You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.


+++ title = “Page” weight = 30 +++

A page is any file ending with .md in the content directory, except files named

If a file ending with .md is named, it will generate a page with the name of its directory (for example, /content/about/ would create a page at [base_url]/about). (Note the lack of an underscore; if the file were named, then it would create a section at [base_url]/about, as discussed in a previous part of this documentation. In contrast, naming the file will create a page at [base_url]/about).

If the file is given any name other than or, then it will create a page with that name (without the .md). For example, naming a file in the root of your content directory would create a page at [base_url]/about. Another exception to this rule is that a filename starting with a datetime (YYYY-mm-dd or an RFC3339 datetime) followed by an underscore (_) or a dash (-) will use that date as the page date, unless already set in the front matter. The page name will be anything after _/-, so the file will be available at [base_url]/hello-world. Note that the full RFC3339 datetime contains colons, which is not a valid character in a filename on Windows.

As you can see, creating an file is equivalent to creating an about/ file. The only difference between the two methods is that creating the about directory allows you to use asset co-location, as discussed in the overview section.

Front matter

The TOML front matter is a set of metadata embedded in a file at the beginning of the file enclosed by triple pluses (+++).

Although none of the front matter variables are mandatory, the opening and closing +++ are required.

Here is an example page with all the available variables. The values provided below are the default values.

title = ""
description = ""

# The date of the post.
# Two formats are allowed: YYYY-MM-DD (2012-10-02) and RFC3339 (2002-10-02T15:00:00Z).
# Do not wrap dates in quotes; the line below only indicates that there is no default date.
# If the section variable `sort_by` is set to `date`, then any page that lacks a `date`
# will not be rendered.
# Setting this overrides a date set in the filename.
date =

# The weight as defined on the Section page of the documentation.
# If the section variable `sort_by` is set to `weight`, then any page that lacks a `weight`
# will not be rendered.
weight = 0

# A draft page is only loaded if the `--drafts` flag is passed to `zola build`, `zola serve` or `zola check`.
draft = false

# If set, this slug will be instead of the filename to make the URL.
# The section path will still be used.
slug = ""

# The path the content will appear at.
# If set, it cannot be an empty string and will override both `slug` and the filename.
# The sections' path won't be used.
# It should not start with a `/` and the slash will be removed if it does.
path = ""

# Use aliases if you are moving content but want to redirect previous URLs to the
# current one. This takes an array of paths, not URLs.
aliases = []

# When set to "true", the page will be in the search index. This is only used if
# `build_search_index` is set to "true" in the Zola configuration and the parent section
# hasn't set `in_search_index` to "false" in its front matter.
in_search_index = true

# Template to use to render this page.
template = "page.html"

# The taxonomies for this page. The keys need to be the same as the taxonomy
# names configured in `config.toml` and the values are an array of String objects. For example,
# tags = ["rust", "web"].

# Your own data.


You can ask Zola to create a summary if, for example, you only want to show the first paragraph of the page content in a list.

To do so, add <!-- more --> in your content at the point where you want the summary to end. The content up to that point will be available separately in the template.

An anchor link to this position named continue-reading is created, wrapped in a paragraph with a zola-continue-reading id, so you can link directly to it if needed. For example: <a href="{{ page.permalink }}#continue-reading">Continue Reading</a>.