- pub mod sitemap;
- use std::collections::HashMap;
- use std::fs::{copy, create_dir_all, remove_dir_all};
- use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
- use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock};
- use glob::glob;
- use rayon::prelude::*;
- use sass_rs::{compile_file, Options as SassOptions, OutputStyle};
- use tera::{Context, Tera};
- use config::{get_config, Config};
- use errors::{bail, Error, ErrorKind, Result};
- use front_matter::InsertAnchor;
- use library::{
- find_taxonomies, sort_actual_pages_by_date, Library, Page, Paginator, Section, Taxonomy,
- };
- use link_checker::check_url;
- use templates::{global_fns, render_redirect_template, ZOLA_TERA};
- use utils::fs::{copy_directory, create_directory, create_file, ensure_directory_exists};
- use utils::net::get_available_port;
- use utils::templates::{render_template, rewrite_theme_paths};
- #[derive(Debug)]
- pub struct Site {
- /// The base path of the zola site
- pub base_path: PathBuf,
- /// The parsed config for the site
- pub config: Config,
- pub tera: Tera,
- imageproc: Arc<Mutex<imageproc::Processor>>,
- // the live reload port to be used if there is one
- pub live_reload: Option<u16>,
- pub output_path: PathBuf,
- content_path: PathBuf,
- pub static_path: PathBuf,
- pub taxonomies: Vec<Taxonomy>,
- /// A map of all .md files (section and pages) and their permalink
- /// We need that if there are relative links in the content that need to be resolved
- pub permalinks: HashMap<String, String>,
- /// Contains all pages and sections of the site
- pub library: Arc<RwLock<Library>>,
- /// Whether to load draft pages
- include_drafts: bool,
- }
- impl Site {
- /// Parse a site at the given path. Defaults to the current dir
- /// Passing in a path is used in tests and when --root argument is passed
- pub fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, config_file: &str) -> Result<Site> {
- let path = path.as_ref();
- let mut config = get_config(path, config_file);
- config.load_extra_syntaxes(path)?;
- let tpl_glob =
- format!("{}/{}", path.to_string_lossy().replace("\\", "/"), "templates/**/*.*ml");
- // Only parsing as we might be extending templates from themes and that would error
- // as we haven't loaded them yet
- let mut tera =
- Tera::parse(&tpl_glob).map_err(|e| Error::chain("Error parsing templates", e))?;
- if let Some(theme) = config.theme.clone() {
- // Grab data from the extra section of the theme
- config.merge_with_theme(&path.join("themes").join(&theme).join("theme.toml"))?;
- // Test that the templates folder exist for that theme
- let theme_path = path.join("themes").join(&theme);
- if !theme_path.join("templates").exists() {
- bail!("Theme `{}` is missing a templates folder", theme);
- }
- let theme_tpl_glob = format!(
- "{}/{}",
- path.to_string_lossy().replace("\\", "/"),
- format!("themes/{}/templates/**/*.*ml", theme)
- );
- let mut tera_theme = Tera::parse(&theme_tpl_glob)
- .map_err(|e| Error::chain("Error parsing templates from themes", e))?;
- rewrite_theme_paths(
- &mut tera_theme,
- tera.templates.values().map(|v| v.name.as_ref()).collect(),
- &theme,
- );
- // TODO: we do that twice, make it dry?
- if theme_path.join("templates").join("robots.txt").exists() {
- tera_theme
- .add_template_file(theme_path.join("templates").join("robots.txt"), None)?;
- }
- tera.extend(&tera_theme)?;
- }
- tera.extend(&ZOLA_TERA)?;
- tera.build_inheritance_chains()?;
- // TODO: Tera doesn't use globset right now so we can load the robots.txt as part
- // of the glob above, therefore we load it manually if it exists.
- if path.join("templates").join("robots.txt").exists() {
- tera.add_template_file(path.join("templates").join("robots.txt"), Some("robots.txt"))?;
- }
- let content_path = path.join("content");
- let static_path = path.join("static");
- let imageproc =
- imageproc::Processor::new(content_path.clone(), &static_path, &config.base_url);
- let site = Site {
- base_path: path.to_path_buf(),
- config,
- tera,
- imageproc: Arc::new(Mutex::new(imageproc)),
- live_reload: None,
- output_path: path.join("public"),
- content_path,
- static_path,
- taxonomies: Vec::new(),
- permalinks: HashMap::new(),
- include_drafts: false,
- // We will allocate it properly later on
- library: Arc::new(RwLock::new(Library::new(0, 0, false))),
- };
- Ok(site)
- }
- /// Set the site to load the drafts.
