#[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; extern crate syntect; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::path::Path; use syntect::LoadingError; use syntect::dumps::from_binary; use syntect::parsing::SyntaxSet; use syntect::highlighting::{ThemeSet, Theme}; use syntect::easy::HighlightLines; thread_local! { /// A pair of the set and whether extras have been added to it. pub static SYNTAX_SET: RefCell<(SyntaxSet, bool)> = { let ss: SyntaxSet = from_binary(include_bytes!("../../../sublime_syntaxes/newlines.packdump")); RefCell::new((ss, false)) }; } lazy_static! { pub static ref THEME_SET: ThemeSet = from_binary(include_bytes!("../../../sublime_themes/all.themedump")); } pub fn get_highlighter<'a>(theme: &'a Theme, info: &str, base_path: &Path, extra_syntaxes: &[String]) -> Result, LoadingError> { SYNTAX_SET.with(|rc| { let (ss, extras_added) = &mut *rc.borrow_mut(); if !*extras_added { for dir in extra_syntaxes { ss.load_syntaxes(base_path.join(dir), true)?; } ss.link_syntaxes(); *extras_added = true; } let syntax = info .split(' ') .next() .and_then(|lang| ss.find_syntax_by_token(lang)) .unwrap_or_else(|| ss.find_syntax_plain_text()); Ok(HighlightLines::new(syntax, theme)) }) }