//! What we are sending to the templates when rendering them use std::collections::HashMap; use tera::{Map, Value}; use content::{Page, Section}; use library::Library; use rendering::Header; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize)] pub struct SerializingPage<'a> { relative_path: &'a str, content: &'a str, permalink: &'a str, slug: &'a str, ancestors: Vec, title: &'a Option, description: &'a Option, date: &'a Option, year: Option, month: Option, day: Option, taxonomies: &'a HashMap>, extra: &'a Map, path: &'a str, components: &'a [String], summary: &'a Option, word_count: Option, reading_time: Option, toc: &'a [Header], assets: &'a [String], draft: bool, lighter: Option>>, heavier: Option>>, earlier: Option>>, later: Option>>, } impl<'a> SerializingPage<'a> { /// Grabs all the data from a page, including sibling pages pub fn from_page(page: &'a Page, library: &'a Library) -> Self { let mut year = None; let mut month = None; let mut day = None; if let Some(d) = page.meta.datetime_tuple { year = Some(d.0); month = Some(d.1); day = Some(d.2); } let pages = library.pages(); let lighter = page .lighter .map(|k| Box::new(Self::from_page_basic(pages.get(k).unwrap(), Some(library)))); let heavier = page .heavier .map(|k| Box::new(Self::from_page_basic(pages.get(k).unwrap(), Some(library)))); let earlier = page .earlier .map(|k| Box::new(Self::from_page_basic(pages.get(k).unwrap(), Some(library)))); let later = page .later .map(|k| Box::new(Self::from_page_basic(pages.get(k).unwrap(), Some(library)))); let ancestors = page .ancestors .iter() .map(|k| library.get_section_by_key(*k).file.relative.clone()) .collect(); SerializingPage { relative_path: &page.file.relative, ancestors, content: &page.content, permalink: &page.permalink, slug: &page.slug, title: &page.meta.title, description: &page.meta.description, extra: &page.meta.extra, date: &page.meta.date, year, month, day, taxonomies: &page.meta.taxonomies, path: &page.path, components: &page.components, summary: &page.summary, word_count: page.word_count, reading_time: page.reading_time, toc: &page.toc, assets: &page.serialized_assets, draft: page.is_draft(), lighter, heavier, earlier, later, } } /// Same as from_page but does not fill sibling pages pub fn from_page_basic(page: &'a Page, library: Option<&'a Library>) -> Self { let mut year = None; let mut month = None; let mut day = None; if let Some(d) = page.meta.datetime_tuple { year = Some(d.0); month = Some(d.1); day = Some(d.2); } let ancestors = if let Some(ref lib) = library { page.ancestors .iter() .map(|k| lib.get_section_by_key(*k).file.relative.clone()) .collect() } else { vec![] }; SerializingPage { relative_path: &page.file.relative, ancestors, content: &page.content, permalink: &page.permalink, slug: &page.slug, title: &page.meta.title, description: &page.meta.description, extra: &page.meta.extra, date: &page.meta.date, year, month, day, taxonomies: &page.meta.taxonomies, path: &page.path, components: &page.components, summary: &page.summary, word_count: page.word_count, reading_time: page.reading_time, toc: &page.toc, assets: &page.serialized_assets, draft: page.is_draft(), lighter: None, heavier: None, earlier: None, later: None, } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize)] pub struct SerializingSection<'a> { relative_path: &'a str, content: &'a str, permalink: &'a str, ancestors: Vec, title: &'a Option, description: &'a Option, extra: &'a HashMap, path: &'a str, components: &'a [String], word_count: Option, reading_time: Option, toc: &'a [Header], assets: &'a [String], pages: Vec>, subsections: Vec<&'a str>, } impl<'a> SerializingSection<'a> { pub fn from_section(section: &'a Section, library: &'a Library) -> Self { let mut pages = Vec::with_capacity(section.pages.len()); let mut subsections = Vec::with_capacity(section.subsections.len()); for k in §ion.pages { pages.push(library.get_page_by_key(*k).to_serialized(library)); } for k in §ion.subsections { subsections.push(library.get_section_path_by_key(*k)); } let ancestors = section .ancestors .iter() .map(|k| library.get_section_by_key(*k).file.relative.clone()) .collect(); SerializingSection { relative_path: §ion.file.relative, ancestors, content: §ion.content, permalink: §ion.permalink, title: §ion.meta.title, description: §ion.meta.description, extra: §ion.meta.extra, path: §ion.path, components: §ion.components, word_count: section.word_count, reading_time: section.reading_time, toc: §ion.toc, assets: §ion.serialized_assets, pages, subsections, } } /// Same as from_section but doesn't fetch pages and sections pub fn from_section_basic(section: &'a Section, library: Option<&'a Library>) -> Self { let ancestors = if let Some(ref lib) = library { section .ancestors .iter() .map(|k| lib.get_section_by_key(*k).file.relative.clone()) .collect() } else { vec![] }; SerializingSection { relative_path: §ion.file.relative, ancestors, content: §ion.content, permalink: §ion.permalink, title: §ion.meta.title, description: §ion.meta.description, extra: §ion.meta.extra, path: §ion.path, components: §ion.components, word_count: section.word_count, reading_time: section.reading_time, toc: §ion.toc, assets: §ion.serialized_assets, pages: vec![], subsections: vec![], } } }