extern crate serde_json; extern crate toml; use utils::de::fix_toml_dates; use utils::fs::{get_file_time, is_path_in_directory, read_file}; use reqwest::{header, Client}; use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; use std::fmt; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use std::str::FromStr; use url::Url; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use csv::Reader; use std::collections::HashMap; use tera::{from_value, to_value, Error, Function as TeraFn, Map, Result, Value}; static GET_DATA_ARGUMENT_ERROR_MESSAGE: &str = "`load_data`: requires EITHER a `path` or `url` argument"; enum DataSource { Url(Url), Path(PathBuf), } #[derive(Debug)] enum OutputFormat { Toml, Json, Csv, Plain, } impl fmt::Display for OutputFormat { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Debug::fmt(self, f) } } impl Hash for OutputFormat { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.to_string().hash(state); } } impl FromStr for OutputFormat { type Err = Error; fn from_str(output_format: &str) -> Result { match output_format { "toml" => Ok(OutputFormat::Toml), "csv" => Ok(OutputFormat::Csv), "json" => Ok(OutputFormat::Json), "plain" => Ok(OutputFormat::Plain), format => Err(format!("Unknown output format {}", format).into()), } } } impl OutputFormat { fn as_accept_header(&self) -> header::HeaderValue { header::HeaderValue::from_static(match self { OutputFormat::Json => "application/json", OutputFormat::Csv => "text/csv", OutputFormat::Toml => "application/toml", OutputFormat::Plain => "text/plain", }) } } impl DataSource { fn from_args( path_arg: Option, url_arg: Option, content_path: &PathBuf, ) -> Result { if path_arg.is_some() && url_arg.is_some() { return Err(GET_DATA_ARGUMENT_ERROR_MESSAGE.into()); } if let Some(path) = path_arg { let full_path = content_path.join(path); if !full_path.exists() { return Err(format!("{} doesn't exist", full_path.display()).into()); } return Ok(DataSource::Path(full_path)); } if let Some(url) = url_arg { return Url::parse(&url) .map(DataSource::Url) .map_err(|e| format!("Failed to parse {} as url: {}", url, e).into()); } Err(GET_DATA_ARGUMENT_ERROR_MESSAGE.into()) } fn get_cache_key(&self, format: &OutputFormat) -> u64 { let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); format.hash(&mut hasher); self.hash(&mut hasher); hasher.finish() } } impl Hash for DataSource { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { match self { DataSource::Url(url) => url.hash(state), DataSource::Path(path) => { path.hash(state); get_file_time(&path).expect("get file time").hash(state); } }; } } fn get_data_source_from_args( content_path: &PathBuf, args: &HashMap, ) -> Result { let path_arg = optional_arg!(String, args.get("path"), GET_DATA_ARGUMENT_ERROR_MESSAGE); let url_arg = optional_arg!(String, args.get("url"), GET_DATA_ARGUMENT_ERROR_MESSAGE); DataSource::from_args(path_arg, url_arg, content_path) } fn read_data_file(base_path: &PathBuf, full_path: PathBuf) -> Result { if !is_path_in_directory(&base_path, &full_path) .map_err(|e| format!("Failed to read data file {}: {}", full_path.display(), e))? { return Err(format!( "{} is not inside the base site directory {}", full_path.display(), base_path.display() ) .into()); } read_file(&full_path).map_err(|e| { format!("`load_data`: error {} loading file {}", full_path.to_str().unwrap(), e).into() }) } fn get_output_format_from_args( args: &HashMap, data_source: &DataSource, ) -> Result { let format_arg = optional_arg!( String, args.get("format"), "`load_data`: `format` needs to be an argument with a string value, being one of the supported `load_data` file types (csv, json, toml, plain)" ); if let Some(format) = format_arg { return OutputFormat::from_str(&format); } let from_extension = if let DataSource::Path(path) = data_source { path.extension().map(|extension| extension.