123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312 |
- use std::collections::HashMap;
- use std::path::PathBuf;
- use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
- use tera::{GlobalFn, Value, from_value, to_value, Result};
- use content::{Page, Section};
- use config::Config;
- use utils::site::resolve_internal_link;
- use taxonomies::Taxonomy;
- use imageproc;
- macro_rules! required_arg {
- ($ty: ty, $e: expr, $err: expr) => {
- match $e {
- Some(v) => match from_value::<$ty>(v.clone()) {
- Ok(u) => u,
- Err(_) => return Err($err.into())
- },
- None => return Err($err.into())
- }
- };
- }
- macro_rules! optional_arg {
- ($ty: ty, $e: expr, $err: expr) => {
- match $e {
- Some(v) => match from_value::<$ty>(v.clone()) {
- Ok(u) => Some(u),
- Err(_) => return Err($err.into())
- },
- None => None
- }
- };
- }
- pub fn make_trans(config: Config) -> GlobalFn {
- let translations_config = config.translations;
- let default_lang = config.default_language.clone();
- Box::new(move |args| -> Result<Value> {
- let key = required_arg!(String, args.get("key"), "`trans` requires a `key` argument.");
- let lang = optional_arg!(
- String,
- args.get("lang"),
- "`trans`: `lang` must be a string."
- ).unwrap_or(default_lang.clone());
- let translations = &translations_config[lang.as_str()];
- Ok(to_value(&translations[key.as_str()]).unwrap())
- })
- }
- pub fn make_get_page(all_pages: &HashMap<PathBuf, Page>) -> GlobalFn {
- let mut pages = HashMap::new();
- for page in all_pages.values() {
- pages.insert(page.file.relative.clone(), page.clone());
- }
- Box::new(move |args| -> Result<Value> {
- let path = required_arg!(
- String,
- args.get("path"),
- "`get_page` requires a `path` argument with a string value"
- );
- match pages.get(&path) {
- Some(p) => Ok(to_value(p).unwrap()),
- None => Err(format!("Page `{}` not found.", path).into())
- }
- })
- }
- pub fn make_get_section(all_sections: &HashMap<PathBuf, Section>) -> GlobalFn {
- let mut sections = HashMap::new();
- for section in all_sections.values() {
- if section.file.components == vec!["rebuild".to_string()] {
- //println!("Setting sections:\n{:#?}", section.pages[0]);
- }
- sections.insert(section.file.relative.clone(), section.clone());
- }
- Box::new(move |args| -> Result<Value> {
- let path = required_arg!(
- String,
- args.get("path"),
- "`get_section` requires a `path` argument with a string value"
- );
- //println!("Found {:#?}", sections.get(&path).unwrap().pages[0]);
- match sections.get(&path) {
- Some(p) => Ok(to_value(p).unwrap()),
- None => Err(format!("Section `{}` not found.", path).into())
- }
- })
- }
- pub fn make_get_url(permalinks: HashMap<String, String>, config: Config) -> GlobalFn {
- Box::new(move |args| -> Result<Value> {
- let cachebust = args
- .get("cachebust")
- .map_or(false, |c| {
- from_value::<bool>(c.clone()).unwrap_or(false)
- });
- let trailing_slash = args
- .get("trailing_slash")
- .map_or(true, |c| {
- from_value::<bool>(c.clone()).unwrap_or(true)
- });
- let path = required_arg!(
- String,
- args.get("path"),
- "`get_url` requires a `path` argument with a string value"
- );
- if path.starts_with("./") {
- match resolve_internal_link(&path, &permalinks) {
- Ok(url) => Ok(to_value(url).unwrap()),
- Err(_) => Err(format!("Could not resolve URL for link `{}` not found.", path).into())
- }
- } else {
- // anything else
- let mut permalink = config.make_permalink(&path);
- if !trailing_slash && permalink.ends_with("/") {
- permalink.pop(); // Removes the slash
- }
- if cachebust {
- permalink = format!("{}?t={}", permalink, config.build_timestamp.unwrap());
- }
- Ok(to_value(permalink).unwrap())
- }
- })
- }
- pub fn make_get_taxonomy(all_taxonomies: Vec<Taxonomy>) -> GlobalFn {
- let mut taxonomies = HashMap::new();
- for taxonomy in all_taxonomies {
- taxonomies.insert(taxonomy.kind.name.clone(), taxonomy);
- }
- Box::new(move |args| -> Result<Value> {
- let kind = required_arg!(
- String,
- args.get("kind"),
- "`get_taxonomy` requires a `kind` argument with a string value"
- );
- let container = match taxonomies.get(&kind) {
- Some(c) => c,
- None => return Err(
- format!("`get_taxonomy` received an unknown taxonomy as kind: {}", kind).into()
- ),
- };
- return Ok(to_value(container).unwrap());
- })
- }
- pub fn make_resize_image(imageproc: Arc<Mutex<imageproc::Processor>>) -> GlobalFn {
- static DEFAULT_OP: &'static str = "fill";
- const DEFAULT_Q: u8 = 75;
