- use std::collections::HashMap;
- use tera::{Context, Tera};
- use errors::Result;
- static DEFAULT_TPL: &str = include_str!("default_tpl.html");
- macro_rules! render_default_tpl {
- ($filename: expr, $url: expr) => {{
- let mut context = Context::new();
- context.insert("filename", $filename);
- context.insert("url", $url);
- Tera::one_off(DEFAULT_TPL, context, true).map_err(std::convert::Into::into)
- }};
- }
- /// Renders the given template with the given context, but also ensures that, if the default file
- /// is not found, it will look up for the equivalent template for the current theme if there is one.
- /// Lastly, if it's a default template (index, section or page), it will just return an empty string
- /// to avoid an error if there isn't a template with that name
- pub fn render_template(
- name: &str,
- tera: &Tera,
- context: Context,
- theme: &Option<String>,
- ) -> Result<String> {
- // check if it is in the templates
- if tera.templates.contains_key(name) {
- return tera.render(name, context).map_err(std::convert::Into::into);
- }
- // check if it is part of a theme
- if let Some(ref t) = *theme {
- let theme_template_name = format!("{}/templates/{}", t, name);
- if tera.templates.contains_key(&theme_template_name) {
- return tera.render(&theme_template_name, context).map_err(std::convert::Into::into);
- }
- }
- // check if it is part of ZOLA_TERA defaults
- let default_name = format!("__zola_builtins/{}", name);
- if tera.templates.contains_key(&default_name) {
- return tera.render(&default_name, context).map_err(std::convert::Into::into);
- }
- // maybe it's a default one?
- match name {
- "index.html" | "section.html" => render_default_tpl!(
- name,
- "https://www.getzola.org/documentation/templates/pages-sections/#section-variables"
- ),
- "page.html" => render_default_tpl!(
- name,
- "https://www.getzola.org/documentation/templates/pages-sections/#page-variables"
- ),
- "single.html" | "list.html" => {
- render_default_tpl!(name, "https://www.getzola.org/documentation/templates/taxonomies/")
- }
- _ => bail!("Tried to render `{}` but the template wasn't found", name),
- }
- }
- /// Rewrites the path from extend/macros of the theme used to ensure
- /// that they will point to the right place (theme/templates/...)
- /// Include is NOT supported as it would be a pain to add and using blocks
- /// or macros is always better anyway for themes
- /// This will also rename the shortcodes to NOT have the themes in the path
- /// so themes shortcodes can be used.
- pub fn rewrite_theme_paths(tera: &mut Tera, theme: &str) {
- let mut shortcodes_to_move = vec![];
- let mut templates = HashMap::new();
- let old_templates = ::std::mem::replace(&mut tera.templates, HashMap::new());
- // We want to match the paths in the templates to the new names
- for (key, mut tpl) in old_templates {
- tpl.name = format!("{}/templates/{}", theme, tpl.name);
- // First the parent if there is none
- if let Some(ref p) = tpl.parent.clone() {
- tpl.parent = Some(format!("{}/templates/{}", theme, p));
- }
- // Next the macros import
- let mut updated = vec![];
- for &(ref filename, ref namespace) in &tpl.imported_macro_files {
- updated.push((format!("{}/templates/{}", theme, filename), namespace.to_string()));
- }
- tpl.imported_macro_files = updated;
- if tpl.name.starts_with(&format!("{}/templates/shortcodes", theme)) {
- let new_name = tpl.name.replace(&format!("{}/templates/", theme), "");
- shortcodes_to_move.push((key, new_name.clone()));
- tpl.name = new_name;
- }
- templates.insert(tpl.name.clone(), tpl);
- }
- tera.templates = templates;
- // and then replace shortcodes in the Tera instance using the new names
- for (old_name, new_name) in shortcodes_to_move {
- let tpl = tera.templates.remove(&old_name).unwrap();
- tera.templates.insert(new_name, tpl);
- }
- }
- #[cfg(test)]
- mod tests {
- use super::rewrite_theme_paths;
- use tera::Tera;
- #[test]
- fn can_rewrite_all_paths_of_theme() {
- let mut tera = Tera::parse("test-templates/*.html").unwrap();
- rewrite_theme_paths(&mut tera, "hyde");
- // special case to make the test work: we also rename the files to
- // match the imports
- for (key, val) in tera.templates.clone() {
- tera.templates.insert(format!("hyde/templates/{}", key), val.clone());
- }
- tera.build_inheritance_chains().unwrap();
- }
- }