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap_or_else(|| "plain") } else { "plain" }; OutputFormat::from_str(from_extension) } /// A Tera function to load data from a file or from a URL /// Currently the supported formats are json, toml, csv and plain text #[derive(Debug)] pub struct LoadData { base_path: PathBuf, client: Arc>, result_cache: Arc>>, } impl LoadData { pub fn new(base_path: PathBuf) -> Self { let client = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Client::builder().build().expect("reqwest client build"))); let result_cache = Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())); Self { base_path, client, result_cache } } } impl TeraFn for LoadData { fn call(&self, args: &HashMap) -> Result { let data_source = get_data_source_from_args(&self.base_path, &args)?; let file_format = get_output_format_from_args(&args, &data_source)?; let cache_key = data_source.get_cache_key(&file_format); let mut cache = self.result_cache.lock().expect("result cache lock"); let response_client = self.client.lock().expect("response client lock"); if let Some(cached_result) = cache.get(&cache_key) { return Ok(cached_result.clone()); } let data = match data_source { DataSource::Path(path) => read_data_file(&self.base_path, path), DataSource::Url(url) => { let mut response = response_client .get(url.as_str()) .header(header::ACCEPT, file_format.as_accept_header()) .send() .and_then(|res| res.error_for_status()) .map_err(|e| { format!( "Failed to request {}: {}", url, e.status().expect("response status") ) })?; response .text() .map_err(|e| format!("Failed to parse response from {}: {:?}", url, e).into()) } }?; let result_value: Result = match file_format { OutputFormat::Toml => load_toml(data), OutputFormat::Csv => load_csv(data), OutputFormat::Json => load_json(data), OutputFormat::Plain => to_value(data).map_err(|e| e.into()), }; if let Ok(data_result) = &result_value { cache.insert(cache_key, data_result.clone()); } result_value } } /// Parse a JSON string and convert it to a Tera Value fn load_json(json_data: String) -> Result { let json_content: Value = serde_json::from_str(json_data.as_str()).map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?; Ok(json_content) } /// Parse a TOML string and convert it to a Tera Value fn load_toml(toml_data: String) -> Result { let toml_content: toml::Value = toml::from_str(&toml_data).map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?; let toml_value = to_value(toml_content).expect("Got invalid JSON that was valid TOML somehow"); match toml_value { Value::Object(m) => Ok(fix_toml_dates(m)), _ => unreachable!("Loaded something other than a TOML object"), } } /// Parse a CSV string and convert it to a Tera Value /// /// An example csv file `example.csv` could be: /// ```csv /// Number, Title /// 1,Gutenberg /// 2,Printing /// ``` /// The json value output would be: /// ```json /// { /// "headers": ["Number", "Title"], /// "records": [ /// ["1", "Gutenberg"], /// ["2", "Printing"] /// ], /// } /// ``` fn load_csv(csv_data: String) -> Result { let mut reader = Reader::from_reader(csv_data.as_bytes()); let mut csv_map = Map::new(); { let hdrs = reader.headers().map_err(|e| { format!("'load_data': {} - unable to read CSV header line (line 1) for CSV file", e) })?; let headers_array = hdrs.iter().map(|v| Value::String(v.to_string())).collect(); csv_map.insert(String::from("headers"), Value::Array(headers_array)); } { let records = reader.records(); let mut records_array: Vec = Vec::new(); for result in records { let record = match result { Ok(r) => r, Err(e) => { return Err(tera::Error::chain( String::from("Error encountered when parsing csv records"), e, )); } }; let mut elements_array: Vec = Vec::new(); for e in record.into_iter() { elements_array.push(Value::String(String::from(e))); } records_array.push(Value::Array(elements_array)); } csv_map.insert(String::from("records"), Value::Array(records_array)); } let csv_value: Value = Value::Object(csv_map); to_value(csv_value).map_err(|err| err.into()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::{DataSource, LoadData, OutputFormat}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::path::PathBuf; use tera::{to_value, Function}; fn get_test_file(filename: &str) -> PathBuf { let test_files = PathBuf::from("../utils/test-files").canonicalize().unwrap(); return test_files.join(filename); } #[test] fn fails_when_missing_file() { let static_fn = LoadData::new(PathBuf::from("../utils")); let mut args = HashMap::new(); args.insert("path".to_string(), to_value("../../../READMEE.md").unwrap()); let result = static_fn.call(&args); assert!(result.is_err()); assert!