use std::collections::HashMap; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock}; use tera::{from_value, to_value, Error, Function as TeraFn, Result, Value}; use config::Config; use library::{Library, Taxonomy}; use utils::site::resolve_internal_link; use image; use image::GenericImageView; use imageproc; #[macro_use] mod macros; mod load_data; pub use self::load_data::LoadData; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Trans { config: Config, } impl Trans { pub fn new(config: Config) -> Self { Self { config } } } impl TeraFn for Trans { fn call(&self, args: &HashMap) -> Result { let key = required_arg!(String, args.get("key"), "`trans` requires a `key` argument."); let lang = optional_arg!(String, args.get("lang"), "`trans`: `lang` must be a string.") .unwrap_or_else(|| self.config.default_language.clone()); let translations = &self.config.translations[lang.as_str()]; Ok(to_value(&translations[key.as_str()]).unwrap()) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct GetUrl { config: Config, permalinks: HashMap, } impl GetUrl { pub fn new(config: Config, permalinks: HashMap) -> Self { Self { config, permalinks } } } impl TeraFn for GetUrl { fn call(&self, args: &HashMap) -> Result { let cachebust = args.get("cachebust").map_or(false, |c| from_value::(c.clone()).unwrap_or(false)); let trailing_slash = args .get("trailing_slash") .map_or(false, |c| from_value::(c.clone()).unwrap_or(false)); let path = required_arg!( String, args.get("path"), "`get_url` requires a `path` argument with a string value" ); if path.starts_with("@/") { match resolve_internal_link(&path, &self.permalinks) { Ok(url) => Ok(to_value(url).unwrap()), Err(_) => { Err(format!("Could not resolve URL for link `{}` not found.", path).into()) } } } else { // anything else let mut permalink = self.config.make_permalink(&path); if !trailing_slash && permalink.ends_with('/') { permalink.pop(); // Removes the slash } if cachebust { permalink = format!("{}?t={}", permalink, self.config.build_timestamp.unwrap()); } Ok(to_value(permalink).unwrap()) } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ResizeImage { imageproc: Arc>, } impl ResizeImage { pub fn new(imageproc: Arc>) -> Self { Self { imageproc } } } static DEFAULT_OP: &'static str = "fill"; static DEFAULT_FMT: &'static str = "auto"; const DEFAULT_Q: u8 = 75; impl TeraFn for ResizeImage { fn call(&self, args: &HashMap) -> Result { let path = required_arg!( String, args.get("path"), "`resize_image` requires a `path` argument with a string value" ); let width = optional_arg!( u32, args.get("width"), "`resize_image`: `width` must be a non-negative integer" ); let height = optional_arg!( u32, args.get("height"), "`resize_image`: `height` must be a non-negative integer" ); let op = optional_arg!(String, args.get("op"), "`resize_image`: `op` must be a string") .unwrap_or_else(|| DEFAULT_OP.to_string()); let format = optional_arg!(String, args.get("format"), "`resize_image`: `format` must be a string") .unwrap_or_else(|| DEFAULT_FMT.to_string()); let quality = optional_arg!(u8, args.get("quality"), "`resize_image`: `quality` must be a number") .unwrap_or(DEFAULT_Q); if quality == 0 || quality > 100 { return Err("`resize_image`: `quality` must be in range 1-100".to_string().into()); } let mut imageproc = self.imageproc.lock().unwrap(); if !imageproc.source_exists(&path) { return Err(format!("`resize_image`: Cannot find path: {}", path).into()); } let imageop = imageproc::ImageOp::from_args(path, &op, width, height, &format, quality) .map_err(|e| format!("`resize_image`: {}", e))?; let url = imageproc.insert(imageop); to_value(url).map_err(|err| err.into()) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct GetImageMeta { content_path: PathBuf } impl GetImageMeta { pub fn new(content_path: PathBuf) -> Self { Self { content_path } } } impl TeraFn for GetImageMeta { fn call(&self, args: &HashMap) -> Result { let path = required_arg!( String, args.get("path"), "`get_image_meta` requires a `path` argument with a string value" ); let src_path = self.content_path.join(&path); if !src_path.exists(){ return Err(format!