant for an influxdb measurement in transit to the
- /// writing thread.
- ///
- /// TODO: convert `Map` to `SmallVec`?
- ///
- #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
- pub struct OwnedMeasurement {
- pub key: &'static str,
- pub timestamp: Option<i64>,
- //pub fields: Map<&'static str, OwnedValue>,
- //pub tags: Map<&'static str, &'static str>,
- pub fields: SmallVec<[(&'static str, OwnedValue); 8]>,
- pub tags: SmallVec<[(&'static str, &'static str); 8]>,
- }
- impl OwnedMeasurement {
- pub fn with_capacity(key: &'static str, n_tags: usize, n_fields: usize) -> Self {
- OwnedMeasurement {
- key,
- timestamp: None,
- tags: SmallVec::with_capacity(n_tags),
- fields: SmallVec::with_capacity(n_fields),
- }
- }
- pub fn new(key: &'static str) -> Self {
- OwnedMeasurement {
- key,
- timestamp: None,
- tags: SmallVec::new(),
- fields: SmallVec::new(),
- }
- }
- /// Unusual consuming `self` signature because primarily used by
- /// the `measure!` macro.
- pub fn add_tag(mut self, key: &'static str, value: &'static str) -> Self {
- self.tags.push((key, value));
- self
- }
- /// Unusual consuming `self` signature because primarily used by
- /// the `measure!` macro.
- pub fn add_field(mut self, key: &'static str, value: OwnedValue) -> Self {
- self.fields.push((key, value));
- self
- }
- pub fn set_timestamp(mut self, timestamp: i64) -> Self {
- self.timestamp = Some(timestamp);
- self
- }
- pub fn set_tag(mut self, key: &'static str, value: &'static str) -> Self {
- match self.tags.iter().position(|kv| kv.0 == key) {
- Some(i) => {
- self.tags.get_mut(i)
- .map(|x| {
- x.0 = value;
- });
- self
- }
- None => {
- self.add_tag(key, value)
- }
- }
- }
- pub fn get_field(&self, key: &'static str) -> Option<&OwnedValue> {
- self.fields.iter()
- .find(|kv| kv.0 == key)
- .map(|kv| &kv.1)
- }
- pub fn get_tag(&self, key: &'static str) -> Option<&'static str> {
- self.tags.iter()
- .find(|kv| kv.0 == key)
- .map(|kv| kv.1)
- }
- }
- #[allow(unused_imports, unused_variables)]
- #[cfg(test)]
- mod tests {
- use super::*;
- use test::{black_box, Bencher};
- #[test]
- fn it_uses_the_utc_shortcut_to_convert_a_datetime_utc() {
- const VERSION: &str = "0.3.90";
- let tag_value = "one";
- let color = "red";
- let time = Utc::now();
- let m = measure!(@make_meas test, i(n, 1), t(color), v(VERSION), utc(time));
- assert_eq!(m.get_tag("color"), Some("red"));
- assert_eq!(m.get_tag("version"), Some(VERSION));
- assert_eq!(m.timestamp, Some(nanos(time) as i64));
- }
- #[test]
- fn it_uses_the_v_for_version_shortcut() {
- const VERSION: &str = "0.3.90";
- let tag_value = "one";
- let color = "red";
- let time = now();
- let m = measure!(@make_meas test, i(n, 1), t(color), v(VERSION), tm(time));
- assert_eq!(m.get_tag("color"), Some("red"));
- assert_eq!(m.get_tag("version"), Some(VERSION));
- assert_eq!(m.timestamp, Some(time));
- }
- #[test]
- fn it_uses_the_new_tag_k_only_shortcut() {
- let tag_value = "one";
- let color = "red";
- let time = now();
- let m = measure!(@make_meas test, t(color), t(tag_value), tm(time));
- assert_eq!(m.get_tag("color"), Some("red"));
- assert_eq!(m.get_tag("tag_value"), Some("one"));
- assert_eq!(m.timestamp, Some(time));
- }
- #[test]
- fn it_uses_measure_macro_parenthesis_syntax() {
- let m = measure!(@make_meas test, t(a,"b"), i(n,1), f(x,1.1), tm(1));
- assert_eq!(m.key, "test");
