use clap::{crate_authors, crate_description, crate_version, App, AppSettings, Arg, SubCommand}; pub fn build_cli() -> App<'static, 'static> { App::new("zola") .version(crate_version!()) .author(crate_authors!()) .about(crate_description!()) .setting(AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp) .arg( Arg::with_name("root") .short("r") .long("root") .takes_value(true) .default_value(".") .help("Directory to use as root of project") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("config") .short("c") .long("config") .default_value("config.toml") .takes_value(true) .help("Path to a config file other than config.toml") ) .subcommands(vec![ SubCommand::with_name("init") .about("Create a new Zola project") .arg( Arg::with_name("name") .default_value(".") .help("Name of the project. Will create a new directory with that name in the current directory") ), SubCommand::with_name("build") .about("Deletes the output directory if there is one and builds the site") .args(&[ Arg::with_name("base_url") .short("u") .long("base-url") .takes_value(true) .help("Force the base URL to be that value (default to the one in config.toml)"), Arg::with_name("output_dir") .short("o") .long("output-dir") .default_value("public") .takes_value(true) .help("Outputs the generated site in the given path"), Arg::with_name("drafts") .long("drafts") .takes_value(false) .help("Include drafts when loading the site"), ]), SubCommand::with_name("serve") .about("Serve the site. Rebuild and reload on change automatically") .args(&[ Arg::with_name("interface") .short("i") .long("interface") .default_value("") .help("Interface to bind on"), Arg::with_name("port") .short("p") .long("port") .default_value("1111") .help("Which port to use"), Arg::with_name("output_dir") .short("o") .long("output-dir") .default_value("public") .takes_value(true) .help("Outputs the generated site in the given path"), Arg::with_name("base_url") .short("u") .long("base-url") .default_value("") .takes_value(true) .help("Changes the base_url"), Arg::with_name("watch_only") .long("watch-only") .takes_value(false) .help("Do not start a server, just re-build project on changes"), Arg::with_name("drafts") .long("drafts") .takes_value(false) .help("Include drafts when loading the site"), Arg::with_name("open") .short("O") .long("open") .takes_value(false) .help("Open site in the default browser"), ]), SubCommand::with_name("check") .about("Try building the project without rendering it. Checks links") .args(&[ Arg::with_name("drafts") .long("drafts") .takes_value(false) .help("Include drafts when loading the site"), ]), SubCommand::with_name("index") .about("Create a search index as a stand-alone task, and with additional options") .args({ let drafts = Arg::with_name("drafts") .long("drafts") .takes_value(false) .help("Include drafts when loading the site"); #[cfg(feature = "tantivy-indexing")] { let index_type = Arg::with_name("index_type") .long("index-type") .short("t") .takes_value(true) .possible_values(&["elasticlunr", "tantivy"]) .required(true) .help("what kind of search index to build"); let output_dir = Arg::with_name("output_dir") .short("o") .long("output-dir") .default_value("public") .takes_value(true) .help("Outputs the generated search index files into the provided dir. \ Note: Tantivy indexing produces a directory instead of a file, \ which will be located at output-dir/tantivy-index"); &[drafts, index_type, output_dir] } #[cfg(not(feature = "tantivy-indexing"))] { &[drafts] } }), ]) }