("`get_image_meta`: Cannot find path: {}", path).into()); } let img = image::open(&src_path) .map_err(|e| Error::chain(format!("Failed to process image: {}", path), e))?; let mut map = tera::Map::new(); map.insert(String::from("height"), Value::Number(tera::Number::from(img.height()))); map.insert(String::from("width"), Value::Number(tera::Number::from(img.width()))); Ok(Value::Object(map)) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct GetTaxonomyUrl { taxonomies: HashMap>, } impl GetTaxonomyUrl { pub fn new(all_taxonomies: &[Taxonomy]) -> Self { let mut taxonomies = HashMap::new(); for taxonomy in all_taxonomies { let mut items = HashMap::new(); for item in &taxonomy.items { items.insert(, item.permalink.clone()); } taxonomies.insert(, items); } Self { taxonomies } } } impl TeraFn for GetTaxonomyUrl { fn call(&self, args: &HashMap) -> Result { let kind = required_arg!( String, args.get("kind"), "`get_taxonomy_url` requires a `kind` argument with a string value" ); let name = required_arg!( String, args.get("name"), "`get_taxonomy_url` requires a `name` argument with a string value" ); let container = match self.taxonomies.get(&kind) { Some(c) => c, None => { return Err(format!( "`get_taxonomy_url` received an unknown taxonomy as kind: {}", kind ) .into()); } }; if let Some(permalink) = container.get(&name) { return Ok(to_value(permalink).unwrap()); } Err(format!("`get_taxonomy_url`: couldn't find `{}` in `{}` taxonomy", name, kind).into()) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct GetPage { base_path: PathBuf, library: Arc>, } impl GetPage { pub fn new(base_path: PathBuf, library: Arc>) -> Self { Self { base_path: base_path.join("content"), library } } } impl TeraFn for GetPage { fn call(&self, args: &HashMap) -> Result { let path = required_arg!( String, args.get("path"), "`get_page` requires a `path` argument with a string value" ); let full_path = self.base_path.join(&path); let library =; match library.get_page(&full_path) { Some(p) => Ok(to_value(p.to_serialized(&library)).unwrap()), None => Err(format!("Page `{}` not found.", path).into()), } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct GetSection { base_path: PathBuf, library: Arc>, } impl GetSection { pub fn new(base_path: PathBuf, library: Arc>) -> Self { Self { base_path: base_path.join("content"), library } } } impl TeraFn for GetSection { fn call(&self, args: &HashMap) -> Result { let path = required_arg!( String, args.get("path"), "`get_section` requires a `path` argument with a string value" ); let metadata_only = args .get("metadata_only") .map_or(false, |c| from_value::(c.clone()).unwrap_or(false)); let full_path = self.base_path.join(&path); let library =; match library.get_section(&full_path) { Some(s) => { if metadata_only { Ok(to_value(s.to_serialized_basic(&library)).unwrap()) } else { Ok(to_value(s.to_serialized(&library)).unwrap()) } } None => Err(format!("Section `{}` not found.", path).into()), } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct GetTaxonomy { library: Arc>, taxonomies: HashMap, } impl GetTaxonomy { pub fn new(all_taxonomies: Vec, library: Arc>) -> Self { let mut taxonomies = HashMap::new(); for taxo in all_taxonomies { taxonomies.insert(, taxo); } Self { taxonomies, library } } } impl TeraFn for GetTaxonomy { fn call(&self, args: &HashMap) -> Result { let kind = required_arg!( String, args.get("kind"), "`get_taxonomy` requires a `kind` argument with a string value" ); match self.taxonomies.get(&kind) { Some(t) => Ok(to_value(t.to_serialized(&, None => { Err(format!("`get_taxonomy` received an unknown taxonomy as kind: {}", kind).into()) } } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::{GetTaxonomy, GetTaxonomyUrl, GetUrl, Trans}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use tera::{to_value, Function, Value}; use config::{Config, Taxonomy as TaxonomyConfig}; use library::{Library, Taxonomy, TaxonomyItem}; #[test] fn can_add_cachebust_to_url() { let config = Config::default(); let static_fn = GetUrl::new(config, HashMap::new()); let mut args = HashMap::new(); args.insert("path".to_string(), to_value("app.css").unwrap()); args.insert("cachebust".to_string(), to_value(true).unwrap()); assert_eq!