use ansi_term::Colour::{Blue, Green, Red}; use ansi_term::Style; use clap::ArgMatches; use serde_json; use std::convert::From; use std::fs; use std::io; use std::io::Write; use std::path::PathBuf; use tantivy; use tantivy::schema::Cardinality; use tantivy::schema::*; use tantivy::Index; pub fn run_new_cli(matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<(), String> { let index_directory = PathBuf::from(matches.value_of("index").unwrap()); run_new(index_directory).map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e)) } fn prompt_input Result<(), String>>(prompt_text: &str, predicate: P) -> String { loop { print!( "{prompt_text: { return answer; } Err(msg) => { println!("Error: {}", Style::new().bold().fg(Red).paint(msg)); } } } } // TODO move into core tantivy fn field_name_validate(field_name: &str) -> Result<(), String> { if is_valid_field_name(field_name) { Ok(()) } else { Err(String::from( "Field name must match the pattern [_a-zA-Z0-9]+", )) } } fn prompt_options(msg: &str, codes: Vec) -> char { let options_string: Vec = codes.iter().map(|c| format!("{}", c)).collect(); let options = options_string.join("/"); let predicate = |entry: &str| { if entry.len() != 1 { return Err(format!("Invalid input. Options are ({})", options)); } let c = entry.chars().next().unwrap().to_ascii_uppercase(); if codes.contains(&c) { return Ok(()); } else { return Err(format!("Invalid input. Options are ({})", options)); } }; let message = format!("{} ({})", msg, options); let entry = prompt_input(&message, predicate); entry.chars().next().unwrap().to_ascii_uppercase() } fn prompt_field_type(msg: &str, codes: Vec<&str>) -> tantivy::schema::Type { let options = codes.join("/"); let predicate = |entry: &str| { // TODO make case-insensitive, currently has to match the options precisely if codes.contains(&entry) { return Ok(()); } else { return Err(format!("Invalid input. Options are ({})", options)); } }; let message = format!("{} ({})", msg, options); let prompt_output = prompt_input(&message, predicate); match prompt_output.to_ascii_uppercase().as_ref() { "TEXT" => Type::Str, "U64" => Type::U64, "I64" => Type::I64, // "F64" => Type::F64, "DATE" => Type::Date, "FACET" => Type::HierarchicalFacet, "BYTES" => Type::Bytes, &_ => Type::Str, // shouldn't be here, the `predicate` fails before here } } fn prompt_yn(msg: &str) -> bool { prompt_options(msg, vec!['Y', 'N']) == 'Y' } fn ask_add_field_text(field_name: &str, schema_builder: &mut SchemaBuilder) { let mut text_options = TextOptions::default(); if prompt_yn("Should the field be stored") { text_options = text_options.set_stored(); } if prompt_yn("Should the field be indexed") { let mut text_indexing_options = TextFieldIndexing::default() .set_index_option(IndexRecordOption::Basic) .set_tokenizer("en_stem"); if prompt_yn("Should the term be tokenized?") { if prompt_yn("Should the term frequencies (per doc) be in the index") { if prompt_yn("Should the term positions (per doc) be in the index") { text_indexing_options = text_indexing_options .set_index_option(IndexRecordOption::WithFreqsAndPositions); } else { text_indexing_options = text_indexing_options.set_index_option(IndexRecordOption::WithFreqs); } } } else { text_indexing_options = text_indexing_options.set_tokenizer("raw"); } text_options = text_options.set_indexing_options(text_indexing_options); } schema_builder.add_text_field(field_name, text_options); } fn ask_add_num_field_with_options( field_name: &str, field_type: Type, schema_builder: &mut SchemaBuilder, ) { let mut int_options = IntOptions::default(); if prompt_yn("Should the field be stored") { int_options = int_options.set_stored(); } if prompt_yn("Should the field be fast") { int_options = int_options.set_fast(Cardinality::SingleValue); } if prompt_yn("Should the field be indexed") { int_options = int_options.set_indexed(); } match field_type { Type::U64 => { schema_builder.add_u64_field(field_name, int_options); } // Type::F64 => { // schema_builder.add_f64_field(field_name, int_options); // } Type::I64 => { schema_builder.add_i64_field(field_name, int_options); } Type::Date => { schema_builder.add_date_field(field_name, int_options); } _ => { // We only pass to this function if the field type is numeric unreachable!(); } } } fn ask_add_field(schema_builder: &mut SchemaBuilder) { println!("\n\n"); let field_name = prompt_input("New field name ", field_name_validate); // Manually iterate over tantivy::schema::Type and make strings out of them // Can introduce a dependency to do it automatically, but this should be easier let possible_field_types = vec!["Text", "u64", "i64", "f64", "Date", "Facet", "Bytes"]; let field_type = prompt_field_type("Choose Field Type", possible_field_types); match field_type { Type::Str => { ask_add_field_text(&field_name, schema_builder); } Type::U64 | Type::Date | Type::I64 => { // Type::U64 | Type::F64 | Type::Date | Type::I64 => { ask_add_num_field_with_options(&field_name, field_type, schema_builder); } Type::HierarchicalFacet => { schema_builder.add_facet_field(&field_name); } Type::Bytes => { schema_builder.add_bytes_field(&field_name); } } } fn run_new(directory: PathBuf) -> tantivy::Result<()> { println!( "\n{} ", Style::new().bold().fg(Green).paint("Creating new index") ); println!( "{} ", Style::new() .bold() .fg(Green) .paint("First define its schema!") ); let mut schema_builder = SchemaBuilder::default(); loop { ask_add_field(&mut schema_builder); if !prompt_yn("Add another field") { break; } } let schema =; let schema_json = format!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&schema).unwrap()); println!("\n{}\n", Style::new().fg(Green).paint(schema_json)); match fs::create_dir(&directory) { Ok(_) => (), // Proceed here; actual existence of index is checked in Index::create_in_dir Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => (), Err(e) => panic!("{:?}", e), }; Index::create_in_dir(&directory, schema)?; Ok(()) }