- /// Needs to be called before loading it
- pub fn include_drafts(&mut self) {
- self.include_drafts = true;
- }
- /// The index sections are ALWAYS at those paths
- /// There are one index section for the basic language + 1 per language
- fn index_section_paths(&self) -> Vec<(PathBuf, Option<String>)> {
- let mut res = vec![(self.content_path.join("_index.md"), None)];
- for language in &self.config.languages {
- res.push((
- self.content_path.join(format!("_index.{}.md", language.code)),
- Some(language.code.clone()),
- ));
- }
- res
- }
- /// We avoid the port the server is going to use as it's not bound yet
- /// when calling this function and we could end up having tried to bind
- /// both http and websocket server to the same port
- pub fn enable_live_reload(&mut self, port_to_avoid: u16) {
- self.live_reload = get_available_port(port_to_avoid);
- }
- /// Get the number of orphan (== without section) pages in the site
- pub fn get_number_orphan_pages(&self) -> usize {
- self.library.read().unwrap().get_all_orphan_pages().len()
- }
- pub fn set_base_url(&mut self, base_url: String) {
- let mut imageproc = self.imageproc.lock().expect("Couldn't lock imageproc (set_base_url)");
- imageproc.set_base_url(&base_url);
- self.config.base_url = base_url;
- }
- pub fn set_output_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) {
- self.output_path = path.as_ref().to_path_buf();
- }
- /// Reads all .md files in the `content` directory and create pages/sections
- /// out of them
- pub fn load(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
- let base_path = self.base_path.to_string_lossy().replace("\\", "/");
- let content_glob = format!("{}/{}", base_path, "content/**/*.md");
- let (section_entries, page_entries): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = glob(&content_glob)
- .expect("Invalid glob")
- .filter_map(|e| e.ok())
- .filter(|e| !e.as_path().file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().starts_with('.'))
- .partition(|entry| {
- entry.as_path().file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().starts_with("_index.")
- });
- self.library = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Library::new(
- page_entries.len(),
- section_entries.len(),
- self.config.is_multilingual(),
- )));
- let sections = {
- let config = &self.config;
- section_entries
- .into_par_iter()
- .map(|entry| {
- let path = entry.as_path();
- Section::from_file(path, config, &self.base_path)
- })
- .collect::<Vec<_>>()
- };
- let pages = {
- let config = &self.config;
- page_entries
- .into_par_iter()
- .filter(|entry| match &config.ignored_content_globset {
- Some(gs) => !gs.is_match(entry.as_path()),
- None => true,
- })
- .map(|entry| {
- let path = entry.as_path();
- Page::from_file(path, config, &self.base_path)
- })
- .collect::<Vec<_>>()
- };
- // Kinda duplicated code for add_section/add_page but necessary to do it that
- // way because of the borrow checker
- for section in sections {
- let s = section?;
- self.add_section(s, false)?;
- }
- self.create_default_index_sections()?;
- let mut pages_insert_anchors = HashMap::new();
- for page in pages {
- let p = page?;
- // Should draft pages be ignored?
- if p.meta.draft && !self.include_drafts {
- continue;
- }
- pages_insert_anchors.insert(
- p.file.path.clone(),
- self.find_parent_section_insert_anchor(&p.file.parent.clone(), &p.lang),
- );
- self.add_page(p, false)?;
- }
- {
- let library = self.library.read().unwrap();
- let collisions = library.check_for_path_collisions();
- if !collisions.is_empty() {
- return Err(Error::from_collisions(collisions));
- }
- }
- // taxonomy Tera fns are loaded in `register_early_global_fns`
- // so we do need to populate it first.
