use std::default::Default; use std::fs::File; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::path::Path; use toml::Parser; use errors::{Result, ErrorKind, ResultExt}; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Config { pub title: String, pub base_url: String, pub theme: String, pub favicon: Option, } impl Default for Config { fn default() -> Config { Config { title: "".to_string(), base_url: "".to_string(), theme: "".to_string(), favicon: None, } } } impl Config { pub fn from_str(content: &str) -> Result { let mut parser = Parser::new(&content); if let Some(value) = parser.parse() { let mut config = Config::default(); for (key, value) in value.iter() { if key == "title" { config.title = value.as_str().ok_or(ErrorKind::InvalidConfig)?.to_string(); } else if key == "base_url" { config.base_url = value.as_str().ok_or(ErrorKind::InvalidConfig)?.to_string(); } else if key == "favicon" { config.favicon = Some(value.as_str().ok_or(ErrorKind::InvalidConfig)?.to_string()); } } return Ok(config); } else { // TODO: handle error in parsing TOML println!("parse errors: {:?}", parser.errors); } unreachable!() } pub fn from_file>(path: P) -> Result { let mut content = String::new(); File::open(path) .chain_err(|| "Failed to load config.toml. Are you in the right directory?")? .read_to_string(&mut content)?; Config::from_str(&content) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::{Config}; #[test] fn test_can_import_valid_config() { let config = r#" title = "My site" base_url = "" "#; let config = Config::from_str(config).unwrap(); assert_eq!(config.title, "My site".to_string()); } #[test] fn test_errors_when_invalid_type() { let config = r#" title = 1 base_url = "" "#; let config = Config::from_str(config); assert!(config.is_err()); } }