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.travis.yml 1.9KB

6 years ago
  1. # Based on the "trust" template v0.1.1
  2. #
  3. dist: trusty
  4. language: rust
  5. services: docker
  6. sudo: required
  7. # TODO Rust builds on stable by default, this can be
  8. # overridden on a case by case basis down below.
  9. env:
  10. global:
  11. # TODO Update this to match the name of your project.
  12. - CRATE_NAME=tantivy-cli
  13. matrix:
  14. # TODO These are all the build jobs. Adjust as necessary. Comment out what you
  15. # don't need
  16. include:
  17. # Linux
  18. - env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  19. rust: nightly
  20. # OSX
  21. - env: TARGET=x86_64-apple-darwin
  22. os: osx
  23. rust: nightly
  24. before_install: set -e
  25. install:
  26. - sh ci/
  27. - source ~/.cargo/env || true
  28. script:
  29. - bash ci/
  30. after_script: set +e
  31. before_deploy:
  32. - sh ci/
  33. deploy:
  34. api_key:
  35. secure: "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"
  36. file_glob: true
  38. on:
  39. tags: true
  40. provider: releases
  41. skip_cleanup: true
  42. cache: cargo
  43. before_cache:
  44. # Travis can't cache files that are not readable by "others"
  45. - chmod -R a+r $HOME/.cargo
  46. branches:
  47. only:
  48. # release tags
  49. - /^.*\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*$/
  50. - master
  51. notifications:
  52. email:
  53. on_success: always