- self.populate_taxonomies()?;
- self.register_early_global_fns();
- self.populate_sections();
- self.render_markdown()?;
- self.register_tera_global_fns();
- // Needs to be done after rendering markdown as we only get the anchors at that point
- self.check_internal_links_with_anchors()?;
- if self.config.is_in_check_mode() {
- self.check_external_links()?;
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Very similar to check_external_links but can't be merged as far as I can see since we always
- /// want to check the internal links but only the external in zola check :/
- pub fn check_internal_links_with_anchors(&self) -> Result<()> {
- let library = self.library.write().expect("Get lock for check_internal_links_with_anchors");
- let page_links = library
- .pages()
- .values()
- .map(|p| {
- let path = &p.file.path;
- p.internal_links_with_anchors.iter().map(move |l| (path.clone(), l))
- })
- .flatten();
- let section_links = library
- .sections()
- .values()
- .map(|p| {
- let path = &p.file.path;
- p.internal_links_with_anchors.iter().map(move |l| (path.clone(), l))
- })
- .flatten();
- let all_links = page_links.chain(section_links).collect::<Vec<_>>();
- if self.config.is_in_check_mode() {
- println!("Checking {} internal link(s) with an anchor.", all_links.len());
- }
- if all_links.is_empty() {
- return Ok(());
- }
- let mut full_path = self.base_path.clone();
- full_path.push("content");
- let errors: Vec<_> = all_links
- .iter()
- .filter_map(|(page_path, (md_path, anchor))| {
- // There are a few `expect` here since the presence of the .md file will
- // already have been checked in the markdown rendering
- let mut p = full_path.clone();
- for part in md_path.split('/') {
- p.push(part);
- }
- if md_path.contains("_index.md") {
- let section = library
- .get_section(&p)
- .expect("Couldn't find section in check_internal_links_with_anchors");
- if section.has_anchor(&anchor) {
- None
- } else {
- Some((page_path, md_path, anchor))
- }
- } else {
- let page = library
- .get_page(&p)
- .expect("Couldn't find section in check_internal_links_with_anchors");
- if page.has_anchor(&anchor) {
- None
- } else {
- Some((page_path, md_path, anchor))
- }
- }
- })
- .collect();
- if self.config.is_in_check_mode() {
- println!(
- "> Checked {} internal link(s) with an anchor: {} error(s) found.",
- all_links.len(),
- errors.len()
- );
- }
- if errors.is_empty() {
- return Ok(());
- }
- let msg = errors
- .into_iter()
- .map(|(page_path, md_path, anchor)| {
- format!(
- "The anchor in the link `@/{}#{}` in {} does not exist.",
- md_path,
- anchor,
- page_path.to_string_lossy(),
- )
- })
- .collect::<Vec<_>>()
- .join("\n");
- Err(Error { kind: ErrorKind::Msg(msg), source: None })
- }
- pub fn check_external_links(&self) -> Result<()> {
- let library = self.library.write().expect("Get lock for check_external_links");
- let page_links = library
- .pages()
- .values()
- .map(|p| {
- let path = &p.file.path;
- p.external_links.iter().map(move |l| (path.clone(), l))
- })
- .flatten();
- let section_links = library
- .sections()
- .values()
- .map(|p| {
- let path = &p.file.path;
- p.external_links.iter().map(move |l| (path.clone(), l))
- })
- .flatten();
- let all_links = page_links.chain(section_links).collect::<Vec<_>>();
- println!("Checking {} external link(s).", all_links.len());
- if all_links.is_empty() {
- return Ok(());
- }
- // create thread pool with lots of threads so we can fetch
- // (almost) all pages simultaneously
- let threads = std::cmp::min(all_links.len(), 32);
- let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new()
- .num_threads(threads)
- .build()
- .map_err(|e| Error { kind: ErrorKind::Msg(e.to_string()), source: None })?;
- let errors: Vec<_> = pool.install(|| {
- all_links
- .par_iter()
- .filter_map(|(page_path, link)| {
- if self
- .config
- .link_checker
- .skip_prefixes
- .iter()
- .any(|prefix| link.starts_with(prefix))
- {
- return None;
- }
- let res = check_url(&link, &self.config.link_checker);
- if res.is_valid() {
- None
- } else {
- Some((page_path, link, res))
- }
- })
- .collect()
- });
- println!(
- "> Checked {} external link(s): {} error(s) found.",
- all_links.len(),
- errors.len()
- );
- if errors.is_empty() {
- return Ok(());
- }
- let msg = errors
- .into_iter()
- .map(|(page_path, link, check_res)| {
- format!(
- "Dead link in {} to {}: {}",
- page_path.to_string_lossy(),
- link,
- check_res.message()
- )
- })
- .collect::<Vec<_>>()
- .join("\n");
- Err(Error { kind: ErrorKind::Msg(msg), source: None })
- }
- /// Insert a default index section for each language if necessary so we don't need to create
- /// a _index.md to render the index page at the root of the site
- pub fn create_default_index_sections(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
- for (index_path, lang) in self.index_section_paths() {
- if let Some(ref index_section) = self.library.read().unwrap().get_section(&index_path) {
- if self.config.build_search_index && !index_section.meta.in_search_index {
- bail!(
- "You have enabled search in the config but disabled it in the index section: \
- either turn off the search in the config or remote `in_search_index = true` from the \
- section front-matter."