- Box::new(move |args| -> Result<Value> {
- let path = required_arg!(
- String,
- args.get("path"),
- "`resize_image` requires a `path` argument with a string value"
- );
- let width = optional_arg!(
- u32,
- args.get("width"),
- "`resize_image`: `width` must be a non-negative integer"
- );
- let height = optional_arg!(
- u32,
- args.get("height"),
- "`resize_image`: `height` must be a non-negative integer"
- );
- let op = optional_arg!(
- String,
- args.get("op"),
- "`resize_image`: `op` must be a string"
- ).unwrap_or(DEFAULT_OP.to_string());
- let quality = optional_arg!(
- u8,
- args.get("quality"),
- "`resize_image`: `quality` must be a number"
- ).unwrap_or(DEFAULT_Q);
- if quality == 0 || quality > 100 {
- return Err("`resize_image`: `quality` must be in range 1-100".to_string().into());
- }
- let mut imageproc = imageproc.lock().unwrap();
- if !imageproc.source_exists(&path) {
- return Err(format!("`resize_image`: Cannot find path: {}", path).into());
- }
- let imageop = imageproc::ImageOp::from_args(path.clone(), &op, width, height, quality)
- .map_err(|e| format!("`resize_image`: {}", e))?;
- let url = imageproc.insert(imageop);
- to_value(url).map_err(|err| err.into())
- })
- }
- #[cfg(test)]
- mod tests {
- use super::{make_get_url, make_get_taxonomy, make_trans};
- use std::collections::HashMap;
- use tera::to_value;
- use config::{Config, Taxonomy as TaxonomyConfig};
- use taxonomies::{Taxonomy, TaxonomyItem};
- #[test]
- fn can_add_cachebust_to_url() {
- let config = Config::default();
- let static_fn = make_get_url(HashMap::new(), config);
- let mut args = HashMap::new();
- args.insert("path".to_string(), to_value("app.css").unwrap());
- args.insert("cachebust".to_string(), to_value(true).unwrap());
- assert_eq!(static_fn(args).unwrap(), "http://a-website.com/app.css/?t=1");
- }
- #[test]
- fn can_remove_trailing_slashes() {
- let config = Config::default();
- let static_fn = make_get_url(HashMap::new(), config);
- let mut args = HashMap::new();
- args.insert("path".to_string(), to_value("app.css").unwrap());
- args.insert("trailing_slash".to_string(), to_value(false).unwrap());
- assert_eq!(static_fn(args).unwrap(), "http://a-website.com/app.css");
- }
- #[test]
- fn can_remove_slashes_and_cachebust() {
- let config = Config::default();
- let static_fn = make_get_url(HashMap::new(), config);
- let mut args = HashMap::new();
- args.insert("path".to_string(), to_value("app.css").unwrap());
- args.insert("trailing_slash".to_string(), to_value(false).unwrap());
- args.insert("cachebust".to_string(), to_value(true).unwrap());
- assert_eq!(static_fn(args).unwrap(), "http://a-website.com/app.css?t=1");
- }
- #[test]
- fn can_link_to_some_static_file() {
- let config = Config::default();
- let static_fn = make_get_url(HashMap::new(), config);
- let mut args = HashMap::new();
- args.insert("path".to_string(), to_value("app.css").unwrap());
- assert_eq!(static_fn(args).unwrap(), "http://a-website.com/app.css/");
- }
- #[test]
- fn can_get_taxonomy() {
- let taxo_config = TaxonomyConfig {name: "tags".to_string(), ..TaxonomyConfig::default()};
- let tag = TaxonomyItem::new(
- "Prog amming",
- "tags",
- &Config::default(),
- vec![],
- );
- let tags = Taxonomy {
- kind: taxo_config,
- items: vec![tag],
- };
- let static_fn = make_get_taxonomy(vec![tags.clone()]);
- // can find it correctly
- let mut args = HashMap::new();
- args.insert("kind".to_string(), to_value("tags").unwrap());
- assert_eq!(static_fn(args).unwrap(), to_value(&tags).unwrap());
- // and errors if it can't find it
- let mut args = HashMap::new();
- args.insert("kind".to_string(), to_value("something-else").unwrap());
- assert!(static_fn(args).is_err());
- }
- #[test]
- fn can_translate_a_string() {
- let trans_config = r#"
- base_url = "https://remplace-par-ton-url.fr"
- default_language = "fr"
- [translations]
- [translations.fr]
- title = "Un titre"
- [translations.en]
- title = "A title"
- "#;
- let config = Config::parse(trans_config).unwrap();
- let static_fn = make_trans(config);
- let mut args = HashMap::new();
- args.insert("key".to_string(), to_value("title").unwrap());
- assert_eq!(static_fn(args.clone()).unwrap(), "Un titre");
- args.insert("lang".to_string(), to_value("en").unwrap());
- assert_eq!(static_fn(args.clone()).unwrap(), "A title");
- args.insert("lang".to_string(), to_value("fr").unwrap());
- assert_eq!(static_fn(args.clone()).unwrap(), "Un titre");
- }
- }