(result.unwrap_err().to_string().contains("READMEE.md doesn't exist")); } #[test] fn cant_load_outside_content_dir() { let static_fn = LoadData::new(PathBuf::from(PathBuf::from("../utils"))); let mut args = HashMap::new(); args.insert("path".to_string(), to_value("../../README.md").unwrap()); args.insert("format".to_string(), to_value("plain").unwrap()); let result = static_fn.call(&args); assert!(result.is_err()); assert!(result .unwrap_err() .to_string() .contains("README.md is not inside the base site directory")); } #[test] fn calculates_cache_key_for_path() { // We can't test against a fixed value, due to the fact the cache key is built from the absolute path let cache_key = DataSource::Path(get_test_file("test.toml")).get_cache_key(&OutputFormat::Toml); let cache_key_2 = DataSource::Path(get_test_file("test.toml")).get_cache_key(&OutputFormat::Toml); assert_eq!(cache_key, cache_key_2); } #[test] fn calculates_cache_key_for_url() { let cache_key = DataSource::Url("https://api.github.com/repos/getzola/zola".parse().unwrap()) .get_cache_key(&OutputFormat::Plain); assert_eq!(cache_key, 8916756616423791754); } #[test] fn different_cache_key_per_filename() { let toml_cache_key = DataSource::Path(get_test_file("test.toml")).get_cache_key(&OutputFormat::Toml); let json_cache_key = DataSource::Path(get_test_file("test.json")).get_cache_key(&OutputFormat::Toml); assert_ne!(toml_cache_key, json_cache_key); } #[test] fn different_cache_key_per_format() { let toml_cache_key = DataSource::Path(get_test_file("test.toml")).get_cache_key(&OutputFormat::Toml); let json_cache_key = DataSource::Path(get_test_file("test.toml")).get_cache_key(&OutputFormat::Json); assert_ne!(toml_cache_key, json_cache_key); } #[test] fn can_load_remote_data() { let static_fn = LoadData::new(PathBuf::new()); let mut args = HashMap::new(); args.insert("url".to_string(), to_value("https://httpbin.org/json").unwrap()); args.insert("format".to_string(), to_value("json").unwrap()); let result = static_fn.call(&args).unwrap(); assert_eq!( result.get("slideshow").unwrap().get("title").unwrap(), &to_value("Sample Slide Show").unwrap() ); } #[test] fn fails_when_request_404s() { let static_fn = LoadData::new(PathBuf::new()); let mut args = HashMap::new(); args.insert("url".to_string(), to_value("https://httpbin.org/status/404/").unwrap()); args.insert("format".to_string(), to_value("json").unwrap()); let result = static_fn.call(&args); assert!(result.is_err()); assert_eq!( result.unwrap_err().to_string(), "Failed to request https://httpbin.org/status/404/: 404 Not Found" ); } #[test] fn can_load_toml() { let static_fn = LoadData::new(PathBuf::from("../utils/test-files")); let mut args = HashMap::new(); args.insert("path".to_string(), to_value("test.toml").unwrap()); let result = static_fn.call(&args.clone()).unwrap(); // TOML does not load in order assert_eq!( result, json!({ "category": { "date": "1979-05-27T07:32:00Z", "key": "value" }, }) ); } #[test] fn can_load_csv() { let static_fn = LoadData::new(PathBuf::from("../utils/test-files")); let mut args = HashMap::new(); args.insert("path".to_string(), to_value("test.csv").unwrap()); let result = static_fn.call(&args.clone()).unwrap(); assert_eq!( result, json!({ "headers": ["Number", "Title"], "records": [ ["1", "Gutenberg"], ["2", "Printing"] ], }) ) } // Test points to bad csv file with uneven row lengths #[test] fn bad_csv_should_result_in_error() { let static_fn = LoadData::new(PathBuf::from("../utils/test-files")); let mut args = HashMap::new(); args.insert("path".to_string(), to_value("uneven_rows.csv").unwrap()); let result = static_fn.call(&args.clone()); assert!(result.is_err()); let error_kind = result.err().unwrap().kind; match error_kind { tera::ErrorKind::Msg(msg) => { if msg != String::from("Error encountered when parsing csv records") { panic!("Error message is wrong. Perhaps wrong error is being returned?"); } } _ => panic!("Error encountered was not expected CSV error"), } } #[test] fn can_load_json() { let static_fn = LoadData::new(PathBuf::from("../utils/test-files")); let mut args = HashMap::new(); args.insert("path".to_string(), to_value("test.json").unwrap()); let result = static_fn.call(&args.clone()).unwrap(); assert_eq!( result, json!({ "key": "value", "array": [1, 2, 3], "subpackage": { "subkey": 5 } }) ) } }