/// A page, can be a blog post or a basic page use std::collections::HashMap; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use regex::Regex; use slotmap::Key; use slug::slugify; use tera::{Context as TeraContext, Tera}; use config::Config; use errors::{Error, Result}; use front_matter::{split_page_content, InsertAnchor, PageFrontMatter}; use library::Library; use rendering::{render_content, Heading, RenderContext}; use utils::fs::{find_related_assets, read_file}; use utils::site::get_reading_analytics; use utils::templates::render_template; use content::file_info::FileInfo; use content::has_anchor; use content::ser::SerializingPage; lazy_static! { // Based on https://regex101.com/r/H2n38Z/1/tests // A regex parsing RFC3339 date followed by {_,-}, some characters and ended by .md static ref RFC3339_DATE: Regex = Regex::new( r"^(?P(\d{4})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])(T([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]|60)(\.[0-9]+)?(Z|(\+|-)([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9])))?)(_|-)(?P.+$)" ).unwrap(); } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct Page { /// All info about the actual file pub file: FileInfo, /// The front matter meta-data pub meta: PageFrontMatter, /// The list of parent sections pub ancestors: Vec, /// The actual content of the page, in markdown pub raw_content: String, /// All the non-md files we found next to the .md file pub assets: Vec, /// All the non-md files we found next to the .md file as string for use in templates pub serialized_assets: Vec, /// The HTML rendered of the page pub content: String, /// The slug of that page. /// First tries to find the slug in the meta and defaults to filename otherwise pub slug: String, /// The URL path of the page pub path: String, /// The components of the path of the page pub components: Vec, /// The full URL for that page pub permalink: String, /// The summary for the article, defaults to None /// When is found in the text, will take the content up to that part /// as summary pub summary: Option, /// The earlier page, for pages sorted by date pub earlier: Option, /// The later page, for pages sorted by date pub later: Option, /// The lighter page, for pages sorted by weight pub lighter: Option, /// The heavier page, for pages sorted by weight pub heavier: Option, /// Toc made from the headings of the markdown file pub toc: Vec, /// How many words in the raw content pub word_count: Option, /// How long would it take to read the raw content. /// See `get_reading_analytics` on how it is calculated pub reading_time: Option, /// The language of that page. Equal to the default lang if the user doesn't setup `languages` in config. /// Corresponds to the lang in the {slug}.{lang}.md file scheme pub lang: String, /// Contains all the translated version of that page pub translations: Vec, /// Contains the internal links that have an anchor: we can only check the anchor /// after all pages have been built and their ToC compiled. The page itself should exist otherwise /// it would have errored before getting there /// (path to markdown, anchor value) pub internal_links_with_anchors: Vec<(String, String)>, /// Contains the external links that need to be checked pub external_links: Vec, } impl Page { pub fn new>(file_path: P, meta: PageFrontMatter, base_path: &PathBuf) -> Page { let file_path = file_path.as_ref(); Page { file: FileInfo::new_page(file_path, base_path), meta, ancestors: vec![], raw_content: "".to_string(), assets: vec![], serialized_assets: vec![], content: "".to_string(), slug: "".to_string(), path: "".to_string(), components: vec![], permalink: "".to_string(), summary: None, earlier: None, later: None, lighter: None, heavier: None, toc: vec![], word_count: None, reading_time: None, lang: String::new(), translations: Vec::new(), internal_links_with_anchors: Vec::new(), external_links: Vec::new(), } } pub fn is_draft(&self) -> bool { self.meta.draft } /// Parse a page given the content of the .md file /// Files without front matter or with invalid front matter are considered /// erroneous pub fn parse( file_path: &Path, content: &str, config: &Config, base_path: &PathBuf, ) -> Result { let (meta, content) = split_page_content(file_path, content)?; let mut page = Page::new(file_path, meta, base_path); page.lang = page.file.find_language(config)?; page.raw_content = content; let (word_count, reading_time) = get_reading_analytics(&page.raw_content); page.word_count = Some(word_count); page.reading_time = Some(reading_time); let mut slug_from_dated_filename = None; let file_path = if page.file.name == "index" { if let Some(parent) = page.file.path.parent() { parent.