+++ title = "Syntax Highlighting" weight = 80 +++ Gutenberg comes with built-in syntax highlighting but you first need to enable it in the [configuration](./documentation/getting-started/configuration.md). Once this is done, Gutenberg will automatically highlight all code blocks in your content. A code block in Markdown looks like the following: ````md ```rust let highlight = true; ``` ```` You can replace the `rust` by the language you want to highlight or not put anything to get it interpreted as plain text. Here is a full list of the supported languages and the short names you can use: ``` - Plain Text -> ["txt"] - Assembly x86 (NASM) -> ["asm", "inc", "nasm"] - Crystal -> ["cr"] - Elixir -> ["ex", "exs"] - Handlebars -> ["handlebars", "handlebars.html", "hbr", "hbrs", "hbs", "hdbs", "hjs", "mu", "mustache", "rac", "stache", "template", "tmpl"] - Jinja2 -> ["j2", "jinja2"] - Julia -> ["jl"] - Kotlin -> ["kt", "kts"] - Less -> ["less", "css.less"] - MiniZinc (MZN) -> ["mzn", "dzn"] - Nim -> ["nim", "nims"] - ASP -> ["asa"] - HTML (ASP) -> ["asp"] - ActionScript -> ["as"] - AppleScript -> ["applescript", "script editor"] - Batch File -> ["bat", "cmd"] - NAnt Build File -> ["build"] - C# -> ["cs", "csx"] - C++ -> ["cpp", "cc", "cp", "cxx", "c++", "C", "h", "hh", "hpp", "hxx", "h++", "inl", "ipp"] - C -> ["c", "h"] - CSS -> ["css", "css.erb", "css.liquid"] - Clojure -> ["clj"] - D -> ["d", "di"] - Diff -> ["diff", "patch"] - Erlang -> ["erl", "hrl", "Emakefile", "emakefile"] - HTML (Erlang) -> ["yaws"] - Git Attributes -> ["attributes", "gitattributes", ".gitattributes"] - Git Commit -> ["COMMIT_EDITMSG", "MERGE_MSG", "TAG_EDITMSG"] - Git Config -> ["gitconfig", ".gitconfig", ".gitmodules"] - Git Ignore -> ["exclude", "gitignore", ".gitignore"] - Git Link -> [".git"] - Git Log -> ["gitlog"] - Git Rebase Todo -> ["git-rebase-todo"] - Go -> ["go"] - Graphviz (DOT) -> ["dot", "DOT", "gv"] - Groovy -> ["groovy", "gvy", "gradle", "Jenkinsfile"] - HTML -> ["html", "htm", "shtml", "xhtml"] - Haskell -> ["hs"] - Literate Haskell -> ["lhs"] - Java Server Page (JSP) -> ["jsp"] - Java -> ["java", "bsh"] - Java Properties -> ["properties"] - JSON -> ["json", "sublime-settings", "sublime-menu", "sublime-keymap", "sublime-mousemap", "sublime-theme", "sublime-build", "sublime-project", "sublime-completions", "sublime-commands", "sublime-macro", "sublime-color-scheme"] - JavaScript -> ["js", "htc"] - BibTeX -> ["bib"] - LaTeX -> ["tex", "ltx"] - TeX -> ["sty", "cls"] - Lisp -> ["lisp", "cl", "clisp", "l", "mud", "el", "scm", "ss", "lsp", "fasl"] - Lua -> ["lua"] - Makefile -> ["make", "GNUmakefile", "makefile", "Makefile", "makefile.am", "Makefile.am", "makefile.in", "Makefile.in", "OCamlMakefile", "mak", "mk"] - Markdown -> ["md", "mdown", "markdown", "markdn"] - MATLAB -> ["matlab"] - OCaml -> ["ml", "mli"] - OCamllex -> ["mll"] - OCamlyacc -> ["mly"] - Objective-C++ -> ["mm", "M", "h"] - Objective-C -> ["m", "h"] - PHP -> ["php", "php3", "php4", "php5", "php7", "phps", "phpt", "phtml"] - Pascal -> ["pas", "p", "dpr"] - Perl -> ["pl", "pm", "pod", "t", "PL"] - Python -> ["py", "py3", "pyw", "pyi", "pyx", "pyx.in", "pxd", "pxd.in", "pxi", "pxi.in", "rpy", "cpy", "SConstruct", "Sconstruct", "sconstruct", "SConscript", "gyp", "gypi", "Snakefile", "wscript"] - R -> ["R", "r", "s", "S", "Rprofile"] - Rd (R Documentation) -> ["rd"] - HTML (Rails) -> ["rails", "rhtml", "erb", "html.erb"] - JavaScript (Rails) -> ["js.erb"] - Ruby Haml -> ["haml", "sass"] - Ruby on Rails -> ["rxml", "builder"] - SQL (Rails) -> ["erbsql", "sql.erb"] - Regular Expression -> ["re"] - reStructuredText -> ["rst", "rest"] - Ruby -> ["rb", "Appfile", "Appraisals", "Berksfile", "Brewfile", "capfile", "cgi", "Cheffile", "config.ru", "Deliverfile", "Fastfile", "fcgi", "Gemfile", "gemspec", "Guardfile", "irbrc", "jbuilder", "podspec", "prawn", "rabl", "rake", "Rakefile", "Rantfile", "rbx", "rjs", "ruby.rail", "Scanfile", "simplecov", "Snapfile", "thor", "Thorfile", "Vagrantfile"] - Rust -> ["rs"] - SQL -> ["sql", "ddl", "dml"] - Scala -> ["scala", "sbt"] - Bourne Again Shell (bash) -> ["sh", "bash", "zsh", "fish", ".bash_aliases", ".bash_completions", ".bash_functions", ".bash_login", ".bash_logout", ".bash_profile", ".bash_variables", ".bashrc", ".profile", ".textmate_init", ".zshrc"] - HTML (Tcl) -> ["adp"] - Tcl -> ["tcl"] - Textile -> ["textile"] - XML -> ["xml", "xsd", "xslt", "tld", "dtml", "rss", "opml", "svg"] - YAML -> ["yaml", "yml", "sublime-syntax"] - SWI-Prolog -> ["pro"] - CMake C Header -> ["h.in"] - CMake C++ Header -> ["hh.in", "hpp.in", "hxx.in", "h++.in"] - CMake -> ["CMakeLists.txt", "cmake"] - CMakeCache -> ["CMakeCache.txt"] - Generic Config -> ["cfg", "conf", "config", "ini", "pro", "mak", "mk", "Doxyfile", "inputrc", ".inputrc", "dircolors", ".dircolors", "gitmodules", ".gitmodules", "gitignore", ".gitignore", "gitattributes", ".gitattributes"] - Elm -> ["elm"] - Linker Script -> ["ld"] - TOML -> ["toml", "tml"] - TypeScript -> ["ts"] - TypeScriptReact -> ["tsx"] - VimL -> ["vim"] - TOML -> ["toml", "tml", "Cargo.lock", "Gopkg.lock"] ``` If you want to highlight a language not on that list, please open an issue or a pull request on the [Gutenberg repo](https://github.com/Keats/gutenberg). Alternatively, the `extra_syntaxes` config option can be used to add additional syntax files. If your site source is laid out as follows: ``` . ├── config.toml ├── content/ │   └── ... ├── static/ │   └── ... ├── syntaxes/ │   ├── Sublime-Language1/ │   │   └── lang1.sublime-syntax │   └── lang2.sublime-syntax └── templates/ └── ... ``` you would set your `extra_syntaxes` to `["syntaxes", "syntaxes/Sublime-Language1"]` in order to load `lang1.sublime-syntax` and `lang2.sublime-syntax`.