use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use elasticlunr::{Index, Language}; use lazy_static::lazy_static; #[allow(unused_imports)] use errors::{bail, Result, Error}; use library::{Library, Section}; pub const ELASTICLUNR_JS: &str = include_str!("elasticlunr.min.js"); lazy_static! { static ref AMMONIA: ammonia::Builder<'static> = { let mut clean_content = HashSet::new(); clean_content.insert("script"); clean_content.insert("style"); let mut builder = ammonia::Builder::new(); builder .tags(HashSet::new()) .tag_attributes(HashMap::new()) .generic_attributes(HashSet::new()) .link_rel(None) .allowed_classes(HashMap::new()) .clean_content_tags(clean_content); builder }; } /// Returns the generated JSON index with all the documents of the site added using /// the language given /// Errors if the language given is not available in Elasticlunr /// TODO: is making `in_search_index` apply to subsections of a `false` section useful? pub fn build_index(lang: &str, library: &Library) -> Result { let language = match Language::from_code(lang) { Some(l) => l, None => { bail!("Tried to build search index for language {} which is not supported", lang); } }; let mut index = Index::with_language(language, &["title", "body"]); for section in library.sections_values() { if section.lang == lang { add_section_to_index(&mut index, section, library); } } Ok(index) } fn add_section_to_index(index: &mut Index, section: &Section, library: &Library) { if !section.meta.in_search_index { return; } // Don't index redirecting sections if section.meta.redirect_to.is_none() { index.add_doc( §ion.permalink, &[ §ion.meta.title.clone().unwrap_or_default(), &AMMONIA.clean(§ion.content).to_string(), ], ); } for key in §ion.pages { let page = library.get_page_by_key(*key); if !page.meta.in_search_index { continue; } index.add_doc( &page.permalink, &[ &page.meta.title.clone().unwrap_or_default(), &AMMONIA.clean(&page.content).to_string(), ], ); } } #[cfg(feature = "tantivy-indexing")] fn parse_language(lang: &str) -> Option { use serde_derive::Deserialize; #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Lang { pub language: tantivy::tokenizer::Language, } // expecting two-character code, but will try other forms as fallback match lang.len() { 2 => isolang::Language::from_639_1(&lang.to_lowercase()) .and_then(|parsed| { let json = format!("{{\"language\":\"{}\"}}", parsed.to_name()); serde_json::from_str::(&json).ok().map(|Lang { language }| language) }), 3 => isolang::Language::from_639_3(&lang.to_lowercase()) .and_then(|parsed| { serde_json::from_str::(parsed.to_name()).ok() }), // apparently not a code, so this is best available option _ => serde_json::from_str::(lang).ok() } } #[cfg(feature = "tantivy-indexing")] pub fn build_tantivy_index>( lang: &str, library: &Library, index_dir: P, ) -> Result { use tantivy::{schema::*, tokenizer::*, Index, Document}; use tantivy::doc; let parsed_lang: Language = parse_language(lang) .ok_or_else(|| { Error::from(format!("failed to parse language: '{}'", lang)) })?; let tokenizer_name: String = match parsed_lang { Language::English => "en_stem".to_string(), other => format!("{:?}_stem", other).to_lowercase(), }; let text_indexing_options = TextFieldIndexing::default() .set_index_option(IndexRecordOption::WithFreqsAndPositions) .set_tokenizer(&tokenizer_name); let text_options = TextOptions::default() .set_indexing_options(text_indexing_options) .set_stored(); let mut schema = SchemaBuilder::new(); let title = schema.add_text_field("title", text_options.clone()); let body = schema.add_text_field("body", text_options.clone()); let permalink = schema.add_text_field("permalink", STORED); let schema =; let index = Index::create_in_dir(&index_dir, schema.clone()) .map_err(|e| { Error::from(format!("creating tantivy index failed: {}", e)) })?; if index.tokenizers().get(&tokenizer_name).is_none() { // if non-english, we need to register stemmer let tokenizer = TextAnalyzer::from(SimpleTokenizer) .filter(RemoveLongFilter::limit(40)) .filter(LowerCaser) .filter(Stemmer::new(parsed_lang)); index.tokenizers().register(&tokenizer_name, tokenizer); } let mut wtr = index.writer(1024 * 1024 * 256) .map_err(|e| { Error::from(format!("creating tantivy index writer failed: {}", e)) })?; let mut seen: HashSet = Default::default(); let mut n_indexed = 0; for section in library.sections_values() { // reason for macro: Section/Page are different types but have same attributes macro_rules! index_page { ($page:ident) => {{ let already_indexed = seen.contains(&$page.permalink); if ! already_indexed && $page.meta.in_search_index && $page.lang == lang { seen.insert($page.permalink.clone()); // mark ask indexed let cleaned_body: String = AMMONIA.clean(&$page.content).to_string(); let page_doc: Document = doc!( title => $page.meta.title.as_ref().map(|x| x.as_str()).unwrap_or(""), body => cleaned_body.as_str(), permalink => $page.permalink.as_str(), ); wtr.add_document(page_doc); n_indexed += 1; } }} } if section.meta.redirect_to.is_none() { index_page!(section); } for key in §ion.pages { let page = library.get_page_by_key(*key); index_page!(page); } } //wtr.prepare_commit().map_err(|e| { Error::from(format!("tantivy IndexWriter::commit failed: {}", e)) })?; wtr.commit().map_err(|e| { Error::from(format!("tantivy IndexWriter::commit failed: {}", e)) })?; wtr.wait_merging_threads().map_err(|e| { Error::from(format!("tantivy IndexWriter::wait_merging_threads failed: {}", e)) })?; drop(index); Ok(n_indexed) }