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_string() } else { page.file.name.replace(".md", "") } } else { page.file.name.replace(".md", "") }; if let Some(ref caps) = RFC3339_DATE.captures(&file_path) { slug_from_dated_filename = Some(caps.name("slug").unwrap().as_str().to_string()); if page.meta.date.is_none() { page.meta.date = Some(caps.name("datetime").unwrap().as_str().to_string()); page.meta.date_to_datetime(); } } page.slug = { if let Some(ref slug) = page.meta.slug { slugify(&slug.trim()) } else if page.file.name == "index" { if let Some(parent) = page.file.path.parent() { if let Some(slug) = slug_from_dated_filename { slugify(&slug) } else { slugify(parent.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap()) } } else { slugify(&page.file.name) } } else if let Some(slug) = slug_from_dated_filename { slugify(&slug) } else { slugify(&page.file.name) } }; if let Some(ref p) = page.meta.path { page.path = p.trim().trim_start_matches('/').to_string(); } else { let mut path = if page.file.components.is_empty() { page.slug.clone() } else { format!("{}/{}", page.file.components.join("/"), page.slug) }; if page.lang != config.default_language { path = format!("{}/{}", page.lang, path); } page.path = path; } if !page.path.ends_with('/') { page.path = format!("{}/", page.path); } page.components = page .path .split('/') .map(|p| p.to_string()) .filter(|p| !p.is_empty()) .collect::>(); page.permalink = config.make_permalink(&page.path); Ok(page) } /// Read and parse a .md file into a Page struct pub fn from_file>( path: P, config: &Config, base_path: &PathBuf, ) -> Result { let path = path.as_ref(); let content = read_file(path)?; let mut page = Page::parse(path, &content, config, base_path)?; if page.file.name == "index" { let parent_dir = path.parent().unwrap(); let assets = find_related_assets(parent_dir); if let Some(ref globset) = config.ignored_content_globset { // `find_related_assets` only scans the immediate directory (it is not recursive) so our // filtering only needs to work against the file_name component, not the full suffix. If // `find_related_assets` was changed to also return files in subdirectories, we could // use `PathBuf.strip_prefix` to remove the parent directory and then glob-filter // against the remaining path. Note that the current behaviour effectively means that // the `ignored_content` setting in the config file is limited to single-file glob // patterns (no "**" patterns). page.assets = assets .into_iter() .filter(|path| match path.file_name() { None => true, Some(file) => !globset.is_match(file), }) .collect(); } else { page.assets = assets; } page.serialized_assets = page.serialize_assets(&base_path); } else { page.assets = vec![]; } Ok(page) } /// We need access to all pages url to render links relative to content /// so that can't happen at the same time as parsing pub fn render_markdown( &mut self, permalinks: &HashMap, tera: &Tera, config: &Config, anchor_insert: InsertAnchor, ) -> Result<()> { let mut context = RenderContext::new(tera, config, &self.permalink, permalinks, anchor_insert); context.tera_context.insert("page", &SerializingPage::from_page_basic(self, None)); let res = render_content(&self.raw_content, &context).map_err(|e| { Error::chain(format!("Failed to render content of {}", self.file.path.display()), e) })?; self.summary = res.summary_len.map(|l| res.body[0..l].to_owned()); self.content = res.body; self.toc = res.toc; self.external_links = res.external_links; self.internal_links_with_anchors = res.internal_links_with_anchors; Ok(()) } /// Renders the page using the default layout, unless specified in front-matter pub fn render_html(&self, tera: &Tera, config: &Config, library: &Library) -> Result { let tpl_name = match self.meta.template { Some(ref l) => l, None => "page.html", }; let mut context = TeraContext::new(); context.insert("config", config); context.insert("current_url", &self.permalink); context.insert("current_path", &self.path); context.insert("page", &self.to_serialized(library)); context.insert("lang", &self.lang); context.insert("toc", &self.toc); render_template(&tpl_name, tera, context, &config.theme).map_err(|e| { Error::chain(format!