- assert_eq!(m.get_tag("a"), Some("b"));
- assert_eq!(m.get_field("n"), Some(&OwnedValue::Integer(1)));
- assert_eq!(m.get_field("x"), Some(&OwnedValue::Float(1.1)));
- assert_eq!(m.timestamp, Some(1));
- }
- #[test]
- fn it_uses_measure_macro_on_a_self_attribute() {
- struct A {
- pub influx: InfluxWriter,
- }
- impl A {
- fn f(&self) {
- measure!(self.influx, test, t(color, "red"), i(n, 1));
- }
- }
- let a = A { influx: InfluxWriter::default() };
- a.f();
- }
- #[test]
- fn it_clones_an_influx_writer_to_check_both_drop() {
- let influx = InfluxWriter::default();
- measure!(influx, drop_test, i(a, 1), i(b, 2));
- {
- let influx = influx.clone();
- thread::spawn(move || {
- measure!(influx, drop_test, i(a, 3), i(b, 4));
- });
- }
- }
- #[bench]
- fn influx_writer_send_basic(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let m = InfluxWriter::new("localhost", "test", "var/log/influx-test.log", 4000);
- b.iter(|| {
- measure!(m, test, tag[color; "red"], int[n; 1]); //, float[p; 1.234]);
- });
- }
- #[bench]
- fn influx_writer_send_price(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let m = InfluxWriter::new("localhost", "test", "var/log/influx-test.log", 4000);
- b.iter(|| {
- measure!(m, test,
- t(ticker, t!(xmr-btc).as_str()),
- t(exchange, "plnx"),
- d(bid, d128::zero()),
- d(ask, d128::zero()),
- );
- });
- }
- #[test]
- fn it_checks_color_tag_error_in_non_doctest() {
- let (tx, rx) = channel();
- measure!(tx, test, tag[color;"red"], int[n;1]);
- let meas: OwnedMeasurement = rx.recv().unwrap();
- assert_eq!(meas.get_tag("color"), Some("red"), "meas = \n {:?} \n", meas);
- }
- #[test]
- fn it_uses_the_make_meas_pattern_of_the_measure_macro() {
- let meas = measure!(@make_meas test_measurement,
- tag [ one => "a" ],
- tag [ two => "b" ],
- int [ three => 2 ],
- float [ four => 1.2345 ],
- string [ five => String::from("d") ],
- bool [ six => true ],
- int [ seven => { 1 + 2 } ],
- time [ 1 ]
- );
- assert_eq!(meas.key, "test_measurement");
- assert_eq!(meas.get_tag("one"), Some("a"));
- assert_eq!(meas.get_tag("two"), Some("b"));
- assert_eq!(meas.get_field("three"), Some(&OwnedValue::Integer(2)));
- assert_eq!(meas.get_field("seven"), Some(&OwnedValue::Integer(3)));
- assert_eq!(meas.timestamp, Some(1));
- }
- #[test]
- fn it_uses_the_measure_macro() {
- let (tx, rx) = channel();
- measure!(tx, test_measurement,
- tag [ one => "a" ],
- tag [ two => "b" ],
- int [ three => 2 ],
- float [ four => 1.2345 ],
- string [ five => String::from("d") ],
- bool [ six => true ],
- int [ seven => { 1 + 2 } ],
- time [ 1 ]
- );
- thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10));
- let meas: OwnedMeasurement = rx.try_recv().unwrap();
- assert_eq!(meas.key, "test_measurement");
- assert_eq!(meas.get_tag("one"), Some("a"));
- assert_eq!(meas.get_tag("two"), Some("b"));
- assert_eq!(meas.get_field("three"), Some(&OwnedValue::Integer(2)));
- assert_eq!(meas.get_field("seven"), Some(&OwnedValue::Integer(3)));
- assert_eq!(meas.timestamp, Some(1));
- }
- #[test]
- fn it_uses_measure_macro_for_d128_and_uuid() {
- let (tx, rx) = channel();
- let u = Uuid::new_v4();
- let d = d128::zero();
- let t = now();
- measure!(tx, test_measurement,
- tag[one; "a"],
- d128[two; d],
- uuid[three; u],
- time[t]
- );
- thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10));
