150 Commits (master)

Author SHA1 Message Date
  Jonathan Strong 486d8bf300 put feature(test) behind unstable feat flag so compiling with stable works 2 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 93287bc664 integrates AsI64/AsF64 usage for the optional upperhand shorthands 2 years ago
  Jonathan Strong b5d4a775b6 extend optional field syntax in measure! - use uppercase variants of shorthand characters for Option<T> 2 years ago
  Jonathan Strong dae7d8067d log total pts rcvd (sum of number of fields in each measurement) 2 years ago
  Jonathan Strong e6f35d6a61 benchmarks for how long influx.send(..) takes in different situations 3 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 96a8d44b97 silence compiler warning 3 years ago
  Jonathan Strong c47903d464 add a drop deadline to exit routine 3 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 3c9988dd42 upgrade decimal crate to v2.4, add more robust handling for int conversion errors in AsI64 impls 3 years ago
  Jonathan Strong e380a77113 skip serializing NaN f64/d128 values, rather than previous strategy of supplying -999.0 signal value 3 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 5830d1d13c in measure, allow `Option<d128>` fields with "D" prefix 3 years ago
  Jonathan Strong a68306df1f prefix various log messages with "InfluxWriter: " 3 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 50c7892809 reduce frequency of status update log message from 60s to 300s 3 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 0a805ab609 reverse InfluxWriter::with_logger deprecation in face of overwhelming popular demand 3 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 58bc3b9a39 remove obe 'mm' prefix to InfluxWriter thread name 3 years ago
  Jonathan Strong e8872c9004 reduce sleep duration when closing thread from 1s -> 10ms 3 years ago
  Jonathan Strong f944dba825 add authenticated writes functionality 3 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 9178b7a13b validate memory scaling, add logging 3 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 3e476ce20e allow writer thread to scale up from INITIAL_BACKLOG to MAX_BACKLOG and then back down 3 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 29dc9b8010 fix misc other broken things 3 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 94f1e93026 get rid of everything else except the influx mod, and rename the crate influx-writer 3 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 102312efb6 minor fix in measure! 4 years ago
  Jonathan Strong b6fc9a97e6 significant cleanup 4 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 1da2c1ab09 fix minor blemishes 4 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 903b4c4005 small settings tweaks 4 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 87302bd2fa change sleep 100ms -> 1ms 4 years ago
  Jonathan Strong a7ffcba0e5 adds InfluxWriter::is_full 4 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 86542209b1 min changes to allow string tags in feature gate 4 years ago
  Jonathan Strong c4959c6e06 tone it down a notch 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 7a75c7b494 ignore measure bench for tests 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 63c9314b5b add one million writes bench 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 7a0684371f adds `pub fn rotating_file_logger<P>(path: P, level: Severity, compress: bool) -> slog::Logger` 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 7d2fce56a4 add test to verify Utc -> nanos is lossless 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong dbd72c21fa upgrade sloggers to v0.3 and use new log rotation/compression features 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 4a28334f4a log(InfluxWriter): add msg when recovers from request failure 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 4830a27c3b revamped InfluxWriter passed its tests with flying colors 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong d1b895468c beffudling fixes from cargo fix --edition 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 11b214da7a feat(InfluxWriter): huge refactor so InfluxWriter queues a backlog on failed db requests 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 045302465b InfluxWriter::placeholder() -> no thread for tests, etc 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 13dd21f730 change nan replacement value from 0.0 to -999.0 so it's obvious 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong ac6076e45a add host, db accessors 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 25f6d4c206 add logging/anal retentiveness to kill routine 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong aa5cdf2b3b adds pub fn secs(Duration) -> f64 at crate root and InfluxWriter::secs(&self, Duration) -> f64 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 77a1fd79d4 hide latency mod behind feature gate 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 102f6ac7e8 changes default InfluxWriter buffer to 4096 (anal retentive) 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 37d8e7ad59 AsI64 for i16, i8, u8 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 33519ceece pub fn nanos_utc(t: i64) -> DateTime<Utc> 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 0a10d55142 whitespace removal 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 01eb000131 moves `Default` `InfluxWriter` log path to /tmp 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 2b303be4ec swaps in the dirs crate home_dir() instead of deprecated std fn 5 years ago
  Jonathan Strong 0928bd4f74 adds HistLog::with_path constructor 5 years ago