("Failed to render page '{}'", self.file.path.display()), e) }) } /// Creates a vectors of asset URLs. fn serialize_assets(&self, base_path: &PathBuf) -> Vec { self.assets .iter() .filter_map(|asset| asset.file_name()) .filter_map(|filename| filename.to_str()) .map(|filename| { let mut path = self.file.path.clone(); // Popping the index.md from the path since file.parent would be one level too high // for our need here path.pop(); path.push(filename); path = path .strip_prefix(&base_path.join("content")) .expect("Should be able to stripe prefix") .to_path_buf(); path }) .map(|path| path.to_string_lossy().to_string()) .collect() } pub fn has_anchor(&self, anchor: &str) -> bool { has_anchor(&self.toc, anchor) } pub fn to_serialized<'a>(&'a self, library: &'a Library) -> SerializingPage<'a> { SerializingPage::from_page(self, library) } pub fn to_serialized_basic<'a>(&'a self, library: &'a Library) -> SerializingPage<'a> { SerializingPage::from_page_basic(self, Some(library)) } } impl Default for Page { fn default() -> Page { Page { file: FileInfo::default(), meta: PageFrontMatter::default(), ancestors: vec![], raw_content: "".to_string(), assets: vec![], serialized_assets: vec![], content: "".to_string(), slug: "".to_string(), path: "".to_string(), components: vec![], permalink: "".to_string(), summary: None, earlier: None, later: None, lighter: None, heavier: None, toc: vec![], word_count: None, reading_time: None, lang: String::new(), translations: Vec::new(), internal_links_with_anchors: Vec::new(), external_links: Vec::new(), } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs::{create_dir, File}; use std::io::Write; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use globset::{Glob, GlobSetBuilder}; use tempfile::tempdir; use tera::Tera; use super::Page; use config::{Config, Language}; use front_matter::InsertAnchor; #[test] fn test_can_parse_a_valid_page() { let content = r#" +++ title = "Hello" description = "hey there" slug = "hello-world" +++ Hello world"#; let res = Page::parse(Path::new("post.md"), content, &Config::default(), &PathBuf::new()); assert!(res.is_ok()); let mut page = res.unwrap(); page.render_markdown( &HashMap::default(), &Tera::default(), &Config::default(), InsertAnchor::None, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.meta.title.unwrap(), "Hello".to_string()); assert_eq!(page.meta.slug.unwrap(), "hello-world".to_string()); assert_eq!(page.raw_content, "Hello world".to_string()); assert_eq!(page.content, "

Hello world

\n".to_string()); } #[test] fn test_can_make_url_from_sections_and_slug() { let content = r#" +++ slug = "hello-world" +++ Hello world"#; let mut conf = Config::default(); conf.base_url = "http://hello.com/".to_string(); let res = Page::parse(Path::new("content/posts/intro/start.md"), content, &conf, &PathBuf::new()); assert!(res.is_ok()); let page = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.path, "posts/intro/hello-world/"); assert_eq!(page.components, vec!["posts", "intro", "hello-world"]); assert_eq!(page.permalink, "http://hello.com/posts/intro/hello-world/"); } #[test] fn can_make_url_from_slug_only() { let content = r#" +++ slug = "hello-world" +++ Hello world"#; let config = Config::default(); let res = Page::parse(Path::new("start.md"), content, &config, &PathBuf::new()); assert!(res.is_ok()); let page = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.path, "hello-world/"); assert_eq!(page.components, vec!["hello-world"]); assert_eq!(page.permalink, config.make_permalink("hello-world")); } #[test] fn can_make_url_from_slug_only_with_no_special_chars() { let content = r#" +++ slug = "hello-&-world" +++ Hello world"#; let config = Config::default(); let res = Page::parse(Path::new("start.md"), content, &config, &PathBuf::new()); assert!(res.is_ok()); let page = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.path, "hello-world/"); assert_eq!(page.components, vec!["hello-world"]); assert_eq!(page.permalink, config.make_permalink("hello-world")); } #[test] fn can_make_url_from_path() { let content = r#" +++ path = "hello-world" +++ Hello world"#; let config = Config::default(); let res = Page::parse( Path::new("content/posts/intro/start.md"), content, &config, &PathBuf::new(), ); assert!(res.is_ok()); let page = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.path, "hello-world/"); assert_eq!(page.components, vec!["hello-world"]); assert_eq!(page.permalink, config.make_permalink("hello-world")); } #[test] fn can_make_url_from_path_starting_slash() { let content = r#" +++ path = "/hello-world" +++ Hello world"#; let config = Config::default(); let res = Page::parse( Path::new("content/posts/intro/start.md"), content, &config, &PathBuf::new(), ); assert!(res.is_ok()); let page = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.path, "hello-world/"); assert_eq!(page.permalink, config.make_permalink("hello-world")); } #[test] fn errors_on_invalid_front_matter_format() { // missing starting +++ let content = r#" title = "Hello" description = "hey there" slug = "hello-world" +++ Hello world"#; let res = Page::parse(Path::new("start.md"), content, &Config::default(), &PathBuf::new()); assert!