- let meas: OwnedMeasurement = rx.try_recv().unwrap();
- assert_eq!(meas.key, "test_measurement");
- assert_eq!(meas.get_tag("one"), Some("a"));
- assert_eq!(meas.get_field("two"), Some(&OwnedValue::D128(d128::zero())));
- assert_eq!(meas.get_field("three"), Some(&OwnedValue::Uuid(u)));
- assert_eq!(meas.timestamp, Some(t));
- }
- #[test]
- fn it_uses_the_measure_macro_alt_syntax() {
- let (tx, rx) = channel();
- measure!(tx, test_measurement,
- tag[one; "a"],
- tag[two; "b"],
- int[three; 2],
- float[four; 1.2345],
- string[five; String::from("d")],
- bool [ six => true ],
- int[seven; { 1 + 2 }],
- time[1]
- );
- thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10));
- let meas: OwnedMeasurement = rx.try_recv().unwrap();
- assert_eq!(meas.key, "test_measurement");
- assert_eq!(meas.get_tag("one"), Some("a"));
- assert_eq!(meas.get_tag("two"), Some("b"));
- assert_eq!(meas.get_field("three"), Some(&OwnedValue::Integer(2)));
- assert_eq!(meas.get_field("seven"), Some(&OwnedValue::Integer(3)));
- assert_eq!(meas.timestamp, Some(1));
- }
- #[test]
- fn it_checks_that_fields_are_separated_correctly() {
- let m = measure!(@make_meas test, t[a; "one"], t[b; "two"], f[x; 1.1], f[y; -1.1]);
- assert_eq!(m.key, "test");
- assert_eq!(m.get_tag("a"), Some("one"));
- assert_eq!(m.get_field("x"), Some(&OwnedValue::Float(1.1)));
- let mut buf = String::new();
- serialize_owned(&m, &mut buf);
- assert!(buf.contains("b=two x=1.1,y=-1.1"), "buf = {}", buf);
- }
- #[test]
- fn try_to_break_measure_macro() {
- let (tx, _) = channel();
- measure!(tx, one, tag[x=>"y"], int[n;1]);
- measure!(tx, one, tag[x;"y"], int[n;1],);
- struct A {
- pub one: i32,
- pub two: i32,
- }
- struct B {
- pub a: A
- }
- let b = B { a: A { one: 1, two: 2 } };
- let m = measure!(@make_meas test, t(name, "a"), i(a, b.a.one));
- assert_eq!(m.get_field("a"), Some(&OwnedValue::Integer(1)));
- }
- #[bench]
- fn measure_macro_small(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let (tx, rx) = channel();
- let listener = thread::spawn(move || {
- loop { if rx.recv().is_err() { break } }
- });
- b.iter(|| {
- measure!(tx, test, tag[color; "red"], int[n; 1], time[now()]);
- });
- }
- #[bench]
- fn measure_macro_medium(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let (tx, rx) = channel();
- let listener = thread::spawn(move || {
- loop { if rx.recv().is_err() { break } }
- });
- b.iter(|| {
- measure!(tx, test,
- tag[color; "red"],
- tag[mood => "playful"],
- tag [ ticker => "xmr_btc" ],
- float[ price => 1.2345 ],
- float[ amount => 56.323],
- int[n; 1],
- time[now()]
- );
- });
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "zmq")]
- #[cfg(feature = "warnings")]
- #[test]
- #[ignore]
- fn it_spawns_a_writer_thread_and_sends_dummy_measurement_to_influxdb() {
- let ctx = zmq::Context::new();
- let socket = push(&ctx).unwrap();
- let (tx, rx) = channel();
- let w = writer(tx.clone());
- let mut buf = String::with_capacity(4096);
- let mut meas = Measurement::new("rust_test");
- meas.add_tag("a", "t");
- meas.add_field("c", Value::Float(1.23456));
- let now = now();
- meas.set_timestamp(now);
- serialize(&meas, &mut buf);
- socket.send_str(&buf, 0).unwrap();
- drop(w);
- }
- #[test]
- fn it_serializes_a_measurement_in_place() {
- let mut buf = String::with_capacity(4096);
- let mut meas = Measurement::new("rust_test");