- )
- }
- }
- let mut library = self.library.write().expect("Get lock for load");
- // Not in else because of borrow checker
- if !library.contains_section(&index_path) {
- let mut index_section = Section::default();
- index_section.file.parent = self.content_path.clone();
- index_section.file.filename =
- index_path.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy().to_string();
- if let Some(ref l) = lang {
- index_section.file.name = format!("_index.{}", l);
- index_section.path = format!("{}/", l);
- index_section.permalink = self.config.make_permalink(l);
- let filename = format!("_index.{}.md", l);
- index_section.file.path = self.content_path.join(&filename);
- index_section.file.relative = filename;
- index_section.lang = index_section.file.find_language(&self.config)?;
- } else {
- index_section.file.name = "_index".to_string();
- index_section.permalink = self.config.make_permalink("");
- index_section.file.path = self.content_path.join("_index.md");
- index_section.file.relative = "_index.md".to_string();
- }
- library.insert_section(index_section);
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Render the markdown of all pages/sections
- /// Used in a build and in `serve` if a shortcode has changed
- pub fn render_markdown(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
- // Another silly thing needed to not borrow &self in parallel and
- // make the borrow checker happy
- let permalinks = &self.permalinks;
- let tera = &self.tera;
- let config = &self.config;
- // This is needed in the first place because of silly borrow checker
- let mut pages_insert_anchors = HashMap::new();
- for (_, p) in self.library.read().unwrap().pages() {
- pages_insert_anchors.insert(
- p.file.path.clone(),
- self.find_parent_section_insert_anchor(&p.file.parent.clone(), &p.lang),
- );
- }
- let mut library = self.library.write().expect("Get lock for render_markdown");
- library
- .pages_mut()
- .values_mut()
- .collect::<Vec<_>>()
- .par_iter_mut()
- .map(|page| {
- let insert_anchor = pages_insert_anchors[&page.file.path];
- page.render_markdown(permalinks, tera, config, insert_anchor)
- })
- .collect::<Result<()>>()?;
- library
- .sections_mut()
- .values_mut()
- .collect::<Vec<_>>()
- .par_iter_mut()
- .map(|section| section.render_markdown(permalinks, tera, config))
- .collect::<Result<()>>()?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Adds global fns that are to be available to shortcodes while
- /// markdown
- pub fn register_early_global_fns(&mut self) {
- self.tera.register_function(
- "get_url",
- global_fns::GetUrl::new(self.config.clone(), self.permalinks.clone()),
- );
- self.tera.register_function(
- "resize_image",
- global_fns::ResizeImage::new(self.imageproc.clone()),
- );
- self.tera.register_function(
- "get_image_metadata",
- global_fns::GetImageMeta::new(self.content_path.clone()),
- );
- self.tera.register_function("load_data", global_fns::LoadData::new(self.base_path.clone()));
- self.tera.register_function("trans", global_fns::Trans::new(self.config.clone()));
- self.tera.register_function(
- "get_taxonomy_url",
- global_fns::GetTaxonomyUrl::new(&self.config.default_language, &self.taxonomies),
- );
- }
- pub fn register_tera_global_fns(&mut self) {
- self.tera.register_function(
- "get_page",
- global_fns::GetPage::new(self.base_path.clone(), self.library.clone()),
- );
- self.tera.register_function(
- "get_section",
- global_fns::GetSection::new(self.base_path.clone(), self.library.clone()),
- );
- self.tera.register_function(
- "get_taxonomy",
- global_fns::GetTaxonomy::new(
- &self.config.default_language,
- self.taxonomies.clone(),
- self.library.clone(),
- ),
- );
- }
- /// Add a page to the site
- /// The `render` parameter is used in the serve command, when rebuilding a page.
- /// If `true`, it will also render the markdown for that page
- /// Returns the previous page struct if there was one at the same path
- pub fn add_page(&mut self, mut page: Page, render: bool) -> Result<Option<Page>> {
- self.permalinks.insert(page.file.relative.clone(), page.permalink.clone());
- if render {
- let insert_anchor =
- self.find_parent_section_insert_anchor(&page.file.parent, &page.lang);
- page.render_markdown(&self.permalinks, &self.tera, &self.config, insert_anchor)?;
- }
- let mut library = self.library.write().expect("Get lock for add_page");
- let prev = library.remove_page(&page.file.path);
- library.insert_page(page);
- Ok(prev)
- }
- /// Add a section to the site
- /// The `render` parameter is used in the serve command, when rebuilding a page.
- /// If `true`, it will also render the markdown for that page
- /// Returns the previous section struct if there was one at the same path
- pub fn add_section(&mut self, mut section: Section, render: bool) -> Result<Option<Section>> {
- self.permalinks.insert(section.file.relative.clone(), section.permalink.clone());
- if render {
- section.render_markdown(&self.permalinks, &self.tera, &self.config)?;
- }
- let mut library = self.library.write().expect("Get lock for add_section");
- let prev = library.remove_section(§ion.file.path);
- library.insert_section(section);
- Ok(prev)
- }
- /// Finds the insert_anchor for the parent section of the directory at `path`.
