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Cargo.toml 958B

8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
  1. [package]
  2. name = "tantivy-cli"
  3. version = "0.4.2"
  4. authors = ["Paul Masurel <>"]
  5. description = """Command line interface for Tantivy, a search engine library."""
  6. documentation = ""
  7. homepage = ""
  8. repository = ""
  9. readme = ""
  10. keywords = ["search", "information", "retrieval"]
  11. license = "MIT"
  12. [dependencies]
  13. time = "0.1"
  14. iron = "0.4"
  15. staticfile = "0.3"
  16. serde = "1.0"
  17. serde_derive = "1.0"
  18. serde_json = "1.0"
  19. persistent="0.2"
  20. clap = "2"
  21. ansi_term = "0.8"
  22. urlencoded = "0.4"
  23. mount = "0.2"
  24. chan = "0.1"
  25. bincode = "0.4"
  26. byteorder = "0.5"
  27. log = "0.3"
  28. futures = "0.1"
  29. env_logger = "0.3"
  30. version = "2"
  31. tantivy = "0.4.2"
  32. [[bin]]
  33. name = "tantivy"
  34. path = "src/"
  35. [profile.release]
  36. opt-level = 3
  37. debug = false
  38. debug-assertions = false
  39. lto = true
  40. [features]
  41. default = ["tantivy/simdcompression"]