(res.is_err()); } #[test] fn can_make_slug_from_non_slug_filename() { let config = Config::default(); let res = Page::parse(Path::new(" file with space.md"), "+++\n+++", &config, &PathBuf::new()); assert!(res.is_ok()); let page = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.slug, "file-with-space"); assert_eq!(page.permalink, config.make_permalink(&page.slug)); } #[test] fn can_specify_summary() { let config = Config::default(); let content = r#" +++ +++ Hello world "# .to_string(); let res = Page::parse(Path::new("hello.md"), &content, &config, &PathBuf::new()); assert!(res.is_ok()); let mut page = res.unwrap(); page.render_markdown(&HashMap::default(), &Tera::default(), &config, InsertAnchor::None) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.summary, Some("

Hello world

\n".to_string())); } #[test] fn page_with_assets_gets_right_info() { let tmp_dir = tempdir().expect("create temp dir"); let path = tmp_dir.path(); create_dir(&path.join("content")).expect("create content temp dir"); create_dir(&path.join("content").join("posts")).expect("create posts temp dir"); let nested_path = path.join("content").join("posts").join("with-assets"); create_dir(&nested_path).expect("create nested temp dir"); let mut f = File::create(nested_path.join("index.md")).unwrap(); f.write_all(b"+++\n+++\n").unwrap(); File::create(nested_path.join("example.js")).unwrap(); File::create(nested_path.join("graph.jpg")).unwrap(); File::create(nested_path.join("fail.png")).unwrap(); let res = Page::from_file( nested_path.join("index.md").as_path(), &Config::default(), &path.to_path_buf(), ); assert!(res.is_ok()); let page = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.file.parent, path.join("content").join("posts")); assert_eq!(page.slug, "with-assets"); assert_eq!(page.assets.len(), 3); assert_eq!(page.permalink, "http://a-website.com/posts/with-assets/"); } #[test] fn page_with_assets_and_slug_overrides_path() { let tmp_dir = tempdir().expect("create temp dir"); let path = tmp_dir.path(); create_dir(&path.join("content")).expect("create content temp dir"); create_dir(&path.join("content").join("posts")).expect("create posts temp dir"); let nested_path = path.join("content").join("posts").join("with-assets"); create_dir(&nested_path).expect("create nested temp dir"); let mut f = File::create(nested_path.join("index.md")).unwrap(); f.write_all(b"+++\nslug=\"hey\"\n+++\n").unwrap(); File::create(nested_path.join("example.js")).unwrap(); File::create(nested_path.join("graph.jpg")).unwrap(); File::create(nested_path.join("fail.png")).unwrap(); let res = Page::from_file( nested_path.join("index.md").as_path(), &Config::default(), &path.to_path_buf(), ); assert!(res.is_ok()); let page = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.file.parent, path.join("content").join("posts")); assert_eq!(page.slug, "hey"); assert_eq!(page.assets.len(), 3); assert_eq!(page.permalink, "http://a-website.com/posts/hey/"); } // https://github.com/getzola/zola/issues/674 #[test] fn page_with_assets_uses_filepath_for_assets() { let tmp_dir = tempdir().expect("create temp dir"); let path = tmp_dir.path(); create_dir(&path.join("content")).expect("create content temp dir"); create_dir(&path.join("content").join("posts")).expect("create posts temp dir"); let nested_path = path.join("content").join("posts").join("with_assets"); create_dir(&nested_path).expect("create nested temp dir"); let mut f = File::create(nested_path.join("index.md")).unwrap(); f.write_all(b"+++\n+++\n").unwrap(); File::create(nested_path.join("example.js")).unwrap(); File::create(nested_path.join("graph.jpg")).unwrap(); File::create(nested_path.join("fail.png")).unwrap(); let res = Page::from_file( nested_path.join("index.md").as_path(), &Config::default(), &path.to_path_buf(), ); assert!(res.is_ok()); let page = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.file.parent, path.join("content").join("posts")); assert_eq!(page.assets.len(), 3); assert_eq!(page.serialized_assets.len(), 3); // We should not get with-assets since that's the slugified version assert!(page.serialized_assets[0].contains("with_assets")); assert_eq!(page.permalink, "http://a-website.com/posts/with-assets/"); } // https://github.com/getzola/zola/issues/607 #[test] fn page_with_assets_and_date_in_folder_name() { let tmp_dir = tempdir().expect("create temp dir"); let path = tmp_dir.path(); create_dir(&path.join("content")).expect("create content temp dir"); create_dir(&path.join("content").join("posts")).expect("create posts temp dir"); let nested_path = path.join("content").join("posts").join("2013-06-02_with-assets"); create_dir(&nested_path).expect("create nested temp dir"); let mut f = File::create(nested_path.join("index.md")).unwrap(); f.write_all(b"+++\n\n+++\n").unwrap(); File::create(nested_path.join("example.js")).unwrap(); File::create(nested_path.join("graph.jpg")).unwrap(); File::create(nested_path.join("fail.png")).unwrap(); let res = Page::from_file( nested_path.join("index.md").as_path(), &Config::default(), &path.to_path_buf(), ); assert!