- +++
- title = "Installation"
- weight = 1
- +++
- Zola provides pre-built binaries for MacOS, Linux and Windows on the
- [GitHub release page](https://github.com/getzola/zola/releases).
- ### macOS
- Zola is available on [Brew](https://brew.sh):
- ```bash
- $ brew install zola
- ```
- ### Arch Linux
- Use your favourite AUR helper to install the `zola-bin` package.
- ```bash
- $ yay -S zola-bin
- ```
- ### Fedora
- Zola has been available in the official repositories since Fedora 29.
- ```sh
- $ sudo dnf install zola
- ```
- ### FreeBSD
- Zola is available in the official package repository.
- ```sh
- $ pkg install zola
- ```
- ### Snapcraft
- Zola is available on snapcraft:
- ```bash
- $ snap install --edge zola
- ```
- ## Windows
- Zola is available on [Scoop](http://scoop.sh):
- ```bash
- $ scoop install zola
- ```
- and [Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/):
- ```bash
- $ choco install zola
- ```
- Zola does not work in PowerShell ISE.
- ## From source
- To build Zola from source, you will need to have Git, [Rust (at least 1.36) and Cargo](https://www.rust-lang.org/)
- installed. You will also need to meet additional dependencies to compile [libsass](https://github.com/sass/libsass):
- - OSX, Linux and other Unix-like operating systems: `make` (`gmake` on BSDs), `g++`, `libssl-dev`
- - NixOS: Create a `shell.nix` file in the root of the cloned project with the following contents:
- ```nix
- with import <nixpkgs> {};
- pkgs.mkShell {
- buildInputs = [
- libsass
- openssl
- pkgconfig
- ];
- }
- ```
- - Then, invoke `nix-shell`. This opens a shell with the above dependencies. Then, run `cargo build --release` to build the project.
- - Windows (a bit trickier): updated `MSVC` and overall updated VS installation
- From a terminal, you can now run the following command:
- ```bash
- $ cargo build --release
- ```
- The binary will be available in the `target/release` directory. You can move it in your `$PATH` to have the
- `zola` command available globally or in a directory if you want for example to have the binary in the
- same repository as the site.