+++ title = "Shortcodes" weight = 40 +++ While Markdown is good at writing, it isn't great when you need write inline HTML to add some styling for example. To solve this, Gutenberg borrows the concept of [shortcodes](https://codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode_API) from WordPress. In our case, the shortcode corresponds to a template that is defined in the `templates/shortcodes` directory or a built-in one. ## Writing a shortcode Let's write a shortcode to embed YouTube videos as an example. In a file called `youtube.html` in the `templates/shortcodes` directory, paste the following: ```jinja2
``` This template is very straightforward: an iframe pointing to the YouTube embed URL wrapped in a `
`. In terms of input, it expects at least one variable: `id`. Since the other variables are in a `if` statement, we can assume they are optional. That's it, Gutenberg will now recognise this template as a shortcode named `youtube` (the filename minus the `.html` extension). The markdown renderer will wrap an inline HTML node like `` or `` into a paragraph. If you want to disable that, simply wrap your shortcode in a `div`. ## Using shortcodes There are two kinds of shortcodes: - ones that do not take a body like the YouTube example above - ones that do, a quote for example In both cases, their arguments must be named and they will all be passed to the template. Lastly, a shortcode name (and thus the corresponding `.html` file) as well as the arguments name can only contain numbers, letters and underscores, or in Regex terms the following: `[0-9A-Za-z_]`. While theoretically an argument name could be a number, it will not be possible to use it in the template in that case. Argument values can be of 5 types: - string: surrounded by double quotes, single quotes or backticks - bool: `true` or `false` - float: a number with a `.` in it - integer: a number without a `.` in it - array: an array of any kind of values, except arrays Malformed values will be silently ignored. Both type of shortcodes will also get either a `page` or `section` variable depending on where they were used and a `config` one. Those values will overwrite any arguments passed to a shortcode so shortcodes should not use arguments called like one of these. ### Shortcodes without body Simply call the shortcode as if it was a Tera function in a variable block. All the examples below are valid calls of the YouTube shortcode. ```md Here is a YouTube video: {{/* youtube(id="dQw4w9WgXcQ") */}} {{/* youtube(id="dQw4w9WgXcQ", autoplay=true) */}} An inline {{/* youtube(id="dQw4w9WgXcQ", autoplay=true, class="youtube") */}} shortcode ``` Note that if you want to have some content that looks like a shortcode but not have Gutenberg try to render it, you will need to escape it by using `{{/*` and `*/}}` instead of `{{` and `}}`. ### Shortcodes with body For example, let's imagine we have the following shortcode `quote.html` template: ```jinja2
{{ body }}
-- {{ author}}
``` We could use it in our markup file like so: ```md As someone said: {%/* quote(author="Vincent") */%} A quote {%/* end */%} ``` The body of the shortcode will be automatically passed down to the rendering context as the `body` variable and needs to be in a newline. If you want to have some content that looks like a shortcode but not have Gutenberg try to render it, you will need to escape it by using `{%/*` and `*/%}` instead of `{%` and `%}`. You won't need to escape anything else until the closing tag. ## Built-in shortcodes Gutenberg comes with a few built-in shortcodes. If you want to override a default shortcode template, simply place a `{shortcode_name}.html` file in the `templates/shortcodes` directory and Gutenberg will use that instead. ### YouTube Embed a responsive player for a YouTube video. The arguments are: - `id`: the video id (mandatory) - `class`: a class to add the `div` surrounding the iframe - `autoplay`: whether to autoplay the video on load Usage example: ```md {{/* youtube(id="dQw4w9WgXcQ") */}} {{/* youtube(id="dQw4w9WgXcQ", autoplay=true) */}} {{/* youtube(id="dQw4w9WgXcQ", autoplay=true, class="youtube") */}} ``` Result example: {{ youtube(id="dQw4w9WgXcQ") }} ### Vimeo Embed a player for a Vimeo video. The arguments are: - `id`: the video id (mandatory) - `class`: a class to add the `div` surrounding the iframe Usage example: ```md {{/* vimeo(id="124313553") */}} {{/* vimeo(id="124313553", class="vimeo") */}} ``` Result example: {{ vimeo(id="124313553") }} ### Streamable Embed a player for a Streamable video. The arguments are: - `id`: the video id (mandatory) - `class`: a class to add the `div` surrounding the iframe Usage example: ```md {{/* streamable(id="92ok4") */}} {{/* streamable(id="92ok4", class="streamble") */}} ``` Result example: {{ streamable(id="92ok4") }} ### Gist Embed a [Github gist](https://gist.github.com). The arguments are: - `url`: the url to the gist (mandatory) - `file`: by default, the shortcode will pull every file from the URL unless a specific filename is requested - `class`: a class to add the `div` surrounding the iframe Usage example: ```md {{/* gist(url="https://gist.github.com/Keats/e5fb6aad409f28721c0ba14161644c57") */}} {{/* gist(url="https://gist.github.com/Keats/e5fb6aad409f28721c0ba14161644c57", class="gist") */}} ``` Result example: {{ gist(url="https://gist.github.com/Keats/e5fb6aad409f28721c0ba14161644c57") }}