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.travis.yml 1.6KB

5 years ago
  1. dist: trusty
  2. language: rust
  3. services: docker
  4. env:
  5. global:
  6. - CRATE_NAME=zola
  7. matrix:
  8. include:
  9. # Linux
  10. - env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  11. # OSX
  12. - env: TARGET=x86_64-apple-darwin
  13. os: osx
  14. # The earliest stable Rust version that works
  15. - env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  16. rust: 1.34.0
  17. before_install: set -e
  18. install:
  19. - sh ci/
  20. - source ~/.cargo/env || true
  21. script:
  22. - bash ci/
  23. after_script: set +e
  24. before_deploy:
  25. - sh ci/
  26. deploy:
  27. api_key:
  28. secure: "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"
  29. file_glob: true
  31. on:
  32. condition: $TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION = stable
  33. tags: true
  34. provider: releases
  35. skip_cleanup: true
  36. cache: cargo
  37. before_cache:
  38. # Travis can't cache files that are not readable by "others"
  39. - chmod -R a+r $HOME/.cargo
  40. branches:
  41. only:
  42. # release tags
  43. - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*$/
  44. - master
  45. - next
  46. notifications:
  47. email: false