- /// Defaults to `AnchorInsert::None` if no parent section found
- pub fn find_parent_section_insert_anchor(
- &self,
- parent_path: &PathBuf,
- lang: &str,
- ) -> InsertAnchor {
- let parent = if lang != self.config.default_language {
- parent_path.join(format!("_index.{}.md", lang))
- } else {
- parent_path.join("_index.md")
- };
- match self.library.read().unwrap().get_section(&parent) {
- Some(s) => s.meta.insert_anchor_links,
- None => InsertAnchor::None,
- }
- }
- /// Find out the direct subsections of each subsection if there are some
- /// as well as the pages for each section
- pub fn populate_sections(&mut self) {
- let mut library = self.library.write().expect("Get lock for populate_sections");
- library.populate_sections(&self.config);
- }
- /// Find all the tags and categories if it's asked in the config
- pub fn populate_taxonomies(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
- if self.config.taxonomies.is_empty() {
- return Ok(());
- }
- self.taxonomies = find_taxonomies(&self.config, &self.library.read().unwrap())?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Inject live reload script tag if in live reload mode
- fn inject_livereload(&self, html: String) -> String {
- if let Some(port) = self.live_reload {
- return html.replace(
- "</body>",
- &format!(
- r#"<script src="/livereload.js?port={}&mindelay=10"></script></body>"#,
- port
- ),
- );
- }
- html
- }
- /// Copy the main `static` folder and the theme `static` folder if a theme is used
- pub fn copy_static_directories(&self) -> Result<()> {
- // The user files will overwrite the theme files
- if let Some(ref theme) = self.config.theme {
- copy_directory(
- &self.base_path.join("themes").join(theme).join("static"),
- &self.output_path,
- false,
- )?;
- }
- // We're fine with missing static folders
- if self.static_path.exists() {
- copy_directory(&self.static_path, &self.output_path, self.config.hard_link_static)?;
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- pub fn num_img_ops(&self) -> usize {
- let imageproc = self.imageproc.lock().expect("Couldn't lock imageproc (num_img_ops)");
- imageproc.num_img_ops()
- }
- pub fn process_images(&self) -> Result<()> {
- let mut imageproc =
- self.imageproc.lock().expect("Couldn't lock imageproc (process_images)");
- imageproc.prune()?;
- imageproc.do_process()
- }
- /// Deletes the `public` directory if it exists
- pub fn clean(&self) -> Result<()> {
- if self.output_path.exists() {
- // Delete current `public` directory so we can start fresh
- remove_dir_all(&self.output_path)
- .map_err(|e| Error::chain("Couldn't delete output directory", e))?;
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Renders a single content page
- pub fn render_page(&self, page: &Page) -> Result<()> {
- ensure_directory_exists(&self.output_path)?;
- // Copy the nesting of the content directory if we have sections for that page
- let mut current_path = self.output_path.to_path_buf();
- for component in page.path.split('/') {
- current_path.push(component);
- if !current_path.exists() {
- create_directory(¤t_path)?;
- }
- }
- // Make sure the folder exists
- create_directory(¤t_path)?;
- // Finally, create a index.html file there with the page rendered
- let output = page.render_html(&self.tera, &self.config, &self.library.read().unwrap())?;
- create_file(¤t_path.join("index.html"), &self.inject_livereload(output))?;
- // Copy any asset we found previously into the same directory as the index.html
- for asset in &page.assets {
- let asset_path = asset.as_path();
- copy(
- &asset_path,
- ¤t_path
- .join(asset_path.file_name().expect("Couldn't get filename from page asset")),
- )?;
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Deletes the `public` directory and builds the site
- pub fn build(&self) -> Result<()> {
- self.clean()?;
- // Generate/move all assets before rendering any content
- if let Some(ref theme) = self.config.theme {
- let theme_path = self.base_path.join("themes").join(theme);
- if theme_path.join("sass").exists() {
- self.compile_sass(&theme_path)?;
- }
- }
- if self.config.compile_sass {
- self.compile_sass(&self.base_path)?;
- }
- if self.config.build_search_index {
- self.build_search_index()?;
- }
- // Render aliases first to allow overwriting
- self.render_aliases()?;
- self.render_sections()?;
- self.render_orphan_pages()?;
- self.render_sitemap()?;
- let library = self.library.read().unwrap();
- if self.config.generate_rss {
- let pages = if self.config.is_multilingual() {
- library
- .pages_values()
- .iter()
- .filter(|p| p.lang == self.config.default_language)
- .cloned()
- .collect()
- } else {
- library.pages_values()
- };
- self.render_rss_feed(pages, None)?;
- }
- for lang in &self.config.languages {
- if !lang.rss {
- continue;
- }
- let pages =
- library.pages_values().iter().filter(|p| p.lang == lang.code).cloned().collect();
- self.render_rss_feed(pages, Some(&PathBuf::from(lang.code.clone())))?;
- }
- self.render_404()?;
- self.render_robots()?;
- self.render_taxonomies()?;
- // We process images at the end as we might have picked up images to process from markdown
- // or from templates
- self.process_images()?;
- // Processed images will be in static so the last step is to copy it
- self.copy_static_directories()?;
- Ok(())
- }
- pub fn build_search_index(&self) -> Result<()> {
- ensure_directory_exists(&self.output_path)?;
- // index first
- create_file(
- &self.output_path.join(&format!("search_index.{}.js", self.config.default_language)),
- &format!(
- "window.searchIndex = {};",
- search::build_index(&self.config.default_language, &self.library.read().unwrap())?