(, ""); } #[test] fn can_add_trailing_slashes() { let config = Config::default(); let static_fn = GetUrl::new(config, HashMap::new()); let mut args = HashMap::new(); args.insert("path".to_string(), to_value("app.css").unwrap()); args.insert("trailing_slash".to_string(), to_value(true).unwrap()); assert_eq!(, ""); } #[test] fn can_add_slashes_and_cachebust() { let config = Config::default(); let static_fn = GetUrl::new(config, HashMap::new()); let mut args = HashMap::new(); args.insert("path".to_string(), to_value("app.css").unwrap()); args.insert("trailing_slash".to_string(), to_value(true).unwrap()); args.insert("cachebust".to_string(), to_value(true).unwrap()); assert_eq!(, ""); } #[test] fn can_link_to_some_static_file() { let config = Config::default(); let static_fn = GetUrl::new(config, HashMap::new()); let mut args = HashMap::new(); args.insert("path".to_string(), to_value("app.css").unwrap()); assert_eq!(, ""); } #[test] fn can_get_taxonomy() { let config = Config::default(); let taxo_config = TaxonomyConfig { name: "tags".to_string(), lang: config.default_language.clone(), ..TaxonomyConfig::default() }; let library = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Library::new(0, 0, false))); let tag = TaxonomyItem::new( "Programming", &taxo_config, &config, vec![], &, ); let tags = Taxonomy { kind: taxo_config, items: vec![tag] }; let taxonomies = vec![tags.clone()]; let static_fn = GetTaxonomy::new(taxonomies.clone(), library.clone()); // can find it correctly let mut args = HashMap::new(); args.insert("kind".to_string(), to_value("tags").unwrap()); let res =; let res_obj = res.as_object().unwrap(); assert_eq!(res_obj["kind"], to_value(tags.kind).unwrap()); assert_eq!(res_obj["items"].clone().as_array().unwrap().len(), 1); assert_eq!( res_obj["items"].clone().as_array().unwrap()[0].clone().as_object().unwrap()["name"], Value::String("Programming".to_string()) ); assert_eq!( res_obj["items"].clone().as_array().unwrap()[0].clone().as_object().unwrap()["slug"], Value::String("programming".to_string()) ); assert_eq!( res_obj["items"].clone().as_array().unwrap()[0].clone().as_object().unwrap() ["permalink"], Value::String("".to_string()) ); assert_eq!( res_obj["items"].clone().as_array().unwrap()[0].clone().as_object().unwrap()["pages"], Value::Array(vec![]) ); // and errors if it can't find it let mut args = HashMap::new(); args.insert("kind".to_string(), to_value("something-else").unwrap()); assert!(; } #[test] fn can_get_taxonomy_url() { let config = Config::default(); let taxo_config = TaxonomyConfig { name: "tags".to_string(), lang: config.default_language.clone(), ..TaxonomyConfig::default() }; let library = Library::new(0, 0, false); let tag = TaxonomyItem::new("Programming", &taxo_config, &config, vec![], &library); let tags = Taxonomy { kind: taxo_config, items: vec![tag] }; let taxonomies = vec![tags.clone()]; let static_fn = GetTaxonomyUrl::new(&taxonomies); // can find it correctly let mut args = HashMap::new(); args.insert("kind".to_string(), to_value("tags").unwrap()); args.insert("name".to_string(), to_value("Programming").unwrap()); assert_eq!(, to_value("").unwrap() ); // and errors if it can't find it let mut args = HashMap::new(); args.insert("kind".to_string(), to_value("tags").unwrap()); args.insert("name".to_string(), to_value("random").unwrap()); assert!(; } #[test] fn can_translate_a_string() { let trans_config = r#" base_url = "" default_language = "fr" [translations] [] title = "Un titre" [translations.en] title = "A title" "#; let config = Config::parse(trans_config).unwrap(); let static_fn = Trans::new(config); let mut args = HashMap::new(); args.insert("key".to_string(), to_value("title").unwrap()); assert_eq!(, "Un titre"); args.insert("lang".to_string(), to_value("en").unwrap()); assert_eq!(, "A title"); args.insert("lang".to_string(), to_value("fr").unwrap()); assert_eq!(, "Un titre"); } }