(res.is_ok()); let page = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.file.parent, path.join("content").join("posts")); assert_eq!(page.slug, "with-assets"); assert_eq!(page.meta.date, Some("2013-06-02".to_string())); assert_eq!(page.assets.len(), 3); assert_eq!(page.permalink, "http://a-website.com/posts/with-assets/"); } #[test] fn page_with_ignored_assets_filters_out_correct_files() { let tmp_dir = tempdir().expect("create temp dir"); let path = tmp_dir.path(); create_dir(&path.join("content")).expect("create content temp dir"); create_dir(&path.join("content").join("posts")).expect("create posts temp dir"); let nested_path = path.join("content").join("posts").join("with-assets"); create_dir(&nested_path).expect("create nested temp dir"); let mut f = File::create(nested_path.join("index.md")).unwrap(); f.write_all(b"+++\nslug=\"hey\"\n+++\n").unwrap(); File::create(nested_path.join("example.js")).unwrap(); File::create(nested_path.join("graph.jpg")).unwrap(); File::create(nested_path.join("fail.png")).unwrap(); let mut gsb = GlobSetBuilder::new(); gsb.add(Glob::new("*.{js,png}").unwrap()); let mut config = Config::default(); config.ignored_content_globset = Some(gsb.build().unwrap()); let res = Page::from_file(nested_path.join("index.md").as_path(), &config, &path.to_path_buf()); assert!(res.is_ok()); let page = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.assets.len(), 1); assert_eq!(page.assets[0].file_name().unwrap().to_str(), Some("graph.jpg")); } #[test] fn can_get_date_from_short_date_in_filename() { let config = Config::default(); let content = r#" +++ +++ Hello world "# .to_string(); let res = Page::parse(Path::new("2018-10-08_hello.md"), &content, &config, &PathBuf::new()); assert!(res.is_ok()); let page = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.meta.date, Some("2018-10-08".to_string())); assert_eq!(page.slug, "hello"); } #[test] fn can_get_date_from_full_rfc3339_date_in_filename() { let config = Config::default(); let content = r#" +++ +++ Hello world "# .to_string(); let res = Page::parse( Path::new("2018-10-02T15:00:00Z-hello.md"), &content, &config, &PathBuf::new(), ); assert!(res.is_ok()); let page = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.meta.date, Some("2018-10-02T15:00:00Z".to_string())); assert_eq!(page.slug, "hello"); } #[test] fn frontmatter_date_override_filename_date() { let config = Config::default(); let content = r#" +++ date = 2018-09-09 +++ Hello world "# .to_string(); let res = Page::parse(Path::new("2018-10-08_hello.md"), &content, &config, &PathBuf::new()); assert!(res.is_ok()); let page = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.meta.date, Some("2018-09-09".to_string())); assert_eq!(page.slug, "hello"); } #[test] fn can_specify_language_in_filename() { let mut config = Config::default(); config.languages.push(Language { code: String::from("fr"), rss: false, search: false }); let content = r#" +++ +++ Bonjour le monde"# .to_string(); let res = Page::parse(Path::new("hello.fr.md"), &content, &config, &PathBuf::new()); assert!(res.is_ok()); let page = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.lang, "fr".to_string()); assert_eq!(page.slug, "hello"); assert_eq!(page.permalink, "http://a-website.com/fr/hello/"); } #[test] fn can_specify_language_in_filename_with_date() { let mut config = Config::default(); config.languages.push(Language { code: String::from("fr"), rss: false, search: false }); let content = r#" +++ +++ Bonjour le monde"# .to_string(); let res = Page::parse(Path::new("2018-10-08_hello.fr.md"), &content, &config, &PathBuf::new()); assert!(res.is_ok()); let page = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.meta.date, Some("2018-10-08".to_string())); assert_eq!(page.lang, "fr".to_string()); assert_eq!(page.slug, "hello"); assert_eq!(page.permalink, "http://a-website.com/fr/hello/"); } #[test] fn i18n_frontmatter_path_overrides_default_permalink() { let mut config = Config::default(); config.languages.push(Language { code: String::from("fr"), rss: false, search: false }); let content = r#" +++ path = "bonjour" +++ Bonjour le monde"# .to_string(); let res = Page::parse(Path::new("hello.fr.md"), &content, &config, &PathBuf::new()); assert!(res.is_ok()); let page = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.lang, "fr".to_string()); assert_eq!(page.slug, "hello"); assert_eq!(page.permalink, "http://a-website.com/bonjour/"); } }