- ),
- )?;
- for language in &self.config.languages {
- if language.code != self.config.default_language && language.search {
- create_file(
- &self.output_path.join(&format!("search_index.{}.js", &language.code)),
- &format!(
- "window.searchIndex = {};",
- search::build_index(&language.code, &self.library.read().unwrap())?
- ),
- )?;
- }
- }
- // then elasticlunr.min.js
- create_file(&self.output_path.join("elasticlunr.min.js"), search::ELASTICLUNR_JS)?;
- Ok(())
- }
- pub fn compile_sass(&self, base_path: &Path) -> Result<()> {
- ensure_directory_exists(&self.output_path)?;
- let sass_path = {
- let mut sass_path = PathBuf::from(base_path);
- sass_path.push("sass");
- sass_path
- };
- let mut options = SassOptions::default();
- options.output_style = OutputStyle::Compressed;
- let mut compiled_paths = self.compile_sass_glob(&sass_path, "scss", &options.clone())?;
- options.indented_syntax = true;
- compiled_paths.extend(self.compile_sass_glob(&sass_path, "sass", &options)?);
- compiled_paths.sort();
- for window in compiled_paths.windows(2) {
- if window[0].1 == window[1].1 {
- bail!(
- "SASS path conflict: \"{}\" and \"{}\" both compile to \"{}\"",
- window[0].0.display(),
- window[1].0.display(),
- window[0].1.display(),
- );
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn compile_sass_glob(
- &self,
- sass_path: &Path,
- extension: &str,
- options: &SassOptions,
- ) -> Result<Vec<(PathBuf, PathBuf)>> {
- let glob_string = format!("{}/**/*.{}", sass_path.display(), extension);
- let files = glob(&glob_string)
- .expect("Invalid glob for sass")
- .filter_map(|e| e.ok())
- .filter(|entry| {
- !entry.as_path().file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy().starts_with('_')
- })
- .collect::<Vec<_>>();
- let mut compiled_paths = Vec::new();
- for file in files {
- let css = compile_file(&file, options.clone())?;
- let path_inside_sass = file.strip_prefix(&sass_path).unwrap();
- let parent_inside_sass = path_inside_sass.parent();
- let css_output_path = self.output_path.join(path_inside_sass).with_extension("css");
- if parent_inside_sass.is_some() {
- create_dir_all(&css_output_path.parent().unwrap())?;
- }
- create_file(&css_output_path, &css)?;
- compiled_paths.push((path_inside_sass.to_owned(), css_output_path));
- }
- Ok(compiled_paths)
- }
- fn render_alias(&self, alias: &str, permalink: &str) -> Result<()> {
- let mut output_path = self.output_path.to_path_buf();
- let mut split = alias.split('/').collect::<Vec<_>>();
- // If the alias ends with an html file name, use that instead of mapping
- // as a path containing an `index.html`
- let page_name = match split.pop() {
- Some(part) if part.ends_with(".html") => part,
- Some(part) => {
- split.push(part);
- "index.html"
- }
- None => "index.html",
- };
- for component in split {
- output_path.push(&component);
- if !output_path.exists() {
- create_directory(&output_path)?;
- }
- }
- create_file(
- &output_path.join(page_name),
- &render_redirect_template(&permalink, &self.tera)?,
- )
- }
- pub fn render_aliases(&self) -> Result<()> {
- ensure_directory_exists(&self.output_path)?;
- let library = self.library.read().unwrap();
- for (_, page) in library.pages() {
- for alias in &page.meta.aliases {
- self.render_alias(&alias, &page.permalink)?;
- }
- }
- for (_, section) in library.sections() {
- for alias in §ion.meta.aliases {
- self.render_alias(&alias, §ion.permalink)?;
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Renders 404.html
- pub fn render_404(&self) -> Result<()> {
- ensure_directory_exists(&self.output_path)?;
- let mut context = Context::new();
- context.insert("config", &self.config);
- let output = render_template("404.html", &self.tera, context, &self.config.theme)?;
- create_file(&self.output_path.join("404.html"), &self.inject_livereload(output))
- }
- /// Renders robots.txt
- pub fn render_robots(&self) -> Result<()> {
- ensure_directory_exists(&self.output_path)?;
- let mut context = Context::new();
- context.insert("config", &self.config);
- create_file(
- &self.output_path.join("robots.txt"),
- &render_template("robots.txt", &self.tera, context, &self.config.theme)?,
- )
- }
- /// Renders all taxonomies