- meas.add_tag("a", "b");
- meas.add_field("c", Value::Float(1.0));
- let now = now();
- meas.set_timestamp(now);
- serialize(&meas, &mut buf);
- let ans = format!("rust_test,a=b c=1 {}", now);
- assert_eq!(buf, ans);
- }
- #[test]
- fn it_serializes_a_hard_to_serialize_message() {
- let raw = r#"error encountered trying to send krkn order: Other("Failed to send http request: Other("Resource temporarily unavailable (os error 11)")")"#;
- let mut buf = String::new();
- let mut server_resp = String::new();
- let mut m = Measurement::new("rust_test");
- m.add_field("s", Value::String(&raw));
- let now = now();
- m.set_timestamp(now);
- serialize(&m, &mut buf);
- println!("{}", buf);
- buf.push_str("\n");
- let buf_copy = buf.clone();
- buf.push_str(&buf_copy);
- println!("{}", buf);
- let url = Url::parse_with_params("http://localhost:8086/write", &[("db", "test"), ("precision", "ns")]).expect("influx writer url should parse");
- let client = Client::new();
- match client.post(url.clone())
- .body(&buf)
- .send() {
- Ok(Response { status, .. }) if status == StatusCode::NoContent => {}
- Ok(mut resp) => {
- resp.read_to_string(&mut server_resp).unwrap();
- panic!("{}", server_resp);
- }
- Err(why) => {
- panic!(why)
- }
- }
- }
- #[bench]
- fn serialize_owned_longer(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let mut buf = String::with_capacity(1024);
- let m =
- OwnedMeasurement::new("test")
- .add_tag("one", "a")
- .add_tag("two", "b")
- .add_tag("ticker", "xmr_btc")
- .add_tag("exchange", "plnx")
- .add_tag("side", "bid")
- .add_field("three", OwnedValue::Float(1.2345))
- .add_field("four", OwnedValue::Integer(57))
- .add_field("five", OwnedValue::Boolean(true))
- .add_field("six", OwnedValue::String(String::from("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")))
- .set_timestamp(now());
- b.iter(|| {
- serialize_owned(&m, &mut buf);
- buf.clear()
- });
- }
- #[bench]
- fn serialize_owned_simple(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let mut buf = String::with_capacity(1024);
- let m =
- OwnedMeasurement::new("test")
- .add_tag("one", "a")
- .add_tag("two", "b")
- .add_field("three", OwnedValue::Float(1.2345))
- .add_field("four", OwnedValue::Integer(57))
- .set_timestamp(now());
- b.iter(|| {
- serialize_owned(&m, &mut buf);
- buf.clear()
- });
- }
- #[test]
- fn it_serializes_a_hard_to_serialize_message_from_owned() {
- let raw = r#"error encountered trying to send krkn order: Other("Failed to send http request: Other("Resource temporarily unavailable (os error 11)")")"#;
- let mut buf = String::new();
- let mut server_resp = String::new();
- let m = OwnedMeasurement::new("rust_test")
- .add_field("s", OwnedValue::String(raw.to_string()))
- .set_timestamp(now());
- serialize_owned(&m, &mut buf);
- println!("{}", buf);
- buf.push_str("\n");
- let buf_copy = buf.clone();
- buf.push_str(&buf_copy);
- println!("{}", buf);
- let url = Url::parse_with_params("http://localhost:8086/write", &[("db", "test"), ("precision", "ns")]).expect("influx writer url should parse");
- let client = Client::new();
- match client.post(url.clone())
- .body(&buf)
- .send() {
- Ok(Response { status, .. }) if status == StatusCode::NoContent => {}
- Ok(mut resp) => {
- resp.read_to_string(&mut server_resp).unwrap();
- panic!("{}", server_resp);
- }
- Err(why) => {
- panic!(why)
- }
- }
- }
- }