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Nim.sublime-syntax 9.8KB

7 years ago
  1. %YAML 1.2
  2. ---
  3. #
  4. name: Nim
  5. file_extensions:
  6. - nim
  7. - nims
  8. scope: source.nim
  9. contexts:
  10. main:
  11. - match: '(\#\[\s*(TODO|todo)?)'
  12. comment: A multiline comment.
  13. captures:
  14. 1: punctuation.definition.multi-comment.nim
  15. 2: invalid.illegal.TODO.nim
  16. push:
  17. - meta_scope: comment.line.number-sign.multi-comment.nim
  18. - match: '(.*]\#)'
  19. captures:
  20. 1: punctuation.definition.multi-comment.nim
  21. 2: invalid.illegal.TODO.nim
  22. pop: true
  23. - match: (##\s*(TODO|todo)?).+$\n?
  24. comment: A documentation comment.
  25. scope: comment.line.number-sign.doc-comment.nim
  26. captures:
  27. 1: punctuation.definition.doc-comment.nim
  28. 2: invalid.illegal.TODO.nim
  29. - match: (##\s*)$\n?
  30. comment: An empty documentation comment.
  31. scope: comment.line.number-sign.doc-comment.empty.nim
  32. captures:
  33. 1: punctuation.definition.doc-comment.empty.nim
  34. - match: (#\s*(TODO|todo)?).*$\n?
  35. comment: A regular comment
  36. scope: comment.line.number-sign.comment.nim
  37. captures:
  38. 1: punctuation.definition.comment.nim
  39. 2: invalid.illegal.TODO.nim
  40. - match: '\{\.'
  41. comment: Pragmas
  42. push:
  43. - meta_scope: pragma
  44. - match: '\.?\}'
  45. pop: true
  46. - match: \"
  47. push:
  48. - meta_scope: string.something.nim
  49. - match: \"
  50. pop: true
  51. - match: '([\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}]+)'
  52. scope: entity.other.attribute-name.pragma.nim
  53. - match: discard \"\"\"
  54. comment: A discarded triple string literal comment
  55. push:
  56. - meta_scope: comment.line.discarded.nim
  57. - match: \"\"\"
  58. pop: true
  59. - match: '(?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])(\d[_\d]*((\.[_\d]+([eE][\+\-]?\d[_\d]*)?)|([eE][\+\-]?\d[_\d]*)))(''?([fF](32|64|128))|[fFdD])?'
  60. comment: A float literal
  61. scope: constant.numeric.float.decimal.nim
  62. - match: '(?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])(0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f][_0-9A-Fa-f]*)(''?(([iIuUfF](8|16|32|64))|[uUfFdD]))?'
  63. comment: A hexadecimal literal
  64. scope: constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.nim
  65. - match: '(?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])(0[ocC][0-7][_0-7]*)(''?(([iIuUfF](8|16|32|64))|[uUfFdD]))?'
  66. comment: A base-8 integer literal
  67. scope: constant.numeric.integer.octal.nim
  68. - match: '(?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])(0(b|B)[01][_01]*)(''?(([iIuUfF](8|16|32|64))|[uUfFdD]))?'
  69. comment: A base-2 integer literal
  70. scope: constant.numeric.integer.binary.nim
  71. - match: '(?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])(\d[_\d]*)(''?(([iIuUfF](8|16|32|64))|[uUfFdD]))?'
  72. comment: A base-10 integer literal
  73. scope: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nim
  74. - match: '(?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])(true|false|inf|nil)(?![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])'
  75. comment: Language Constants.
  76. scope: constant.language.nim
  77. - match: (?:^|\s+|=)(when|if)\b
  78. comment: Primary branching keywords
  79. captures:
  80. 1: keyword.control.primary.nim
  81. push:
  82. - match: (?=:)
  83. captures:
  84. 1: control.variable.parameter.nim
  85. pop: true
  86. - include: scope:source.nim
  87. - match: (?:^|\s+|=)(case)\b
  88. comment: Primary branching keyword 'case'
  89. captures:
  90. 1: keyword.control.primary.nim
  91. push:
  92. - match: (?=\bof\b)
  93. captures:
  94. 1: control.variable.parameter.nim
  95. pop: true
  96. - include: scope:source.nim
  97. - match: (?:^|\s+)(of|else|elif)\b
  98. comment: Secondary branching keywords and their conditions
  99. captures:
  100. 1: keyword.control.secondary.nim
  101. push:
  102. - match: (?=:)
  103. captures:
  104. 1: control.variable.parameter.nim
  105. pop: true
  106. - include: scope:source.nim
  107. - match: '(?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])(await|block|break|continue|do|end|except|finally|raise|return|try|while|yield)(?![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])'
  108. comment: Keywords that affect program control flow or scope.
  109. scope: keyword.control.nim
  110. - match: '((?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])(and|in|is|isnot|not|notin|or|xor)(?![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}]))'
  111. comment: Keyword boolean operators for expressions.
  112. scope: keyword.operator.boolean.nim
  113. - match: '((?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])(addr|as|atomic|bind|cast|const|converter|defer|discard|distinct|div|enum|export|include|let|mixin|object|of|ptr|ref|shl|shr|static|type|var)(?![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}]))'
  114. comment: Other keywords.
  115. scope: keyword.other.nim
  116. - match: (\b()\b|(=|\+|-|\*|/|<|>|@|\$|~|&|%|!|\?|\^|\.|:|\\)+)
  117. comment: Generic operators for expressions.
  118. scope: keyword.operator.nim
  119. - match: (for)\s+
  120. comment: in keyword in a 'for' loop
  121. captures:
  122. 1: keyword.control.nim
  123. push:
  124. - meta_scope: meta.forloop.nim
  125. - match: (?=:)
  126. captures:
  127. 1: keyword.control.nim
  128. pop: true
  129. - match: '\ [\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF},]+\s+(in)\s+'
  130. captures:
  131. 1: keyword.control.nim
  132. - include: scope:source.nim
  133. - match: '((import)\s+[\.|\w|\/]+,?)'