- pub fn render_taxonomies(&self) -> Result<()> {
- for taxonomy in &self.taxonomies {
- self.render_taxonomy(taxonomy)?;
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn render_taxonomy(&self, taxonomy: &Taxonomy) -> Result<()> {
- if taxonomy.items.is_empty() {
- return Ok(());
- }
- ensure_directory_exists(&self.output_path)?;
- let output_path = if taxonomy.kind.lang != self.config.default_language {
- let mid_path = self.output_path.join(&taxonomy.kind.lang);
- create_directory(&mid_path)?;
- mid_path.join(&taxonomy.kind.name)
- } else {
- self.output_path.join(&taxonomy.kind.name)
- };
- let list_output =
- taxonomy.render_all_terms(&self.tera, &self.config, &self.library.read().unwrap())?;
- create_directory(&output_path)?;
- create_file(&output_path.join("index.html"), &self.inject_livereload(list_output))?;
- let library = self.library.read().unwrap();
- taxonomy
- .items
- .par_iter()
- .map(|item| {
- let path = output_path.join(&item.slug);
- if taxonomy.kind.is_paginated() {
- self.render_paginated(
- &path,
- &Paginator::from_taxonomy(&taxonomy, item, &library),
- )?;
- } else {
- let single_output =
- taxonomy.render_term(item, &self.tera, &self.config, &library)?;
- create_directory(&path)?;
- create_file(&path.join("index.html"), &self.inject_livereload(single_output))?;
- }
- if taxonomy.kind.rss {
- self.render_rss_feed(
- item.pages.iter().map(|p| library.get_page_by_key(*p)).collect(),
- Some(&PathBuf::from(format!("{}/{}", taxonomy.kind.name, item.slug))),
- )
- } else {
- Ok(())
- }
- })
- .collect::<Result<()>>()
- }
- /// What it says on the tin
- pub fn render_sitemap(&self) -> Result<()> {
- ensure_directory_exists(&self.output_path)?;
- let library = self.library.read().unwrap();
- let all_sitemap_entries = {
- let mut all_sitemap_entries =
- sitemap::find_entries(&library, &self.taxonomies[..], &self.config);
- all_sitemap_entries.sort();
- all_sitemap_entries
- };
- let sitemap_limit = 30000;
- if all_sitemap_entries.len() < sitemap_limit {
- // Create single sitemap
- let mut context = Context::new();
- context.insert("entries", &all_sitemap_entries);
- let sitemap = &render_template("sitemap.xml", &self.tera, context, &self.config.theme)?;
- create_file(&self.output_path.join("sitemap.xml"), sitemap)?;
- return Ok(());
- }
- // Create multiple sitemaps (max 30000 urls each)
- let mut sitemap_index = Vec::new();
- for (i, chunk) in
- all_sitemap_entries.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>().chunks(sitemap_limit).enumerate()
- {
- let mut context = Context::new();
- context.insert("entries", &chunk);
- let sitemap = &render_template("sitemap.xml", &self.tera, context, &self.config.theme)?;
- let file_name = format!("sitemap{}.xml", i + 1);
- create_file(&self.output_path.join(&file_name), sitemap)?;
- let mut sitemap_url: String = self.config.make_permalink(&file_name);
- sitemap_url.pop(); // Remove trailing slash
- sitemap_index.push(sitemap_url);
- }
- // Create main sitemap that reference numbered sitemaps
- let mut main_context = Context::new();
- main_context.insert("sitemaps", &sitemap_index);
- let sitemap = &render_template(
- "split_sitemap_index.xml",
- &self.tera,
- main_context,
- &self.config.theme,
- )?;
- create_file(&self.output_path.join("sitemap.xml"), sitemap)?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Renders a RSS feed for the given path and at the given path
- /// If both arguments are `None`, it will render only the RSS feed for the whole
- /// site at the root folder.
- pub fn render_rss_feed(
- &self,
- all_pages: Vec<&Page>,
- base_path: Option<&PathBuf>,
- ) -> Result<()> {
- ensure_directory_exists(&self.output_path)?;
- let mut context = Context::new();
- let mut pages = all_pages.into_iter().filter(|p| p.meta.date.is_some()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
- // Don't generate a RSS feed if none of the pages has a date
- if pages.is_empty() {
- return Ok(());
- }
- pages.par_sort_unstable_by(sort_actual_pages_by_date);
- context.insert("last_build_date", &pages[0].meta.date.clone());
- let library = self.library.read().unwrap();
- // limit to the last n elements if the limit is set; otherwise use all.
- let num_entries = self.config.rss_limit.unwrap_or_else(|| pages.len());
- let p = pages
- .iter()
- .take(num_entries)
- .map(|x| x.to_serialized_basic(&library))
- .collect::<Vec<_>>();
- context.insert("pages", &p);
- context.insert("config", &self.config);
- let rss_feed_url = if let Some(ref base) = base_path {
- self.config.make_permalink(&base.join("rss.xml").to_string_lossy().replace('\\', "/"))
- } else {
- self.config.make_permalink("rss.xml")
- };
- context.insert("feed_url", &rss_feed_url);
- let feed = &render_template("rss.xml", &self.tera, context, &self.config.theme)?;
- if let Some(ref base) = base_path {
- let mut output_path = self.output_path.clone();
- for component in base.components() {
- output_path.push(component);
- if !output_path.exists() {
- create_directory(&output_path)?;
- }
- }
- create_file(&output_path.join("rss.xml"), feed)?;
- } else {
- create_file(&self.output_path.join("rss.xml"), feed)?;
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Renders a single section
- pub fn render_section(&self, section: &Section, render_pages: bool) -> Result<()> {
- ensure_directory_exists(&self.output_path)?;
- let mut output_path = self.output_path.clone();
- if section.lang != self.config.default_language {
- output_path.push(§ion.lang);
- if !output_path.exists() {
- create_directory(&output_path)?;
- }
- }
- for component in §ion.file.components {
- output_path.push(component);
- if !output_path.exists() {
- create_directory(&output_path)?;
- }
- }
- // Copy any asset we found previously into the same directory as the index.html
- for asset in §ion.assets {
- let asset_path = asset.as_path();
- copy(
- &asset_path,
- &output_path.join(
- asset_path.file_name().expect("Failed to get asset filename for section"),
- ),
- )?;
- }
- if render_pages {
- section
- .pages
- .par_iter()
- .map(|k| self.render_page(self.library.read().unwrap().get_page_by_key(*k)))
- .collect::<Result<()>>()?;
- }
- if !section.meta.render {
- return Ok(());
- }
- if let Some(ref redirect_to) = section.meta.redirect_to {
- let permalink = self.config.make_permalink(redirect_to);
- create_file(
- &output_path.join("index.html"),
- &render_redirect_template(&permalink, &self.tera)?,
- )?;
- return Ok(());
- }
- if section.meta.is_paginated() {
- self.render_paginated(
- &output_path,
- &Paginator::from_section(§ion, &self.library.read().unwrap()),
- )?;
- } else {
- let output =
- section.render_html(&self.tera, &self.config, &self.library.read().unwrap())?;
- create_file(&output_path.join("index.html"), &self.inject_livereload(output))?;
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Used only on reload
- pub fn render_index(&self) -> Result<()> {
- self.render_section(
- &self
- .library
- .read()
- .unwrap()
- .get_section(&self.content_path.join("_index.md"))
- .expect("Failed to get index section"),
- false,
- )
- }
- /// Renders all sections
- pub fn render_sections(&self) -> Result<()> {
- self.library
- .read()
- .unwrap()
- .sections_values()
- .into_par_iter()
- .map(|s| self.render_section(s, true))
- .collect::<Result<()>>()
- }
- /// Renders all pages that do not belong to any sections
- pub fn render_orphan_pages(&self) -> Result<()> {
- ensure_directory_exists(&self.output_path)?;
- let library = self.library.read().unwrap();
- for page in library.get_all_orphan_pages() {
- self.render_page(page)?;
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Renders a list of pages when the section/index is wanting pagination.
- pub fn render_paginated(&self, output_path: &Path, paginator: &Paginator) -> Result<()> {
- ensure_directory_exists(&self.output_path)?;
- let folder_path = output_path.join(&paginator.paginate_path);
- create_directory(&folder_path)?;
- paginator
- .pagers
- .par_iter()
- .map(|pager| {
- let page_path = folder_path.join(&format!("{}", pager.index));
- create_directory(&page_path)?;
- let output = paginator.render_pager(
- pager,
- &self.config,
- &self.tera,
- &self.library.read().unwrap(),
- )?;
- if pager.index > 1 {
- create_file(&page_path.join("index.html"), &self.inject_livereload(output))?;
- } else {
- create_file(&output_path.join("index.html"), &self.inject_livereload(output))?;
- create_file(
- &page_path.join("index.html"),
- &render_redirect_template(&paginator.permalink, &self.tera)?,
- )?;
- }
- Ok(())
- })
- .collect::<Result<()>>()
- }
- }