  134. comment: Import syntax
  135. captures:
  136. 2: keyword.control.nim
  137. - match: '(from)\s+[\/\w]+\s+(?=import)'
  138. captures:
  139. 1: keyword.control.nim
  140. - match: (var|let)\s*\(
  141. comment: Destructure syntax
  142. captures:
  143. 1: keyword.other.nim
  144. push:
  145. - match: \)
  146. captures:
  147. 1: keyword.other.nim
  148. pop: true
  149. - match: '((?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])(generic|interface|lambda|out|shared|with|without)(?![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}]))'
  150. comment: Invalid and unused keywords.
  151. scope: keyword.invalid.nim
  152. - match: '(?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])(new|GC_ref|GC_unref|assert|echo|defined|declared|newException|countup|countdown|len|high|low)(?![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])'
  153. comment: Common functions
  154. scope: keyword.other.common.function.nim
  155. - match: '(?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])(((uint|int|float)(8|16|32|64)?)|clong|culong|cchar|cschar|cshort|cint|csize|clonglong|cfloat|cdouble|clongdouble|cuchar|cushort|cuint|culonglong|cstringArray|bool|string|auto|cstring|char|byte|tobject|typedesc|stmt|expr|any|untyped|typed)(?![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])'
  156. comment: Built-in, concrete types.
  157. scope: storage.type.concrete.nim
  158. - match: '(?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])(range|array|seq|tuple|natural|set|ref|ptr|pointer)(?![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])'
  159. comment: Built-in, generic types.
  160. scope: storage.type.generic.nim
  161. - match: '(?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])(proc|iterator|method|template|macro)(?![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])'
  162. comment: Function types
  163. scope: storage.type.function.nim
  164. - match: '(?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])(openarray|varargs|void)(?![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])'
  165. comment: Special types.
  166. scope: storage.type.generic.nim
  167. - match: '(?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+)(?![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])'
  168. comment: Other constants.
  169. scope: support.constant.nim
  170. - match: '(?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])([A-Z]\w+)(?![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])'
  171. comment: Other types.
  172. scope: support.type.nim
  173. - match: '(?<![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])(\w+)(?![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}])(?=\()'
  174. comment: Function call.
  175. scope: support.function.any-method.nim
  176. - match: r?\"\"\"
  177. comment: (Raw) Triple Quoted String
  178. push:
  179. - meta_scope: string.quoted.triple.nim
  180. - match: '\"\"\"[^\"]'
  181. pop: true
  182. - match: r\"
  183. comment: Raw Double Quoted String
  184. push:
  185. - meta_scope: string.quoted.double.raw.nim
  186. - match: \"
  187. pop: true
  188. - match: \"\"
  189. - match: \"
  190. comment: Double Quoted String
  191. push:
  192. - meta_scope: string.quoted.double.nim
  193. - match: \"
  194. pop: true
  195. - include: escaped_char
  196. - match: \'
  197. comment: Single quoted character literal
  198. push:
  199. - meta_scope: string.quoted.single.nim
  200. - match: \'
  201. pop: true
  202. - match: \\n
  203. scope: invalid.illegal.character.nim
  204. - include: escaped_char
  205. - match: '([^\''][^\'']+?)'
  206. scope: invalid.illegal.character.nim
  207. - match: '([\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}\`]+)\s*(?=\(|\[.+?\]\s*\()'
  208. comment: Call syntax
  209. captures:
  210. 1: support.function.any-method.nim
  211. push:
  212. - match: \)
  213. captures:
  214. 1: support.function.any-method.nim
  215. pop: true
  216. - include: scope:source.nim
  217. - match: '([\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}]+)(?=\s+[\w](?![\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}]+((?!\n)\s)+))'
  218. comment: Command syntax
  219. captures:
  220. 1: support.function.any-method.nim
  221. - match: '([\w\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}]+)(?=\s+[\"\''\`])'
  222. captures:
  223. 1: support.function.any-method.nim
  224. - match: (tmpl(i)?)(?=( (nim|html|xml|js|css|glsl|md))?\"\"\")
  225. comment: tmpl specifier
  226. captures:
  227. 1: storage.type.function.nim
  228. 2: keyword.operator.nim
  229. escaped_char:
  230. - match: '\\[nN]'
  231. scope: constant.character.escape.newline.nim
  232. - match: '\\[cC]|\\[rR]'
  233. scope: constant.character.escape.carriagereturn.nim
  234. - match: '\\[lL]'
  235. scope: constant.character.escape.linefeed.nim
  236. - match: '\\[fF]'
  237. scope: constant.character.escape.formfeed.nim
  238. - match: '\\[tT]'
  239. scope: constant.character.escape.tabulator.nim
  240. - match: '\\[vV]'
  241. scope: constant.character.escape.verticaltabulator.nim
  242. - match: \\\"
  243. scope: constant.character.escape.double-quote.nim
  244. - match: \\'
  245. scope: constant.character.escape.single-quote.nim
  246. - match: '\\[0-9]+'
  247. scope: constant.character.escape.chardecimalvalue.nim
  248. - match: '\\[aA]'
  249. scope: constant.character.escape.alert.nim
  250. - match: '\\[bB]'
  251. scope: constant.character.escape.backspace.nim
  252. - match: '\\[eE]'
  253. scope: constant.character.escape.escape.nim
  254. - match: '\\[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]{2}'
  255. scope: constant.character.escape.hex.nim
  256. - match: \\\\
  257. scope: constant.character.escape.backslash.nim